
Romance Lover - Evening Dress, Lingerie, Bikini, Kids Fashion

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Romance Lover (RL) is established in year 2012 under the management of CACL Enterprise.

During the early stage, RL is selling sexy sleepwear and lingerie locally, and it is very high demand in local market.

To ensure company keep growing, expand in product range is a need and we set our goal that all ladies should always gorgeous from inside to outside in every important moment.

So, we started to source new products base on our goal, and finally, we expand our product range to Evening Dress, Gown, Lingerie and Kids Fashion!

Of course, to ensure ladies to be gorgeous while wearing our products, quality is important, and we found a high quality manufacturer to cooperate with us that mainly export to Europe and US market, from branding and quality control, to make sure our products is on par and make it worth of money.

Come and select your love one and you will be surprise the quality!

还记得读小学的时候,学校礼堂的对面就是婚纱店,每当下课时买了食物我终是会走到礼堂那里去看对面婚纱店的礼服, 那间店的礼服每个星期都会更新新的款式,最期待的就是每个星期一都能看到新的礼服,那时就会很高心很期待,也不知道自己做么会那么 喜欢礼服。

几年小学生涯就过了,上中学的时候,就和几个好闺蜜一起聊起将来要开件婚纱店,因为看到新娘们穿着美美的礼服出嫁就觉得好幸福 好开心哦



直到5年前自己即将走上人生的另一个阶段,那时不停的寻找适合自己的礼服,希望自己能在重要的日子里是最漂亮的,那时天天的看着 礼服,也把我这小小的梦想告诉了老公,当时老公只是笑笑没说什么,就一直天天陪我看礼服,问我喜欢什么款式,陪我挑选,也没有 一句怨言。

结婚后一样忙与工作,之后就忙于照顾孩子,直到今年的结婚周念日,老公突然给了我个惊喜,他告诉我,本来我就有在网上买衣服, 要不要增加销售礼服呢? 当时有点开心也有点担心,开心的是卖礼服本来是我梦想啊,但是又担心品质不好的礼服让顾客穿了不漂亮, 老公的一句话“老婆你别担心,我已经去考察好了,我们会直接跟厂商配合,制作出高品质的礼服,我也和厂商拿了一些样本, 到时你看看” 就这样拿到样本了,真的很不错,就这样我慢慢开始买礼服了

卖了几个月,看到顾客都很满意我们的品质,真的很开心哦,非常谢谢老公,让我完成了自己的梦想,虽然没开成婚纱店,但有一个个 小小的网店,真的很满足了,也很幸福了, 我会继续努力寻找更多的高品质礼服,让穿上我们礼服的朋友们都能成为最漂亮的公主

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