58 image Bots for skype - ChatBottle
Total matching bots: 58

East West Naturopathy - & Remedial Massage Baldivis
We will change your view about Natural Medicine. We are leading the way with evidence-based natural treatment plans! East West Naturopathy has taken the “Alternative” out of Alternative Medicine by practicing from an integrated approach. We have integrated the healing powers of Mother Nature with the evidence of Medical Science (pathology tests) to create a symbiotic relationship between Western Herbal Medicine and Orthodox Medicine. Using the latest cutting edge functional pathology tests to help you understand the underlying cause of your symptoms, we will provide you with a tailored natural medicine treatment plan with minimal consultations. Our dedication to this quality approach, while offering wholesale priced products, ensures the best outcome for you at minimal expense. Superior, Natural, Safe, Evidence-based, Effective treatment plans to achieve optimal health and well-being. Call us today to discuss how we can help!
Entertainment, Photo, Image, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service
Tan Images
Tan Images bot can provide a lots of anime pictures in different categories and styles.
Photo, Fun, Image, Anime

New Moon Girls
We Help Girls Grow with Courage, Creativity, Compassion & Community. We amplify girls' opinions, activism, sisterhood, writing & art in both our magazine and online. We help girls, parents and allies fight sexism together in their communities. Ad-free New Moon Girls is the supportive publisher and global community for girls, parents & allies. We feature the highest quality girl-created content by and for ages 8 and up. Our print magazine has won numerous Parents' Choice awards and the Golden Lamp for educational publishing. For parents and allies we offer outstanding resources and advice to understand girls' development and how to emotionally support girls during the difficult changes of adolescence.
Entertainment, Photo, Image, Manychat, Media/News Company, Arts & Entertainment, Company

The Online Vanity Store
The Online Vanity Store is all about having an option to have stuff that you want to buy but doesn't have time to go out because of your busy sched. My store will have more and more items to offer for you to have more and more option. And since this is a newly opened store we are going to follow the pay first before ship policy. You can send your payments thru BPI, Cebuana Lhuillier, M Lhuillier, LBC Pera Padala and Smart Money. Shipments will be thru JRS Express, LBC Padala or XEND, depends on my customer's option. I don't do overpricing. I prefer having lots of sale with a minimum profit rather than wanting to have more profit with no sale at all. ;-)
Entertainment, Photo, Image, Manychat, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Footwear Store

Private Label Extensions
Private Label Extensions is an Atlanta based wholesale hair extension supplier that distributes hair extensions nationwide for salon owners, stylists and hair extension brands. We offer a wide range of services including drop shipping, branding and helping you stay successful in the hair extension industry with top quality products at wholesale prices. Our signature hair extension products are the Brazilian hair extension line which includes body wave, silky straight, deep wave, afro kinky, kinky curly along with all the closures to match. Our top quality line is the Vietnamese hair extensions. These are worn by our celebrity clients that are looking for the absolute best hair that can be found. All of our hair extensions can be dyed, cut and styled because ti is 100% human hair. We are centrally located in the Old Fourth Ward neighborhood of Atlanta. We invite you to stop by and meet with us directly to see our hair extensions in person. We have thousands of bundles in stock daily. Our private labeling also includes hair extension websites, dropshipping and branding. We can handle your entire shipping and logistics process! Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about how to get started with your own hair extension line with Private Label Extensions!
Entertainment, Image, Manychat, Hair Salon, Wholesale & Supply Store, Hair Extensions Service, Beauty Supply Store
Telegram bot that recognizes text, using intelligent character recognition.
Bot, Education, Image, Students, Utility

RX Catering Baltimore
Rx Catering is a full service catering company with locations in several major cities throughout the US! We specialize in Professional Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners. We cater to Corporate, Medical, Meetings & Events, Weddings and Reunions. When Rx Catering delivers a meal, all you have to bring is your appetite! Great food and beverages for any occasion. Check us out online at www.rxcateringbaltimore.com Or call us at 443-575-6283
Entertainment, Photo, Image, Food & Beverage, Caterer, Event Planner
A bot that fits your need! * 🐱 Random animal images (Cat, Bunnies, Snake) * 🖼 Check out Imgur / Flickr images * 🔧Useful tools like Weather, Pastebin and Bitly * 😂 Urban Dictionary, 9gag posts & Chuck Norris joke * ...And more! Documentation: https://metagon.austinhuang.me
Utility, Chatbot, Fun, Image
A bot that fits your need! * 🐱 Random animal images (Cat, Bunnies, Snake) * 🖼 Check out Imgur / Flickr images * 🔧Useful tools like Weather, Pastebin and Bitly * 😂 Urban Dictionary, 9gag posts & Chuck Norris joke * ...And more! Documentation: https://metagon.austinhuang.me
Utility, Chatbot, Fun, Image
A bot that fits your need! * 🐱 Random animal images (Cat, Bunnies, Snake) * 🖼 Check out Imgur / Flickr images * 🔧Useful tools like Weather, Pastebin and Bitly * 😂 Urban Dictionary, 9gag posts & Chuck Norris joke * ...And more! Documentation: https://metagon.austinhuang.me
Utility, Chatbot, Fun, Image

