4 notes Bots for telegram - ChatBottle
Total matching bots: 4
Remind me...
RemindMegaBot helps you to set simple reminders in your own words! Just test it! It's very useful!!!
Alerts, Notes, Notifications, Reminder, To-Do

MeetNotes transforms your average meeting into a productive activity. It simplifies the process of taking meeting notes, creating agendas, assigning tasks, making meetings a smooth and hassle free affair. Organising different meetings, running polls, sharing meeting minutes and follow-up become easy tasks. You can also set up meeting reminders and notifications via Slack so that you never miss a single meeting.
Productivity, Business, Notifications, Reminder, Notes
note me (beta)
The skill is in beta mode and may have some bugs, you can report bugs and give recommendations for improving the skill. Note me allows you to save short notes and recall them whenever you ask Alexa to play the notes or messages back to you. You can save up to 5 messages or notes. You can also delete them by saying delete. ** Automatically registers the user on enabling skill and deletes him/her from database if all notes deleted or skill is disabled. Example : Alexa launch note me save I am going to the store tomorrow play Alexa will play the note back You in her voice Delete Alexa will delete the messagesDelete first note deletes the first note only
Calendars & Reminders, Notes, Personal Assistant, Reminder, Utilities