Right for Education
OUR GOALS: To enable people to help themselves. No amount of money can achieve what people can achieve themselves. The most direct help we can give is through education. We never stop learning and therefore our goal is to provide education to adults as well as children. Our information campaign will improve knowledge in the fields of health, human rights, business and the environment. Women are often left out of the education process. We believe in equal rights for everyone and our information material will benefit women and girls as well as men and boys.
We believe in help through self-help. Education is the best way to end poverty.
We work with experts to provide education in Business, Human Rights, Environmental issues and Health.
Our books are distributed in over 15 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. We give the information which is necessary to improve lives.
The information we provide is in English and French (French website coming soon). We want to reach as many people as possible
and speak with everyone in the language they understand best.
Right for Education is independent. We want to stay free from the influence of governments.
All the work we do is free of charge. We do not want to profit from the help we are giving.
We want to reinforce cultural identity and encourage diversity and understanding.
We are open to questions and are an interactive organisation. If you have any questions about topics we have written about or ideas for new
topics feel free to contact us at contact(at)rightforeducation.org.