
School of Science

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Education today has become a matter of controversy. Whether the education system emphasizes on passion or obligation is something that has been argued upon for years. Students across the globe are evolving each day - with more of them emerging as young people who advocate interest-based learning. Their needs, interests, and direction are moving at the pace in which the world is changing; whereas the education systems put forth by the countries are lagging behind.

Today’s educative means place vague ideas in students’ minds and consequently, scientific literacy has shrunk to an extent. With the world’s scientific developments skyrocketing with each passing minute, kids are not exposed to these awe-inspiring discoveries and concepts. Apart from these, kids are also deprived of a teaching approach based on the spirit of science. They lose passion for what are probably the most fascinating things in the universe.

School of Science is an organization that tomorrow needs; an organization that today explores. Comprising a group of avid science-lovers, School of Science aims to explore the depths of science and deliver them to the youth to rekindle their interest in science. The organization will strive to bring the best of science alive through various means. And, the first step towards this initiative is through informative pictures called ‘Daily Bytes’. Daily Bytes will deliver small pieces of facts, terms, and news from all aspects of science. These depictions will be made to be of appeal to both children and science-lovers alike.

Soon, we will be explaining the coolest areas of scientific progression and concepts, discoveries and curious questions through videos. Also, we're not stopping there! We know that the best teaching can't be done without actual involvement. Thus, we are aiming at a hands-on approach to education, where we will be bringing the essence of science to classrooms.

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” – Albert Einstein

Stay Tuned

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