78 show Bots for messenger - ChatBottle
Total matching bots: 78

Swing XXI
SWING XXI es un proyecto artístico conformado por varios músicos de diferentes procedencias. Actualmente se encuentra afincado en Asturias, España. Se trata de un proyecto musicalmente abierto que explora las diferentes posibilidades y relaciones que esconde el jazz europeo o jazz manouche sin cerrarse a otros estilos. Durante los últimos años hemos participado en diferentes proyectos interdisciplinares y colaborado con diversas instituciones como Oviedo Redondo, La Xata la Rifa o Hermandad de fiestas de Baiña (entre otras). También hemos ofrecido numerosos conciertos por Asturias y el norte de España. Nuestra última colaboración ha sido en el musical Ablaña Dead City en el que hemos intervenido como artistas invitados.Actualmente nos encontramos abiertos a compartir experiencias artísticas. SWING XXI is an artistic project formed by several musicians from different backgrounds. At the moment it is settled in Asturias, Spain. It is a musically open project that explores the different possibilities and relationships that European jazz or manouche jazz hides without closing to other styles. During the last years we have participated in different interdisciplinary projects and collaborated with several institutions such as Oviedo Redondo, La Xata la Rifa or Brotherhood of Baiña parties (among others). We have also offered numerous concerts in Asturias and northern Spain. Our latest collaboration has been in the musical Ablaña Dead City in which we have collaborated as guest artists. We are currently open to sharing artistic experiences.
Product/Service, Advertising Agency, Event, Show, Artist

Rinelle Grey
Different worlds, different rules, different lives, but love remains the same. Author of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Romance. http://rinellegrey.com
Art, Education Website, Show, Author

Niezłe granie
Kanał YT -> bit.ly/NiezleGranie Strzałka! Robię filmy o grach planszowych i pokazuję, że to naprawdę odjazdowa sprawa, a nie wiocha ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Board Game, Arts & Entertainment, Show
Art Swiss Animazione
Art Swiss è una società che opera nell’ambito del Tourism Entertainment: ricerca, selezione e formazione di personale qualificato, mirato all’inserimento di figure professionali all’interno delle strutture turistico alberghiere in tutto il mondo. Si occupa dell’ideazione e dell’organizzazione di tutte le attività sportive e ricreative per bambini e adulti, curando in maniera professionale ed innovativa la messa in scena di spettacoli ed eventi. Ad oggi, Art Swiss gestisce l’Animazione per i principali player del settore turistico italiano.
Arts & Entertainment, Show, Event Planner

Unusual story
DANCE STUDIO LUNA в первые дни Нового года приглашает всех погрузиться в магию праздников и ощутить настоящее удовольствие от профессионального танцевального шоу! В основе сюжета - необычная новогодняя история, которая расскажет о захватывающем путешествии главных героев в 2118 год. Такого ещё не было. Вы будете первыми, кто заглянет в будущее вместе с нашими героями. Наше шоу - это: • новый взгляд на танцевальную культуру; • креативные идеи; • стильные образы; • современная музыка. В программе вас ожидает: - интригующий сюжет; - воздушная акробатика; - hip hop show; - breakdance show; - contemporary show; - много других ярких моментов. Наше шоу подарит всем зрителям праздничное настроение, заряд энергии и драйва и настоящее удовольствие от праздничных декораций и современного танца. DANCE STUDIO LUNA - это профессиональные хореографы и лучшие шоу-команды Украины, которые второй год поряд собирают полные залы на своих шоу-программах. Всех зрителей ожидают незабываемые впечатления, яркие фотозоны, большое количество сюрпризов. Шоу рассчитано на детей (с 3-х лет) и взрослых.
Personal Assistant, Cars, Manychat, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Show, Dance School, Dancer

Luna Botanicals
Luna Botanicals is a New Orleans based plant design team specializing in interior plant styling, planting workshops, as well as modern landscape design and installation. The Luna Botanicals team also designs and crafts a variety of living art by hand. Some of their work consists of dramatic mounted staghorn ferns, carefully constructed kokedama, intricate terrariums, living green walls, mixed media art installations and anything else botanical that inspires. The pair behind Luna Botanicals consists of Jeanne & Stephen Luna, a married couple living, crafting and enjoying life currently on Esplanade Avenue. Luna Botanicals came to fruition through a shared respect for the healing and meditative power of nature. Stephen has an education in Landscape Architecture from LSU and Jeanne has a background marketing, merchandising and product development. Together, they combine their professional experience and draw inspiration from the natural beauty of Southern Louisiana, as well their nature-driven travels around the world. Luna Botanicals strives to cultivate a plant collection that breathes life and tranquility into both interior and exterior spaces through hard-to-find, but easy-to-grow plants that anyone can find joy in nurturing. Instagram - @lunabotanicals Email - [email protected]
Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Website, City, Show, Patio/Garden

