Sooqr Search

Sooqr funnels search results using filters and sort facilities in order to generate the most suitable answer to the question. The intuitive interface makes it easy for your website’s visitors to find the right item.

Filters can be completely adapted to the data. For example ‘standard’ checkboxes, radio buttons, pull-downs and sliders can be used, in addition, a variety of graphic options is available as well.

Sooqr allows you to work continually on improving your conversion rate. The intelligent back-end allows you to enrich the data with keywords and links. Even if the user conducts a search based on a different word than those used in the content, Sooqr makes sure that the visitor finds the content he means.

Sooqr allows you to guide and influence search results. For example, specific information, a specific product or a specific product combination can be programmed to appear as the first search result.

The back-end of Sooqr also offers easily understandable statistics in addition to the options for enriching data, thus providing information on usage, results and trends in any desired period. The system automatically signals when search commands have failed by generating only a few or no results. The data can be enriched or linked directly from the statistics in a quick and easy fashion.

For instance, the results in Sooqr can be linked to Google Analytics, an attractive opportunity to further test, evaluate and improve the content of your website.

The hosting, upgrades and updates are maintained by Sooqr, guaranteeing continuity and innovation. Sooqr offers software as a service, all in all embodying the advantages of our era.

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Sooqr Search