
Stock Lookup

#4,335 Amazon Alexa Global Rank

Verson 2 now uses
Stock Lookup can find the current price of most US stock tickers. You can also create a portfolio to check at a later time, add and remove from this portfolio, as well as ask for the current prices of the stocks in your portfolio.

Alexa open Stock Loopup
What is the price of NVDA?
Alexa: NVDA is up 2.46 percent today to 231 dollars and 12 cents.

Add MSFT to my portfolio
Alexa: Added MSFT to portfolio.

Add NVDA to my portfolio
Alexa: Added NVDA to portfolio.

Check my portfolio
Alexa: NVDA is up 2.46 percent today to 231 dollars and 12 cents, MSFT is down 1.29 percent today to 90 dollars and 15 cents

Remove MSFT
Alexa: Removed MSFT

Does not have access to after hours price changes
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