Luna House
----------- LUNA HOUSE----------- Tầng 3 - 366 Bạch Mai ( Tầng 1 là Chiko Baby Store) Hotline: 0125 488 8388 ----------- LUNA nhận gửi hàng cho các bạn không thể ghé trực tiếp shop để lựa hàng theo cách thức sau: 1. Các bạn để lại tin nhắn vào page Luna House hoặc Zalo,viber,imess,nhắn tin vào số hotline,Luna sẽ check và reply các bạn sớm nhất có thể 2. Ship nội thành Hà Nội đồng giá 15k/đơn,ship nội thành Sài Gòn từ 20-30k/đơn,ship tỉnh phụ thuộc vào trọng lượng của món đồ bạn lựa chọn. 3. CHÚC CÁC BẠN MUA SẮM VUI VẺ!!!
Manychat, Health/Beauty, Beauty Store, Show, Local Business

Hee and I.
Hee and I. is a personal style blog by Isaac Jeong (me). This blog is devoted to share some of his favorite style concepts. Check out his Insta @hee_and_i
Blogger, Show

Digital Marketing Radio
Digital Marketing Radio is a weekly podcast hosted by David Bain focusing on – you’ve guessed it – digital marketing!
Show, Podcast, Book

iCRYO Cryotherapy
It’s really the good mix of people we hire from various walks of life that make iCRYO the kind of company it is. Although we believe it is the diversity from all our co-workers that makes us unique as a company, we realize our common core traits and passions stem from medical recovery, fitness, overall wellness and athletic Performance. Cryos, as we are all referred to, share common goals. Because of our diversity many of us speak different languages, eat different food and have culturally different thoughts and ideas, reflecting our Global mission to “make the world healthy, and help people live longer, pain free lives”. When not at work, our interests range from volunteer work, to sports and fitness, to ballroom dancing and sharing culinary recipes for healthier lifestyle. We strive to maintain the open culture with team values, in which everyone is a hands-on contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. CO-Founders Bill and Kyle Jones lead by using a “coaching approach” that we are all one team and considered to be Co-workers that collaborate daily to create more solutions, not more problems. “More is not always good, less is not always bad”. We feel this creates opportunities for “fewer mistakes and more victories”. This way of thinking leads us to a place of resolve by openly stating “you have questions, we have the answers”
Clothing (Brand), Education Website, Boutique Store, Show, Health/Beauty

StartUp Show
StartUp Show — шоу о цифровой экономике, о развитии малого и среднего предпринимательства, о стартапах, технологиях и инновациях, создаваемых в России. За достаточно короткий срок, StartUp Show выросло из закрытого мероприятия единомышленников в открытое, международное событие, трансляция которого ведется информационным агентством Sputnik, на аудиторию более 3 млн человек. Сегодня StartUp Show — это беспрецедентно глобальное место встречи самых уникальных технологий и тех, кто их создает. Аудитория StartUp Show - генеральные директоры, представители наукоемких индустрий, крупные российские технологические компании, эксперты и разработчики, венчурные индустрии, образовательные институции, представители власти и федеральные СМИ. StartUp Show — это простые разговоры о сложных технологиях, которые уже на пороге своего воплощения. У спикеров есть всего 5 минут, чтобы без скучных таблиц и длинных презентаций рассказать, в чем смысл их трудов. StartUp Show объединяет всех, кто хочет уверенно шагнуть в пространство новых идей, меняющих нашу с вами жизнь. Авторы сценария: Иван Алёхин, Георгий Жуков. © Все права защищены
Social, Education, Business, Manychat, Community, Show

Your Hot Copy
Coaching services for bad ass entrepreneurs. Come for the funny. Stay for the money.
Show, Business Consultant

Your Hot Copy
Coaching services for bad ass entrepreneurs. Come for the funny. Stay for the money.
Show, Business Consultant

Mimi's Passion
We specialise in helping you make sense of your ideas and thoughts by giving them life through copy that compels your audience to take the actions you want them to, thus providing a shared value experience for you and your customers. A newbie to using social media to drive sales, promote your product or just don't have enough time to handle any of your social media channels? We are delighted to take that burden off your shoulder. Do you want some blog articles written for you or someone to manage your blog? Desire some SEO rich web copy, sales/marketing copy? Need help providing descriptions for your items in your online shop? Please stop fretting, just get in touch okay? Our services are excellent because it is you, we are happy to work with you and so we give you excellent work with feedback along every single step of the journey. We have the capacity to handle all your writing, content and digital marketing needs. Let's work together, shall we?
Business Service, Business Consultant, Printing Service, Show, Writer

