The Foundation

We redefine how startups, startup.

1,000,000 entrepreneurs with their first customer by 2020.

That’s the vision.

We believe the world is a better place when there are more entrepreneurs in it, and we believe there would be more entrepreneurs if they knew how simple it was to get started.

Using our 5 part framework for launching companies from nothing, The Foundation squashes any objection any entrepreneur has for not getting started.

Finally, it’s possible to get started when you don’t have any resources available to you.

Don’t have any idea what to build? Use idea extraction.

Don’t know how to code? Leverage experts using The Foundation framework.

Limited money to build your product? Sell in advance before the product exists, ethically.

The Foundation deep dives into these three areas in depth. Any starting Entrepreneur can finally get started with The Foundation framework.

Want proof? Here's three case studies of different people, at different stages in life, in different parts of the world... who all built a software business in six months:

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The Foundation