
The Leo Diamond

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美國品牌鑽石The Leo Diamond® 比一般圓鑽更閃。時至今日,逾230萬人親身體驗,95%見證其非凡閃爍。The Leo Diamond®更是「首顆經獨立量度和驗證其火彩及閃爍度的天然鑽石」。

Originated from the United States, The Leo Diamond®is the first branded diamond ever to be independently measured and certified. Comparing to generic diamond, 95% of the 2.3millions Leo Challenge participants have experienced the unparalleled brilliance of The Leo Diamond®.

來自美國的品牌鑽石The Leo Diamond®,是鑑定鑽石世家Leo Schachter非凡鑽石工藝的藝術品。

經歷四代承傳,逾百年歷史,以「四代相傳,熱誠如一」(Four Generations. One Passion.) 為理念的Leo Schachter更臻完美,不斷鑽研創新方式,致力打磨出世界最閃爍、琢面切割最完美的天然鑽石,令每顆鑽石的極致閃亮綻放得更徹底。這造就了擁有82琢面完美切割的The Leo Diamond®於1999年的誕生。

結合Leo Schachter家族逾百年切割工藝,The Leo Diamond®專利的82琢面切割,每個琢面均經過多番精密計算,能將光綫徹底反射,較傳統切割的圓鑽遠為閃亮,將鑽石光芒推向極致。The Leo Diamond®為全球首顆榮獲美國光學權威機構GemEx頒授證書認證其閃爍度之鑽石。時至今日,中港兩地已逾230萬人參與「Leo Challenge」,親身見證The Leo Diamond®之矚目閃爍。閃爍美鑽,無與倫比。

Originated in the US, The Leo Diamond®is the art piece of best proofing the superior craftsmanship of Leo Schachter, heir to a diamond family in the US.

Backed with four generations of expertise, spanning over a century, Leo Schachter realizes the family’s philosophy of “Four Generations. One Passion.” by exploring the possibilities of cutting technology, striving to craft the most brilliant and magnificently cut diamonds in the world, giving birth to the 82-facet cut Leo Diamond in 1999.

Thanks to careful calculations, the unique faceting arrangement of Leo Diamond allows perfect refraction of light, making Leo Diamond far more brilliant than conventional diamonds of similar carat, color and clarity. The Leo Diamond® is the first diamond ever to be independently measured and certified by the GemEx Systems, an independent gemological laboratory, for superior ‘Return of Light’. As of today, over 2,300,000 customers from Hong Kong have experienced the brilliance of The Leo Diamond® through the “Leo Challenge”. The Leo Diamond®, the truly ultimate natural diamond with the most dazzling brilliance.

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