A bot that fits your need! * 🐱 Random animal images (Cat, Bunnies, Snake) * 🖼 Check out Imgur / Flickr images * 🔧Useful tools like Weather, Pastebin and Bitly * 😂 Urban Dictionary, 9gag posts & Chuck Norris joke * ...And more! Documentation: https://metagon.austinhuang.me
Utility, Chatbot, Fun, Image, Image Search
Picture of the Day Bot
Telegram Bot to get NASA's Picture / Video of the Day with a single command. Simply type '/picture' to get the current day's picture of the day!
Photo, Chatbot, Image, Telegram, NASA

OutFit Of The Day by Curated Clothes
Being a mom of three its hard to get out shopping and when I do I want super cute clothes that can last through one season and are also affordable. This is my reason for bringing you Hipsterish, Uncomplicated Clothes! Gems that I seek high and low for to bring to my clients far and wide! Like this page as I start my journey towards styling you the way that you want to be styled! Thank you and enjoy the collection.
Entertainment, Photo, Image, Manychat, Clothing Store

Kampo Employment Agency
A Hong Kong Employment Agency. We are specialized to provide Direct Hire / Processing Service for those Employer / Domestic helper who already matched with the desire helper / employer. Please call our office number: 2558 2488 (South Horizon) 2180 6475 (Tsuen Wan) 5287 3044 (Tagaloue speaking) For those oversea helper who want to apply, please send us your bio date and contact information to our email. [email protected]
Entertainment, Photo, Image, Manychat, Consulting Agency
Do you have a passion for space? Check out our Spacebot for daily pictures and to learn all about the final frontier! Read some really neat facts about the Universe! The bot has images from June 16th, 1995!
Delivery, Entertainment, Fun, Image, Space

