Personal Weather - Weather Underground PWS

An Alexa skill that pulls the data from your personal weather station via Weather Underground.

May 19, 2017: Added support for metric system. To use metric units, say SET UNITS METRIC.

Reports current conditions including temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, pressure, rain in the past hour, rain in the past day, and much more. You can ask for all conditions or just a specific condition.

Please note that this skill is geared towards people that want to get current data from their person weather stations vs. those that want detailed forecasts.


To set the API key and personal weather station ID:

1. First, make note of your personal weather station ID. Most station IDs begin with the letter 'K' followed by a two-letter state abbreviation. Then there is a letter abbreviation for your town/city followed by some numbers.

2. Next, get a Weather Underground API key by going to

3. Sign in, if you haven't done so already.

4. Select any of the Developer plans. There is no charge. Complete the process.

5. Make note of your API key - it will be a series of numbers and lower-case letters.

6. Have your API key and station ID noted down and readily available.

7. Get Alexa's attention - say Alexa and wait for the confirmation tone and/or light.

8. Say Personal Weather.

9. Wait for the app to say Welcome to Personal Weather...

10. After you hear Please say a command and then the tone, say SET KEY followed by your API key.

11. It may take a few attempts to get Alexa to recognize your API key. You can try using the NATO phonetic alphabet* if Alexa keeps having trouble understanding you.

12. Once the app successfully recognizes your API key, it will let you know.

13. Now it's time to set the Station ID. Get Alexa's attention - say Alexa and wait for the confirmation tone and/or light.

14. Say Personal Weather.

15. After you hear Please say a command and then the tone, say SET STATION followed by your station ID.

16. It make take Alexa several attempts to recognize your Station ID. You can try using the NATO phonetic alphabet* if Alexa keeps having trouble understanding you.

17. If the app finds a valid Station ID, it will tell you the location associated with the station. If the station is correct, say yes when asked whether you'd like the save the station ID.

18. Once you have the API and station ID set up, you should not have to enter them ever again.

19. Going forward, you can just say things like Alexa (pause) ask Personal Weather the current conditions, ask personal weather the temperature, ask personal weather the rainfall, etc.

* NATO Phonetic Alphabet

You may have to use this technique to get Alexa to recognize the letters in your API key and station ID.

A Alpha (pronounce as Al fah)
B Bravo (pronounce as Brah Voh)
C Charlie (pronounce as Char Lee)
D Delta (pronounce as Dell Tah)
E Echo (pronounce as Eck Oh)
F Foxtrot (pronounce as Foks Trot)
G Golf (pronounce as Golf)
H Hotel (pronounce as Hoh Tell)
I India (pronounce as In Dee Ah)
J Juliett (pronounce as Jew Lee Ett)
K Kilo (pronounce as Key Loh)
L Lima (pronounce as Lee Mah)
M Mike (pronounce as Mike)
N November (pronounce as No Vem Ber)
O Oscar (pronounce as Oss Car)
P Papa (pronounce as Pah Pah)
Q Quebec (pronounce as Keh Beck)
R Romeo (pronounce as Row Me Oh)
S Sierra (pronounce as See Air Ah)
T Tango (pronounce as Tang Go)
U Uniform (pronounce as You Nee Form)
V Victor (pronounce as Vik Tah)
W Whiskey (pronounce as Wiss Key)
X X Ray (pronounce as Ecks Ray)
Y Yankee (pronounce as Yang Key)
Z Zulu (pronounce as Zoo Lo)

For example, if your station ID is KABCD12, you would say: set station kilo alpha bravo charlie delta 1 2.


- "Alexa. Ask personal weather the current conditions'" - "Alexa. Ask personal weather the temperature'" - "Alexa. Ask personal weather how much rain."

Personal Weather - Weather Underground PWS