Global Prime Innovation Official
GPI is a network marketing distribution company that revolutionizes the way network marketing works with its innovative products and marketing system. The company delivers a sustainable network and environmental system to all of its stake holders and aims to create able leaders and provide ample opportunity for the success of each of the members of its community. Through GPI’s efforts to enhance its marketing system and provide a sustainable business partnership throughout the GPI ecosystem, the company aims to be the standard benchmark in the Network Marketing Industry. The company is dedicated to grow its business through inclusive growth over all its stake holders. From its Distributors, to the network market enthusiasts, up to its product consumers- GPI’s core values as a company is geared towards a sustainable business environment for everyone! With GPI’s vision of positioning itself as a global brand that produces world class products and turns ordinary men into extra ordinary entrepreneurs, the company’s direction is to create winners throughout the company, the Philippines and across the globe.
Education, Business Service, Public Figure, Show, Consulting Agency

The Foundation
We redefine how startups, startup. 1,000,000 entrepreneurs with their first customer by 2020. That’s the vision. We believe the world is a better place when there are more entrepreneurs in it, and we believe there would be more entrepreneurs if they knew how simple it was to get started. Using our 5 part framework for launching companies from nothing, The Foundation squashes any objection any entrepreneur has for not getting started. Finally, it’s possible to get started when you don’t have any resources available to you. Don’t have any idea what to build? Use idea extraction. Don’t know how to code? Leverage experts using The Foundation framework. Limited money to build your product? Sell in advance before the product exists, ethically. The Foundation deep dives into these three areas in depth. Any starting Entrepreneur can finally get started with The Foundation framework. Want proof? Here's three case studies of different people, at different stages in life, in different parts of the world... who all built a software business in six months: http://bit.ly/threestudents *Any spam will be removed. Please ask permission to post about your business on this page.
Business Service, Education Website, Personal Blog, Show, Internet Company

Saz Mifsud
My work is about turning a painting into a piece of clothing. This concept has evolved from the desire to give every woman a print that is her own. Each print tells the story of different elements that have inspired me- some in the moment in which I painted my design, others that influence me constantly. My collections are sparked off by a series of drawings, paintings and collages; constantly experimenting with new media. These experiments are then transfered to the computer where further experimentation and manipulation takes place in digital form. In my work, one can see a combination of hand and digital painting which take life when digitally printed onto different kinds of silk. I am inspired by the way different silks absorb colour and my range includes chiffon, habotai, satin, georgette and silk crepe. A passion for colour and natural fibres is what drives this approach to scarf making.
Show, Clothing (Brand)
The principal activities of the Company are indenting, marketing and commercial Trading. We are mainly involved in different sphere such as Sound System, Compliance Items, Industrial Safety, IT Equipment, Electronics Equipment and other equivalent sector, to know more about our products range, please visit our Product page. We are working with different international trading house and manufacturer of different global areas in Bangladesh as their representative. We are continuously participating Local and International tenders. This is one of our core businesses with different Government, Semi-Government and Autonomous organizations of Bangladesh. To know more visit our clients page. We are committed to provide the highest product quality and our team has one goal to provide complete customer satisfaction, we guarantee for our quality products that are economically viable and achieve maximum satisfaction. We have local support office in Dhaka & Chittagong.
Education Website, Personal Blog, Men's Clothing Store, Show, Commercial & Industrial Equipment Supplier, Occupational Safety And Health Service, Electronics Store

StartUp Show
StartUp Show — шоу о цифровой экономике, о развитии малого и среднего предпринимательства, о стартапах, технологиях и инновациях, создаваемых в России. За достаточно короткий срок, StartUp Show выросло из закрытого мероприятия единомышленников в открытое, международное событие, трансляция которого ведется информационным агентством Sputnik, на аудиторию более 3 млн человек. Сегодня StartUp Show — это беспрецедентно глобальное место встречи самых уникальных технологий и тех, кто их создает. Аудитория StartUp Show - генеральные директоры, представители наукоемких индустрий, крупные российские технологические компании, эксперты и разработчики, венчурные индустрии, образовательные институции, представители власти и федеральные СМИ. StartUp Show — это простые разговоры о сложных технологиях, которые уже на пороге своего воплощения. У спикеров есть всего 5 минут, чтобы без скучных таблиц и длинных презентаций рассказать, в чем смысл их трудов. StartUp Show объединяет всех, кто хочет уверенно шагнуть в пространство новых идей, меняющих нашу с вами жизнь. Авторы сценария: Иван Алёхин, Георгий Жуков. © Все права защищены
Social, Manychat, Community Organization, Information Technology Company, Community, Show