329 dessert-shop Bots for messenger - ChatBottle
Total matching bots: 329
不二家品牌故事: 原名「蓬萊製果」,於民國二十七年(西元1938年),由第一代創辦人洪錦標先生創立於中國南京市,生產的餅乾在當時的南京頗受好評。抗戰勝利後轉遷來台,於高雄市苓雅市場成立「義和餅舖」,並於民國五十年,將母公司遷移至現今的中正店店址,正式定名為「不二家」。 我們以殷實的作風、先進的技術,生產出如綠豆椪、台式月餅等,許多仍為大眾津津樂道的產品。在洪錦標夫人-洪趙香女士的帶領下,秉持著”誠心、真材實料”的經營風格,公司業績蒸蒸日上,旋即造成當時糕餅業良好的口碑與佳評。 民國六十六年,為因應日漸龐大的業務,正式設立中央烘焙工廠並命名為「正統食品有限公司」我們充實了廠房設備、店面規模,並陸續開發出如正統麻糬、聚寶年糕、綠豆酥等成功產品,成為高雄地區頗負盛名的傳統老店。 滿八十年後的不二家,在2017年正式更名為[不二緻果],我們依然恪守洪創辦人的教誨,競競業業地製作每一塊餅,服務每一位客戶。不二家以文化的心,嚴謹的手,代代傳達著高雄的熱情與港都的美味。 不二緻果核心: 美食傳說不老 依舊縈繞迴旋耳際 在舌尖 放一塊餅 享受味蕾跳躍的無盡感動 不二家 七十多年港都風味的手路餅舖 融合踏實精神與文化時尚的南方品味 真材實料 是一種絕對的堅持 美味好吃 是一種絕對的信仰 不二家 以文化的心 嚴謹的手 永續傳承南方港都的糕餅技藝 唯真不二 溫暖如家 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 【不二緻果-網路部門】 官網: http://goo.gl/OUk8Ks 台灣樂天:https://goo.gl/jTYQcp ihergo(愛合購): http://goo.gl/cw9wCe PChome商店街:http://goo.gl/DVCAxi 電話訂購:(07)-2319666 #7 FAX:(07)241-5034 電子信箱:[email protected] 服務時間:上午09:00-晚上6:30 【高雄-中正本舖】 電 話:(07)241-2727 分機6 傳 真:(07)241-1874 門市地址:高雄市新興區中正四路31號 (近美麗島捷運站2號出口) 營業時間:上午08:30-晚上9:30 【高雄-高鐵環球店】 電 話:(07)5859999#2030 門市地址:高雄市左營區站前北路1號2F (高鐵左營站2樓台鐵大廳) 營業時間:週一-週四.日 上午10:00-晚上9:30 週五六上午10:00-晚上10:00 【台南-南紡門市】 台南市東區中華東路一段366號B1 (南紡購物中心B1) TEL: (06)300-6986 FAX: (06)209-6268 營業時間:上午11:00~晚上10:00 (依百貨公告營業時間為準) 【台南-新天地門市】 電 話:(06)303-0506 傳 真:(06)303-0605 門市地址:台南市中西區西門路一段658號B2-B區 營業時間:上午11:00-晚上10:00 (依百貨公告營業時間為準) ---------------------------------------------------------------
Accessories, Gift Shop, Dessert Shop, Shopping & Retail, Wholesale Bakery
Kettle Glazed Doughnuts
At Kettle Glazed Doughnuts, we combine top notch ingredients with a love of the trade and a passion for perfection to make truly great doughnuts! We’re a classic doughnut shop with quality coffee and a retro vibe. Walk through our doors and choose from dozens of styles and flavors! Grab a classic glazed with sprinkles or enjoy our unforgettable croissant-like donuts with unique flavors like pistachio. We even carry specialty doughnuts like vegan and gluten-free! Whatever doughnut you choose, you’ll enjoy it even more knowing that it was made in-house from scratch using only the highest quality ingredients. Our bakers are hard at work making these heavenly treats throughout the day so you can indulge yourself, your friends, or your co-workers with a box any time. Stop into Kettle Glazed Doughnuts soon for great doughnuts and get glazed!
