
Tapping Podcast

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Answers to the most common and uncommon questions about tapping, EFT, and the emotional freedom technique.

Here are a few quick tips when navigating our skill. First thing to note, when opening the skill you’ll be offered the latest episode, but if that’s not what you’re looking for, you can always find something more specific. This skill allows you to skip forward and backward by entire episodes, and you can also fast forward and rewind within episodes themselves. In addition, you can ask the skill to play the newest or oldest episodes released; or if you want to get specific, play a specific episode by saying the episode number. Try some of these commands:

Skip Entire Episodes
— [While Episode Is Playing] = “Alexa skip” or “Alexa tell Tapping Podcast to skip ahead 5 episodes”

Fast Forward/Back Within Episode
— [While Episode Is Playing] = “Alexa, tell Tapping Podcast to fast forward 2 minutes”
— [While Episode Is Playing] = “Alexa, tell Tapping Podcast to rewind 45 seconds”

Select Newest Episode
— “Alexa, tell Tapping Podcast to play the newest episode”

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