
Weekender Singapore

#2,048 Facebook Messenger Global Rank

Weekender Group Pte Ltd is an independent media owner with a suite of integrated media offerings including print, digital and distribution.

Our mission is to provide fun inspirations for readers to discover weekend happiness with the latest recommendations of travel, food, entertainment and other lifestyle-related news. An independent and vibrant media owner, Weekender is poised for growth, with developments in digital and other media platforms to extend our media reach and offer.

We also work closely with the Yellow Ribbon Project, Institute of Mental Health and various CDCs dedicated to help the disadvantaged become productive members of society. We are supported by MDA and part of MCYS's Comcare fund (CEF) program.

Marketers or media professionals who need more information to do their evaluations, please contact [email protected] for private and confidential sessions.

Weekender Group Pte Ltd is wholly owned by: Centurion Communications Private Limited

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