Accessories, Travel Agency, Tourist Information Center, Consulting Agency, Dessert Shop, Bakery, Coffee Shop
Hawking Gourmet talleres de pastelería y resposterìa en lima este
Talleres de Pastelerìa, Panaderìa y Cocina
Advertising/Marketing, Cooking School, Dessert Shop
Esert Foods Enterprise sebuah perniagaan yang membuat, mengedar dan menjual produk Cramelo™ Salted Caramel Dipping Sauce. Ditubuhkan pada 4 Disember 2016 yang bertapak di Beranang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Perniagaan kami berdaftar dengan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) dengan no perniagaan 002597442-T. Perniagaan kami mengeluarkan 2 produk iaitu:- i) Cramelo™ Salted Caramel Sauce Original Flavour 250g & 350g ii) Cramelo™ Salted Caramel Sauce With Peanut 250g & 350g (Akan datang). Cramelo™ merupakan sebuah produk makanan yang digunakan sebagai penambah perasa dalam makanan seperti kek, pastri, brownies, donut, kopi dan sebagainya. Cramelo™ dibuat berasaskan gula dan krim yang pastinya membuatkan makanan anda bertambah sedap dan penuh berkrim.
Manychat, Shopping & Retail, Website, Agriculture, Dessert Shop, Food & Beverage Company
Emi Sweett Academia de Arte en Reposteria
Cursos: CAKE DESIGNER y repostería en general Realizamos: Tortas tematicas, Bocaditos, Postres, Eventos, Candybar, Animaciones, decoracion y más!
Dessert Shop, Art, Education
The Chocolate House
El bosque simplemente los llamaba, un aroma que no había producido antes ninguna sustancia conocida, capaz de tocar el más puro instinto. Este sentimiento lo habían tenido todos en la aldea pero nadie se atrevía a hablar, ni a sentir, sus tradiciones lo impedían, la “vida” debía ser lo que debía ser, una rutina. Los dos hermanos ya lo habían planeado todo, ellos se dejaron llevar por lo que sentían que debían hacer. Se adentraron en el bosque en un día soleado sin preocupación de perderse en su asombrosa aventura. En ese momento las palabras dejaron de existir, llegar a probar ese sabor mágico de THE CHOCOLATE HOUSE, la casa de chocolate de dónde provenía el delicioso aroma, acabo con toda la oscuridad que caía sobre la aldea finalizando la era de la opresión para empezar la era de la vida. Hansel y Gretel siguieron con su legado de producir en THE CHOCOLATE HOUSE todo tipo de maravillosas recetas a base de chocolate a través del caldero secreto que se les fue dado. El color volvió a existir en aquella aldea y la felicidad volvió a ser el eje de sus vidas.
Professional Service, Grocery Store, Local Business, Artist, Restaurant, Dessert Shop
Espaço Art Gourmet Rita Luziê
Está pagina tem como objetivo divulgar nossos produtos e serviços, Dicas e Receitas.
Dessert Shop, Arts & Crafts Store, Kitchen/Cooking
Ateliê Delícias da Chef. Jú
Escolha um trabalho que você ame e não terá que trabalhar um único dia em sua vida....
Dessert Shop, Grocery Store, Arts & Entertainment
Le Pont Boulangerie
Le Pont connects you to wonderful experiences: French patisserie, a good cup of coffee and the company of your favourite people. We offer you a comfortable respite from the daily grind, for you to enjoy conversations with a side of simple and scrumptious pastry. That’s what we do: authentic, uncomplicated patisserie and baked goods made by good people for good people. We believe in craftsmanship and the careful selection of our suppliers, in our bakery and our kitchen. We also source for the freshest and finest ingredients, so our baked goods and pastry taste as good as it looks. Welcome to Le Pont.
