
Ritz Recipes

N/A Amazon Alexa Global Rank

Ritz Recipes delivers curated recipes directly to your kitchen. Browse our recipes, add ingredients to your shopping list & walk through the recipe preparation at your own pace. You can even step away from the recipe preparation steps and return later, resuming the recipe where you left off.
To start using the Ritz Recipes skill, say “Alexa, open Ritz Recipes” and explore the list of featured recipes for upcoming seasonal occasions, or search for recipes that incorporate a specified ingredient. Select a recipe and you can add the ingredients to your Alexa Shopping List by saying “add ingredients to my shopping list” or “start the recipe” to hear the recipe preparation, step-by-step. Don’t forget that you can interrupt Ritz Recipes at any point just by saying “Alexa” and your desired command. The Ritz Recipe Skill also sends the selected recipe card to the Alexa App on your associated smart phone.
Featuring custom content for the Echo Show, Ritz Recipes is also designed for voice-only models of the Echo.
If at any point you need help within the skill, just say “Help” for guidance. You can also start a new search by ingredient, occasion, or even ask for a random recipe at any point while using Ritz Recipes.

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