Stamcelleklinikkens ansatte er legespesialister med mange års erfaring i behandling og diagnostisering av smerter i muskler og ledd. Alle behandlere er medlemmer av Den norske legeforening. Stamcelleklinikken er en spesialklinikk, som ved hjelp av en ny metode behandler smerter i ulike ledd og sener. Formålet med behandlingen er å redusere smerter i ledd og sener, og bygge opp brusk som er slitt. Behandlingen foregår ved injeksjon av kroppens egne stamceller, blodplater, hvite blodlegemer og vekstfaktorer, som aktiverer kroppens egne forsvarsmekanismer og reparasjonsevne. Dette får vi til ved at vi tar en vanlig blodprøve, som vi deretter spesialbehandler. Deretter injiseres disse cellene i leddet. Behandlingen innebærer derfor ingen bruk av kunstige legemidler. Stamcelleklinikken ligger sentralt på Majorstuen i Oslo Majorstuhuset Valkyriegaten 8 0366 Oslo Inngang fra Valkyriegaten HVA KAN BEHANDLES? Det er særlig artrose og slitasje i ulike ledd som behandles. Artrose kan ramme alle ledd. Vanligst er artrose i knær, hofter, fingre og tær. Ledd som knær, hofter og skuldre egner seg godt for behandling. De vanligste symptomene ved artrose er smerte, stivhet og innskrenket bevegelighet i leddet. Ved artrose vil leddbrusken blir slitt og tynn og det kommer påleiringer av ben. Kroniske betennelser i sener kan også behandles. BEHANDLING AV SENESKADER Akutt tendinitt (“senebetennelse”) skyldes skade eller overbelastning av en sene. Dersom smertene i senen ikke forsvinner går tendinitten over i en kronisk fase. Da kalles det tendinose eller tendinopati. Senen har nå fått små langvarige skader som må repareres. Ofte klarer ikke kroppen å reparere dette selv, slik at du kan ha behov for behandling som f.eks med stamceller. Målet med behandling med stamceller, i-PRF, er å reparere skadene i senen, bedre funksjonen og fjerne smertene. Tendinose / tendinopati får man oftest i albue, skulder, kne og ankel. BEHANDLING FOR ARTROSE Resultatene med stamcellebehandling i utlandet med i-PRF mot artrose er meget gode. Undersøkelser i utlandet viser at behandlingen kan redusere artrosen ved å gjenoppbygge slitt brusk, bedre funksjonen i leddet og redusere eller helt fjerne smerter. Behandlingen vil aktivere kroppens egen forsvarsmekanisme og reparasjonsevne i leddet. Erfaring viser at behandling med i-PRF kan utsette behov for operasjon, eller at man kan unngå operasjon. En slik operasjon ville i så fall oftest være innsetting av en protese i leddet. STAMCELLEBEHANDLING Blodet spesialbehandles ved hjelp av sentrifugering og ved dette konsentreres blodplater og hvite blodlegemer i det øverste del av glasset. Denne del sprøytes deretter inn i leddet eller omkring den skadede senen. DIAGNOSTIKK Diagnosen finner vi ved hjelp av vanlig utvendig undersøkelse av leddet eller senen, samt det som er vist på røntgen eller MR. Røntgen eller MR vil ha vist om det er slitasje/artrose i leddet. Dersom dine plager er slik at de egner seg for behandlingen, kan du behandles ved første konsultasjon. STAMCELLEBEHANDLING Behandlingen starter med at vi tar en blodprøve, som spesialbehandles ved hjelp av sentrifugering. Ved sentrifugeringen samles de cellene vi skal bruke øverst i blodprøveglasset. Dette er spesielt stamceller, blodplater, vekstfaktorer og hvite blodlegemer. Disse cellene tar vi ut av blodprøven og setter de inn i det slitte leddet eller omkring senen, ved hjelp av en tynn nål. Vi bruker et spesielt røntgenapparat ved behandlingene. Ved hjelp av dette apparatet ser vi leddet og slitasjen i leddet, og ser dermed at nålen treffer nøyaktig riktig i leddet som behandles. Dette stikket er ikke smertefullt, fordi nålen er tynn. Stamcelleklinikken bruker kun dine egne blodceller for å reparere artrose, slitt brusk og behandle smerter fra ledd og sener. Ved å injisere kroppens egne stamceller, blodplater, hvite blodlegemer og vekstfaktorer, aktiveres kroppens egne forsvarsmekanismer og reparasjonsevner. Behandlingen innebærer derfor ingen bruk av kunstige legemidler, kun celler fra pasientens eget blod. Det kan også være aktuelt at du sykler på en ergometersykkel vi har på klinikken, før behandlingen. Dette kan øke mengden stamceller og de andre cellene vi bruker i blodet. ETTER BEHANDLING Umiddelbart etter behandling ber vi deg bevege leddet, slik at alle reparasjonscellene fordeles rundt i hele leddet. Ofte blir smertene i leddet redusert kort tid etter behandling. Normalt er det behov for 2– 6 behandlinger, alt avhengig av slitasjen i leddet. Sener trenger vanligvis færre behandlinger. Behandling gis normalt med 1- 2 ukers mellomrom, og prosedyren er den samme hver gang. Etter behandlingen skal du bruke kroppen og leddet som du normalt gjør. Det kreves ingen spesielle forhåndsregler etter behandlingen. PRISER Vi har satt ned prisen for å gjøre behandlingen mer tilgjengelig! Konsultasjon 45 minutter kr 2.000. Injeksjoner kr 2.500 per gang! FORNØYDE PASIENTER Injeksjoner i begge knær. Var før plaget med nattlige smerter og smerter etter aktivitet. Smertene er nå redusert med 70%. Smerter gått fra 8/10 til 2/10. Hadde kraftsvikt i begge knær som nå er borte. Ann-Kristin takker for god behandling hos Stamcelleklinikken. - Ann-Kristin Sigernes Sigrun Andresen var Stamcelleklinikkens første pasient. Hun har slitasje i begge knær, og har fått behandlet høyre kne med god effekt. Sigrun er nå i gang med behandling av venstre kne siden høyre ble så bra. Sigrun er meget godt fornøyd med behandlingen hos Stamcelleklinikken. - Sigrun Andresen
Social, Entertainment, Image, Manychat, Doctor

You know how so many people have a valuable message inside that they’d love to bring out & share with the world so they can make a difference? Well what we do is take you through a proven process built on a solid foundation, hand-craft & deliver you a custom presentation with your message fully intact. Then, we turn it into a profitable platform & help you bring it to the market. We believe in contributing and making a difference in the lives of the people we meet. We picture a world where your business runs itself & you ‘work’ from the beach or in the mountains – because it’s your choice. We believe in adding value & sharing with you that there’s a better, simpler way to achieve the success you deserve. We promise to always lead you down the right path & when we can’t provide you a solution ourselves, we promise you that we can find one using our trusted connections & loyal friends. (Fueled by our core values of contribution, finding a better way, thinking differently, creating clarity, making success simple, and maintaining long lasting relationships)
Entertainment, Photo, Image, Manychat, Performance & Event Venue, Education

WTF Is That bot
Do you like to discover new objects around you? You noticed something interesting but don’t know what is that? Now you can learn that less just with a few seconds! How does it work? Make a photo of unknown objects around you and send it to WTF is that? chatbot for Messenger. Less than in one minute you will get the clear and detail answer! This clever chat bot will impress you with his knowledge of the world!
Entertainment, Image, Photo

Send a picture to the bot and select 4 of neural styles to apply to it. Works well for user group for sharing styled pictures. Get styled selfies from friends and share easy pictures with them. By the way, styles keep changing over time as long as you use the bot.
Entertainment, Image, Social