Education, Company, Arts & Entertainment, Employment Agency, Coffee Shop, Dessert Shop
Bika bogor Bika Bogor TALUBI - Oleh oleh citarasa kuliner bogor - pertama di Bogor Bika Bogor merupakan oleh-oleh wajib bila anda ke Bogor, dengan menggunakan Talas dan ubi kami menciptakan hal yang berbeda sejak tahun 2014 pertama cabang kami di Gadog - JL Raya Gadog Sebelah vimala Hills (Puncak-Bogor),lalu des 2014 di Jl Padjajaran 20 M Bogor dan des 2015 di JL Soleh Iskandar No 18 B Bogor. Bika Bogor Talubi Berbeda dengan Bika yang sudah anda kenal Bika Ambon. Banyak orang yang tidak suka dengan bika ambon karena biasanya bika ambon dibuat dengan Daun jeruk , serbuk kunyit maupun serei dan biasanya full tepung tapi bika bogor tidak mengunakan bahan tersebut melainkan di buat dengan Talas dan Ubi sehingga tekstur yang di dapat saat anda mengkonsumsinya bika bogor teksturnya lembut dan bika bogor tidak menggunakan bahan pengawet jadi hanya bertahan 4 hari saja sehingga bisa dikonsumsi dengan jumlah banyak. Harganya Bika bogor Rp 35.000 ( rasa coco pandan, talas , nangka , ubi ) Lapis talubi Rp 29.000 ( lapis talubi original , lapis talubi cokelat , lapis talubi green tea ) brownies Rp 32.000 ( brownies kukus talas original ) Mini bika 1 kotak 10 pcs rasa pandan , talas , nangka Rp 29.000 contact person : pin bb : TALUBI Line : @bikabogor telp sms wa 0888-4829 - 626
Manychat, Medical Company, Community Organization, Arts & Entertainment, Food Stand, Dessert Shop, Food & Beverage Company
*健康的美食能為人們帶來幸福* 傳達的是創始人廖先生一生中對美食的理念, 堅持傳統、堅持原味、堅持使用最天然健康的素材, 執著專業、執著創新、執著不斷提昇的進步。 呈現給您最自然、最安心、最美味的健康幸福人生,邁向更寬廣的未來。
Asian Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Dessert Shop
Everything in TATORE is Fresh and Homemade! We produce homemade pasta and sauces. In TATORE you will taste also the best brick oven pizza of Miami. The brick oven uses 100% wood, and the pizzas are real italian style with premium products. The homemade bread used for sandwiches and garlic rolls are baked at the moment also in the brick oven. You must our desserts too! The homemade tiramisu, lemon, lime and apple pies, chocolate mousse and white chocolate mousse, passion fruit and pinneaple desserts are highly recommended. For dulce de leche lovers, we suggest Mil Hojas, Alfajores, Rogel and Pavlova cake. Everything fresh, homemade, simply perfect.
Social, Manychat, Cleaning Service, Baby & Children's Clothing Store, Italian Restaurant, Dessert Shop
Trigo Miel
Estamos ubicados en: Alajuela: Costado Norte del Parque Juan Santamaría, Tel: 24422263 Heredia Cruz Roja: Contiguo a la Cruz Roja Tel: 22605122 Cartago, Plaza Iglesias: Costado Norte de Plaza Iglesias Tel: 25536303 Cartago Centro: 50m Oeste de la Terminal de SACSA, Tel: 25522260 Plaza de la Cultura: 150m Norte de Teatro Nacional Tel: 22218995 Barrio Aranjuez: 100m Oeste de la Santa Teresita, Tel: 22581900 San Joaquín de Flores: Contiguo al Palí Tel: 22657265 Whatsapp: 8842 8500
Shopping & Retail, Shopping Mall, Baby & Children's Clothing Store, Landmark & Historical Place, Dessert Shop, Bakery
ร้านใส่นม สาขาสรงประภา ดอนเมือง
ร้านใส่นม อาณาจักรของของหวานที่ใส่นม ร้านใส่นมจุดรวมพลของคนใส่ใจ
Dessert Shop, Bagel Shop
Beechworth Bakery
