36 events Bots for messenger - ChatBottle
Total matching bots: 36

Sami Tipi
We provide stunning tipis for any kind of event. Inspired by the Sami people from Lapland, our tipis (teepees) or Kata Tents create an atmosphere like no other event venue and have the flexibility to provide a space for any kind of event, with many possible layouts and for use all year round. The sides of the tents can be raised to create the perfect summer venue or lowered providing a warm, cosy atmosphere in winter. Our tipis provide a breathtaking alternative to a conventional marquee and can create a personal, stunning venue that will live in the memories of you and your guests for many years to come. Contact us today, we are happy to discuss your requirements.
Entertainment, Events, Manychat, Event, Party Entertainment Service, Event Planner, Arts & Entertainment

<p></p><p>SXSW and Eventbase have partnered to bring SXSW Registrants an <strong>AI chatbot</strong> to serve as a concierge to the March event to help you navigate through the SXSW Conference & Festivals with ease. <strong>Abby, the SXSW Bot</strong>, delivers a casual, fun conversational-style user experience to help Attendees navigate SXSW, find out what’s happening, and <strong>get timely answers to FAQs</strong>.</p><p><a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=https://www.sxsw.com/mobile>SXSW GO</a> is the perfect platform for Abby because mobile winds up being the primary tool of our technically savvy attendees. As our attendees are navigating SXSW, their primary digital experience is through the SXSW GO mobile app. Abby has a prime location in the app, always there ready to assist.</p><p>Abby uses Natural Language Processing to deliver appropriate answers to the registrant inquiries, allowing users to get quick replies in a familiar messaging interface. Combined with personalized communication, Abby is able to provide a more meaningful experience for Attendees during the event.</p><br><p></p>
Entertainment, Events, Official, Social, Austin

Sava Bot
Sava is your best conference buddy. It will help you stay organized and on top of all of the events at the conference, schedule, speakers, talks, reminders, play games and be fun all the time. Manage over 10,000 people events with [Sava Events](https://sava.events/?utm_source=chatbottle)! or Contact us for a [FREE DEMO](https://sava.events/contact/sales/?utm_source=chatbottle&utm_medium=demo)!
Social, Chatbot, Business, Fun, Events

Credit Boot Camp
The Credit BootCamp is the ORIGINAL 4 day LIVE intensive credit repair training for entrepreneurs in the industry. We are the leader in the industry for education, compliance, marketing, business systems & networking opportunities. The Credit BootCamp pioneered networking within the industry with our first event in 2009. To date we have had 16 Credit BootCamps, our 17th event will be on May 4 - 7, 2017 in ORLANDO. We continue to lead the industry by educating and empowering entrepreneurs. Get the May 2017 event details here: http://creditbootcamp.com/ or message us here on FB for a FAST reply!
Social, Entertainment, Events, Manychat, Business Consultant, Education Company, Marketing Consultant

