
Relationship Goals

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Disclaimer: If you are an author or an artist whose work has been featured on this page and would like me to remove the item in question, please e-mail me ([email protected]) and I will do so.

I own no copy rights to these Photo's. All copy rights belong solely to the owner/owners. With exception to images that bear the name

The photos, paintings and quotations posted in this page are for informational and viewing purposes and they are the property of the copyright holder. No copyright infringement is intended.

We are not associated nor link to the makers to the movie Fireproof. Furthermore, we are not the author(s) of the book that was reference to the movie The Love Dare. We love the movie and will time and time refer to the messages and stories of it to inspire people's relationships.

OUR PAGE IS FOR Facebook users of all ages so please don't swear or advertise products and services. People who post messages of this kind may be deleted and possibly banned/blocked from the page. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DISPOSE OF ANY NEGATIVE QUOTES AND/OR MISUSE OF THIS PAGE IN ANY WAY. RACISM, SEXIST OR RELIGIOUS ATTACKS IS NOT TOLERATED!

Owner/Administrator: Andy Ranis

E-mail – [email protected]

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