Show us your pics on Instagram ► use #BeechworthBakery Talk to us on Twitter ► http://twitter.com/BeechworthBaker Have you picked up one of our loyalty cards yet? So we can reward you for every dollar & cent you spend with us? Register your loyalty card here ► http://www.beechworthbakery.com.au/loyalty-rewards/
Manychat, Bakery, Coffee Shop, Dessert Shop
Color C'ode
官方網站:http://www.colorcode.com.tw/ 客服專線:02-2673-1377 服務時間:09:00-17:00 門市:台北市大安區羅斯福路三段107號 電話:02-2364-9777 服務時間:12:00-20:00 百貨專櫃:台北SOGO 復興館B2 電話:02-8772-1279 服務時間:10:00-21:30 百貨專櫃:台北新光三越南西店本館 B2 電話:02-2522-1861 服務時間:11:00-21:30 Line@:@colorcode Instagram:lovecolorcode 2013年九月,『Color C'ode』一間三坪大小的夢想甜點店正式誕生。我們想透過用心地製作美味甜點,讓所有品嘗過的人透 過味蕾,擁有彩色般的快樂心情,因此以此命名為『Color C'ode』。而『Color C'ode』希望能夠帶給您,簡單的味蕾感受,屬於食材最真實的味道,我們透過用心研發與堅持品質,傳遞幸福與快樂。 關於凱莉小姐 Color C'ode的創辦人蔡莉屏,大學時期就讀臺北大學雙主修公共行政與社會工作學系,大學時期因興趣而開始製作甜點,考取西點烘培丙級證照,因緣際會之下,於創業初期開始著手經營Facebook粉絲專頁販售蛋糕,而後大學畢業一舉邁入經營實體店鋪,半年內更受邀進入東區知名百貨新光三越櫃位設點,目前共有一個實體店面、兩個百貨櫃位、以及Color C'ode官方網站。 對於甜點的想像單純的想透過手作甜點傳遞『愛與關懷』,不忘社會工作所學的初衷,因此讓Color C'ode成為『一間傳遞幸福的甜點店』是她一直想努力實踐的,十分重視關於選用食材、製作工法、製做過程的品質以及夥伴的共同堅持,只想持續做有「溫度」的事情,用烘焙的熱情與堅持,將這份溫暖的幸福與快樂傳遞到每一個人手中,成為串聯人與人、心與心之間的媒介! Color C'ode 嚴選食材與堅持品質 Color C'ode是由一群對食材挑選與製作工法十分堅持的夥伴所組成,每當Color C'ode團隊在設定一樣產品時,都會先想過這個食物我們自己是否願意食用,或是給自己在乎的家人與朋友們食用,這是我們對於產品的堅持,同理顧客的感受,把每一位顧客看作我們的家人一樣照顧。 我們精心挑選牧場直送的安心雞蛋,堅持採用人工方式,一顆顆將蛋白與蛋黃取出來製作甜點,確保我們吃進嘴巴裡的食物來源安全無虞。而製作甜點的過程中,唯有透過生命的溫度與人的情感才能夠傳達製作者對於甜點的用心,因此我們堅持手工製作,傳承法式甜點的精神,追求細節與層次的搭配,更在食材上注重選用季節性的產地水果,在法國人的世界裡,享受甜點是沒有負擔的,因此我們也特別以少糖的比例製作,符合大眾健康飲食的新趨勢,用最真實的食材味道,傳遞單純的美味與幸福。
Social, Manychat, Health/Beauty, Festival, Dessert Shop, Bakery, Grocery Store
Terraço dos Pães
Para você: do café da manhã, com um delicioso pão quentinho, até a noite com o buffet de sopas, o Terraço dos Pães faz parte do seu dia. Chame o pessoal do trabalho e curta uma cervejinha gelada com petiscos durante o nosso Happy Hour. Promoções todos os dias! Somos conhecidos pela Terça do Churro, Quinta do Sonho e Sexta Burguer! Para empresas e eventos: Aceitamos encomendas para coffee-break completo, tudo fresquinho e delicioso. Também oferecemos almoço no rechaud e disponibilizamos nossa equipe profissional e qualificada para auxiliar no serviço. Também entregamos pão quentinho para a sua empresa todo dia!
Manychat, Shopping & Retail, Medical & Health, Dental Equipment, Bakery, Dessert Shop, Restaurant
Bakery & Love
Gli store Bakery & Love dispongono di confortevoli sale interne ed esterne dove passare piacevoli momenti in compagnia ed in totale relax: uno spazio riservato, comodo e accogliente dove poter usufruire di numerosi servizi come il wi-fi gratuito. Saremo lieti di accogliervi con un vasto menu ricco delle più fantasiose e gustose delizie d'oltreoceano: muffin, pancakes, milkshake, redvelvet cake, sandwich, hamburger e molto altro. Da noi la qualità è al primo posto e tutti i prodotti sono rigorosamente home made. Niente deriva da produzione industriale, ogni cosa viene preparata quotidianamente per conservare e preservare la freschezza delle nostre specialità. Bakery & Love è un posto dove sentirsi a casa 🍰 ❤️ Bakery & Love, Made with Love! ❤️
Manychat, Cafeteria, Bakery, Cupcake Shop, Cafe, Dessert Shop, Burger Restaurant