Sasco Edu

اذا كنت ترغب في السفر للخارج ساسكو للخدمات الجامعية يوفر لكم العديد من الخيارات أمريكا - كندا - المانيا - قبرص - تركيا - روسيا - أوكرانيا - ماليزيا - مصر

Sasco for Academic Services helps you through the most crucial decision in your life; your education!

Sasco for Academic Services is a highly regarded academic institution with excellent links with educational institutions. With the extensive knowledge of the education system our services can therefore help find the best for you, and ensure that your application is dealt with quickly and efficiently by constantly monitoring the progress of all applications on a daily basis. Also, it can prepare you for an extraordinary educational experience in a multicultural environment. We recruit students for universities, colleges and language centers across the Germany, Egypt, Jordan, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Malaysia. We assist students in finding the right program for them and taking them through the entire application process (application to institute, getting an acceptance letter, apply for a student visa, help students find accommodation and offer counseling to prepare them for studying abroad prior to their departure). All the services we provide can be obtained from a single point of contact. Each of our offices provides a high standard and friendly service; all you have to do is submit your application and leave the rest to us. Because we realize that applying to Institutions can seem daunting, we firmly believe that students require a friendly expert and experienced Institution to assist with the process of applying for the right course of their choice.

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Sasco Edu