
Teletalk Call Center

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About Teletalk is the official fan page of Teletalk Bangladesh Limited - a state owned mobile operator and introduces 3G Technology in Bangladesh.

Company Overview Teletalk Bangladesh Limited is a public limited company, registered under the Registrar of the Joint stock companies of Bangladesh. Total shares owned by the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.

We continue to grow and engage our customers through our clear commitment to offering high quality products and services as well as leading customer retention and loyalty programmers. Teletalk continues to be a part of the revolution that’s connecting millions of Bangladeshi people and around the world.

Teletalk Bangladesh limited was established keeping a specific role in mind. Teletalk has forged ahead and strengthened its path over the years and achieved some feats truly to be proud of, as the only Bangladeshi mobile operator and the only operator with 100% native technical and engineering human resource base, Teletalk thrives to become the true people’s phone – “Amader Phone”.

To provide mobile telephone service to the people from the public sector To ensure fair competition between public and private sectors and thereby to safeguard public interest To meet a portion of unmitigated high demand of mobile telephone To create a new source of revenue for the government.

General Information m-Governance is derived from e-governance refers to government’s use of information and communication technology to exchange information and services with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. Teletalk is ready to provide with the help of third party software, mobile interactivity for the citizens of Bangladesh with m-Governance. This may includes, but not limited to

Mobile based Live Citizen Reporting Solution Mobile User Info bank (Database of Mobile Users of Bangladesh) Agriculture information services for the farmers and also for the end users, like product price in different parts of the country. Product ID for all consumer products/ Organization. Interactivity between Government and the Citizens.

Possible departments who will be directly benefited from the above services are:

Police. Rapid Action Battalion Fire Service NBR Agriculture Department. BRTA BSTI BTRC Election Commission Health Services.

Products 3G Services, Prepaid services, Postpaid services, Corporate services, Mobile Internet services.

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