Business Concierge Krzysztof Piotr Ziółek
Business Concierge to elitarny i profesjonalny doradca, którego zadaniem jest obsługa firm i pomoc przedsiębiorcy. Zapraszam do kontaktu. Razem rozwiążemy każdy Twój problem. Kim jestem: Business Concierge to nowy zawód wprowadzany przez Infinitum Network. Zawód, na który istnieje duże zapotrzebowanie w każdej z branż. Business Concierge to elitarny i profesjonalny doradca, którego zadaniem jest obsługa firm, przede wszystkim z segmentu MŚP. Ale każdy BC jest w stanie pomóc także osobie prowadzącej działalność gospodarczą a nawet spółce akcyjnej. Czym zajmuje się Business Concierge? Business Concierge działa według określonego programu gwarantującego jakość. Na spotkaniu z klientem tłumaczy zakres swoich prac i gdy klient wyraża zgodę – podpisuje Umowę Intencyjną o współpracy. Zobowiązuje się w niej do wykonania Mapy Problemów Biznesowych w formie raportu. Klient zobowiązuje się do dalszej współpracy z BC, jeśli okaże się, że są zdiagnozowane problemy, które należy rozwiązać. Następnie BC „skanuje” firmę dokonując wieloaspektowej analizy. Diagnozuje problemy, nazywa je, porządkuje i klasyfikuje. Powstaje Mapa Problemów Biznesowych, czyli kilkudziesięciostronicowy raport, który otrzymuje biznesmen. Jeżeli zostają zdiagnozowane problemy, to Business Concierge wskazuje kierunki rozwiązania. Uwzględnia dostępne na rynku dedykowane do zagadnień podmioty gospodarcze, ich usługi oraz produkty. Aby ułatwić biznesmenowi podjęcie decyzji posługuje się Galerią Internetową. Każdy zainteresowany dowiaduje się - w jaki sposób może rozwiązać swój problem przy pomocy specjalisty z danej firmy. Skąd Business Concierge wie o wszystkim? Zawód jest typu analitycznego. Wymaga dużej dozy umiejętności interpersonalnych. Ponieważ ma charakter doradczy i usługowy wymaga umiejętności przedstawienia klientowi optymalnych dla niego rozwiązań. Business Concierge przechodzi przez szereg szkoleń zakończonych egzaminami. Posiada wielobranżową wiedzę porównywalną z przedstawicielami handlowymi poszczególnych firm. Celem jego pracy jest jednak stworzenie Planu Rozwiązania Problemów Biznesowych. Business Concierge po przeanalizowaniu firmy i stworzeniu Mapy Problemów Biznesowych wyjaśnia klientowi istotę rekomendowanych rozwiązań. Kontaktuje klienta z dedykowaną do problemu firmą i otacza opieką w trakcie danej współpracy, a także po zkonczeniu. Z Mapy Problemów Biznesowych może wynikać wiele wniosków, których jednoczesna realizacja mogłaby być niemożliwa. Dlatego też Business Concierge tworzy długoterminową relację z klientem jako jego opiekun. Business Concierge to zawód zaufania publicznego taki, jak Doradca Finansowy lub Radca Handlowy. Dlatego też działania z klientem objęte są klauzulą poufności.
Events, Marketing, Communication, Ice Cream Shop, Counselor, Business Consultant

Products ▸ Premium Web Hosting ▸ Domain Name Registration ▸ Virtual Private Server (VPS) ▸ Shared Hosting (Windows & Linux) ▸ Unanaged Linux VPS ▸ Windows Cloud VPS ▸ Corporate Hosting ▸ Dedicated Server ▸ Reseller Hosting ▸ .BD & .EDU Domain Registration ▸ Domain Reseller ▸ Web Development ▸ eCommerce Solution ▸ Online Software➳ ▸ Travels Agency Management ▸ Private Clinic & Hospital Management ▸ Shop Management ▸ Online FlexiLoad (Auto & Manual) ▸ News Portal Solutions ▸ E-Marketing Solutions ▸ SSL Certificate
Social, Events, Event Planner, Event, Business Service
FindDate is a bot which helps dating in a fast and secure way. People can see profile photos of their preferred gender and 'LIKE' them. Notification is sent to the person who's profile photo is liked and they can choose to 'LIKE BACK'. <div><br></div><div>When both of them like each other, they can MESSAGE each other. FindDate works in half duplex mode, one needs to respond to the 'LIKE' (or) 'MESSAGE' to use the feature again, so there is no possibility of spamming; If you do not like a profile you can just ignore it by not responding to their LIKE or MESSAGE. </div><div><br></div><div>Since FindDate is built upon state of the art bot platforms, it works seamlessly inside Facebook Messenger, LINE, Telegram and many other platforms; so there is no need to download any extra application (or) fill lengthy registration forms. A user from Messenger in Android can date with a user from Telegram in iOS, a user from LINE on Android can date with an user from Messenger from web, A user from Telegram ... well, you get it. </div><div><br></div><div>FindDate is built up with user's privacy and security as core principle and so apart from their profile photo no other detail is shared with the other users, they can choose to reveal more information themselves only via MESSAGE feature. FindDate users can see and interact with many profiles every day and more users are starting to use FindDate to date in a fast and secure manner. The best part of using FindDate is that, all the above features are completely free of cost. New features are added regularly to FindDate by carefully analysing user feedback. </div><div><br></div><div>Presently, FindDate works with English (All) language and soon it would support many other languages. FindDate on Facebook Messenger could be used around the world where ever Facebook Messenger is available. FindDate is gender agnostic and aims to provide quality dating service to customers around the world. FindDate doesn't ask for location mandatorily as we truly believe in border less world and every one can decide whether a particular profile is a right match by interacting with them, still users can select 'Match Date' to find dates near their location. </div><div><br></div><div>FindDate is a intuitive platform where one can use their creativity to impress a plausible date like e.g, write a short poem when the person whom you liked has liked back your profile. FindDate provides a platform in which people can choose their date not by their looks, but also by their intellectual capabilities before revealing any personal details; after all our aim is to make FindDate the fastest and safest way to find a date. </div><div><br></div><div>Philosophy of FindDate We at FindDate believe that the world without borders is the basis for peace and equality. Only way to truly upheld what we believe in is to integrate it into core of the technology powering FindDate. Unlike most other dating platforms FindDate doesn't make it mandatory to disclose Origin, Gender, Race or Age; users are free to choose their match with those parameters if they like, but we've seen when given a seamless intuitive way to find a date across boundaries people are eager to meet a date regardless of above factors.</div>
Chatbot, Events, Dating, Relation
The Fred Whitton Challenge
The quickest and easiest way for entrants to get important information about the Saddleback Fred Whitton Challenge sportive including past event times.
Chatbot, Sports, Events, Customer Support, Customer Service

