
Tomato Helper

N/A Amazon Alexa Global Rank

Your voices have been heard! A silent timer is now available. If you have any more comments, create an issue in GitHub issues. The link is at the bottom.

This is an unofficial skill of the Pomodoro Technique. It is a timer which allows the user to work for 25 minutes then rest for 5 minutes. Such a pattern boosts productivity and minimizes distraction.

After saying Alexa, start tomato helper, followed by start timer or start silent timer, there will be a 25-minute count-down. After 25 minutes, the alarm will ring to notify the user that it is time for a break. The user should say Alexa, next to stop the alarm and start the break. After the break, the user should say Alexa, next to start the next 25-minute of work. After 4 25-minute periods, there will be a longer break of 20 minutes.

When the timer is running, say Alexa, ask tomato helper for progress to check your progress.

This is an open-source project hosted on GitHub available at
If you have any issues or comments, please create an issue at

Note: This skill is in no way associated with the Pomodoro Technique, Pomodoro and Francesco Cirillo.
The Pomodoro Technique® and Pomodoro™ are registered trademarks by Francesco Cirillo.

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