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StreetTeamEvolution is an advocate of working with the major record labels to create a sustainable music industry, by increasing the visibility of local talent.

Growing our local markets are fundamental to lowering the strain on major record labels that have existed since the onset of piracy.

Our digital platform provides a bridge between the music industry and the independent artist, fostering participation and exposure.

The major labels are no longer needed for production or distribution; however, independent artists could benefit from the experience and resources that they have established as marketing giants.

We exist to expose undiscovered talent by generating an unheard-of amount of social activity for each artist, currently struggling for each share and to advocate the repair of tense industry relationships.


Since the introduction of the MP3 and file sharing, the music industry has been in a desperate struggle to return to the heights that were reached in the early 1990’s. Although artists have more control than ever, approximately 91% are still considered undiscovered. The private sector has been the salvation of the music industry, in recent years, with the introduction of tech, geared at solving the complex issues at hand. Though there is an uptick in the music industry with Streaming services, it is not a sustainable solution as the local markets have been disappearing in the wake of the digital age, due to limited attendance and gentrification of the neighborhoods that once birthed such regional greats as grunge in Seattle. It is no longer necessary to be a part of a communal group of artists with likeminded goals and tastes because of the globalization that technology brings. For example, without the historical local scene of Austin, SXSW would not be held there every year but like every other local market throughout the world, its local scene is dying.

Our Solution:

Our solution is to create a platform that leverages social networking by offering limited edition products, merchandise, and tickets, in return for promoting local artists via the sharing of songs, websites, apps and by performing old school street team tasks, such as posting and handing out flyers. We are the first tech company to focus explicitly on the revitalization of the local scene as a solution to the declining music industry. It is our belief that only through local participation, can we reestablish a sustainable music industry.


Unlike other platforms, our company’s focus is to increase the visibility of local artists, allowing the major record labels access to a larger pool of talent, to promote. The major labels are no longer in control of the music industry, as most artists have found cost-effective methods for production and distribution. That being said though, these artists do not have an optimal avenue to reach a wider audience unless they are engaged with a label. We have designed a system that provides incentive-based challenges that promote participation within a local environment. This will create a cycle of participation that is not currently available in the market.

Market Opportunity:

With the decline of the local music industry, which in the past, has provided a source of economic growth in each market, there is a clear opportunity to capitalize on the upcoming generation, as they start to explore music. All-Ages shows are the key to the sustainable future of the music industry.

Revenue Model:

A subscription revenue model allows us flexibility when it comes to scaling, which aligns with our intent to continuously introduce new features and upgrades to the product, to maintain a constant growth in the music industry, through participation. By monitoring the number of user subscriptions, we will be cognizant of which features are valuable and adjust our priorities as needed. In addition to In-app offerings available to both members and consumers/users, we will have an affiliate network through 2112 as well as offer ad space to related organizations.

How does it work?

Based on the preferences, input by the user, the user will be notified of any opportunities, to earn rewards within their area based on their tastes. Our target market is not exclusive to but is primarily focused on users, age 13-21. For instance, a 13-year-old girl, who has indicated that she would like to be notified of any offers from Taylor Swift, might receive notice that free backstage passes are available to the first person to complete all assigned challenges which will include as an example, sharing a song with your network, sharing a website, downloading an app, requesting a song on the radio, attending shows or bringing friends to a concert, even earning points to engage local or global artists. The first or set number of users to complete all challenges will win the reward. However, if the user does not complete the challenge first, they still retain the points earned by completing each assignment. Points earned can be used in our rewards store, to purchase limited edition podcasts, products, merchandise or tickets. The members, local artists benefit from the attention gained through what could be thousands of new likes and shares, generating more of an interest from major record labels and exposing undiscovered talent. Each member can purchase a membership based on the number of links they would like shared per month. Our enterprise membership offers the assistance of posting flyers, handing out stickers or whatever the member would like to have distributed.

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