Wordwide Shirt

As commanded by the Lord, therefore, let us spread the Word in such ways that will bring glory and honor to His Name whether in deeds or in words.

Even so, by the shirt we wear! It was early this year that I was encouraged by a christian who have this kind of business. Stirred in my heart, I asked the Lord whether it comes from Him or just by myself. I prayed and even so ask for Godly advised especially with my parents. I know in my heart it's not just to earn for myself or have other career but I want the Word spread! And all I have is a GO sign. I don't have any budget yet that time to buy the things I need as I am also working in a non-profit, radio mission company. Definitely amazed, God provided everything! By the end of June, the mission began...

The shirt or kind of shirts we wear everyday reflects who we are, what and who we believe in. There are lot of shirts nowadays, that declare negative thoughts, promoting immorality, etc. Imagine what might happen if by simply wearing what God is saying may bring hope and encouragement to other people, changing hearts and minds?

So, Spread the Word ---- W O R D W I D E !

#food #advertising agency #marketing consultant #public relations agency #clothing store
Wordwide Shirt