Concierge EventBot
Event app Features in a Text Messaging Interface Concierge EventBot is a chatbot developed specifically for the event industry by Sciens that is accessible 24x7 via SMS, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Web and more. Features include: * Ask a question, get an answer about event information and resources * Scheduled and ad-hoc push notifications * Surveys and polls * Submit a question for a panel or speaker * Private support channel for attendee and event staff * Personalized conversations * Integrations with event systems (i.e., Registration) * Usage analytics
Communication, Events, Marketing

Eventerprise.com - Get Connected
Eventerprise is a global platform that connects transparently reviewed event service and product providers, event managers, agencies, and venues with clients who want to organise an event.
Social, Events, Event Planner, Event, Company

Eventumbot is an event communication and automation platform powered by Artificial Intelligence and chatbot technology which helps event organisers to save resources on event management, provide better service to event attendees and help them to communicate more easy.
Events, Customer Support, Festival, Conference, Networking

Developer Events Bot
This is the chatbot that keeps you updated with your favorite tech/developer events happening around you!
Developer Tools, Events

B&P Bot
It's a bot which tells you funny stuff about speakers of the Bits & Pretzels conference 2016 in Munich.
Entertainment, Events

Karrueche Tran is one of Hollywood’s most beloved and favorite starlets. Hailing from Los Angeles, CA Karrueche began her career in entertainment as a celebrity stylist. Since stepping into the limelight, Karrueche has been one of the media’s favorite celebrities and socialites-gracing the pages and covers of magazines.
Entertainment, Events, Fashion, Lifestyle, Music
Lea - Live Event Assistant
Lea helps live event fans discover events and purchase tickets at the best prices, all in Messenger. Save money on your favorite sporting events, concerts and broadway plays!
Entertainment, Sports, Music, Events, Theater
Lea - Live Event Assistant
Lea helps live event fans discover events and purchase tickets at the best prices, all in Messenger. Save money on your favorite sporting events, concerts and broadway plays!
Entertainment, Sports, Music, Events, Theater
Lea - Live Event Assistant
Lea helps live event fans discover events and purchase tickets at the best prices, all in Messenger. Save money on your favorite sporting events, concerts and broadway plays!
Entertainment, Sports, Music, Events, Theater
BMW Skippr
I'm Skippr the new one in the BMW Yachtsport team. I am now also a part of the partnership with ORACLE TEAM USA at the 35th America's Cup. Although only a very small one. But I’m full of enthusiasm. So, let's get started. Together we will have much fun: you can play games and win great prizes, get a lot of background information, can do quizzes and bet against me.
Game, News, Entertainment, Events, Sport
BMW Skippr
I'm Skippr the new one in the BMW Yachtsport team. I am now also a part of the partnership with ORACLE TEAM USA at the 35th America's Cup. Although only a very small one. But I’m full of enthusiasm. So, let's get started. Together we will have much fun: you can play games and win great prizes, get a lot of background information, can do quizzes and bet against me.
Game, News, Entertainment, Events, Sport