
Twitter Reader

#125 Amazon Alexa Global Rank

A Twitter account is needed before you can use the skill. Twitter Reader can read your home Timeline, Mentions, Retweets and Likes. You can also discover Trends by location.

Here’s some of the ways you can use the skill -

Latest Tweets from your home Timeline:
Alexa, ask Twitter what is happening?

Trending Tweets near you:
Alexa, ask Twitter for Trends

Trending Tweets at a location:
Alexa, ask Twitter for Trends in Seattle

Alexa, ask Twitter for my Mentions

Alexa, ask Twitter has anyone Retweeted me?

Liked tweets:
Alexa, ask Twitter for tweets I liked

Your Tweets:
Alexa, ask Twitter for my own Tweets

You can also get more information about a particular Tweet or Trend. After listening to a list of trends you can say “tell me more about number 5” to hear a list of tweets for the fifth trend you heard. After listening to a list of Tweets, you can say “tell me more about number 2” to hear more information about the second Tweet you heard.

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