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Entire Universe is getting Smarter Day by Day ,How About your Vehicle???

Our Passion is VANDI(Vehicle).

Our Passion is SMART Technologies.

Leverage Our Passions to make your vehicle SMART along with increase in profits.

What We Offer


We connect to the small computer inside your vehicle remotely using GSM connection to get

Live Fuel Level(No more Fuel Theft) Live Speed Driving behaviour Analysis(Incerase Mileage and Prevent Accidents) Engine and Sensor Error Codes Detection(increase Mileage and prevent breakdown) Driving Behavior Analysis to save fuel level and prevent accidents Vehicle Location Periodic Maintenance Alerts Location

Live Location Tracking

Location/Geofence Based Alerts to Social Media

Live Navigation Status on Vehicle Tv(Flight Like Status)

Mobile App for Bus timing Information

Vehicle Location on Missed Call

Passenger Attraction

WiFI Securiy Camera

Live Remote Monitoring on IOS/Android Mobile App

360 Degree Horizontal and 120 Degree Vertical Movement through App

Two Directional Voice communication between WiFI Camera and App


Bus Operators Lorry Operators Taxi Operators Car Rental providers School Bus Employee Transport Asset Tracking Govt Vehicle Private Vehicle Contact

Email:[email protected]

Mobile:+91 8589934777

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