
Social Media Conference New Zealand

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SOCIAL MEDIA CONFERENCE 2017 - #SMCNZ17 This is the 4th ANNUAL SOCIAL MEDIA CONFERENCE in being held in New Zealand. We are proud to call ourselves an International Conference with delegates from four Continents in attendance last year. We had people from Social Media Corporate, Social Media and Digital Agencies, Social Media Contractors and Business Owners all eager to learn – not only from the Speakers but from each other. What an exciting adventure it was.

This year is bigger and better with well know International Social Media Celebrities who have spoken at Social Media Marketing World, Social Media Summit and much more joining us to share their knowledge and experience.

THIS IS THE EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA – We need to embrace Social Media in its entirety and evolve our businesses.

Join us on September 15th & 16th for this year’s Social Media Conference to connect, network and learn.

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