
Restaurant Review

N/A Amazon Alexa Global Rank

Having trouble to decide which restaurant to hop in?
Now, you can ask Alexa to get Restaurant Suggestions and Reviews or Rating.
Just enable the Restaurant Review skill on any Alexa-enabled device and say,
Alexa, ask Restaurant Review to get review (or Rating) of Restaurant” and Alexa will give you top 3 reviews or rating.


*** Added more than 100 cuisines for restaurant suggestions
Try out the new phrases:
1. Alexa, ask Restaurant Review to suggest me some restaurants


Restaurant Suggestions based on cuisine and location ***

Now, get restaurant suggestions with rating in a single command and also you can view the details on Alexa mobile app.

Try out the new phrases:
1. Alexa, ask Restaurant Review to suggest me some restaurants in Location Name. [eg: San Jose]
2. Alexa, ask Restaurant Review, Where should I eat today or What should I eat today?
3. Alexa, ask Restaurant Review to suggest me 3 Cuisine- eg: Italian restaurant in Location Name
4. Alexa, ask Restaurant Review to list Cuisine- eg: Italian restaurant in Location Name.

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