Number Games
An interactive way to learn while having fun. The game will ask different types of maths questions helping the kids to develop the mental ability to do quick arithmetics, simple day to day ratios and more. Choose to be a Fictional character, and earn diamonds, rubies, magic wands, and much more as you answer.
- Learn while you play
- Unlocks the power of mind compute
- Score and be the topper among your friends
- Advance your level to make the questions more complex and to explore new types of questions
- All the answers across any level will only be a whole number
What you can ask:
- 'Start number games': Start the game
- 'Level 2 as Captain in number games': Start the game directly in Level 2 as Captain
- 'Open number games and play as Sofia': Starts the game as Sofia
- 'Open number games and level three': Starts the game in Level 3
- 'Play level five as King in number games': Starts the game as King and in Level 5
- 'How do I Rank in number games': Tells your score and your position among other kids
- 'Continue in number games': To continue your previous game
- 'Help in number games': Detailed info about this skill
In the Companion App:
- Question card
- Detailed help card about every question
- Scorecard and your position among the toppers
- Much more... for every interaction you do during the game...
Question Types in each Level:
- Level 1: Addition, Subtraction, Place value
- Level 2: Multiplication, Odd/Even, Largest/Smallest (+ Level 1 questions)
- Level 3: Fractions (Identify NR or DR), Find next in Sequence (+ Level 2 questions)
- Level 4: Word problems on basic operations - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (+ Level 3 questions)
- Level 5: Square root, Average of numbers (+ Level 4 questions)
- Level 6: Duration, Clock corrections (+ Level 5 questions)
- Level 7: Percentage (+ Level 6 questions)
- Level 8: Weights (+ Level 7 questions)
- Level 9: Factors (+ Level 8 questions)
- Level 10: All the above but the answers are more complex
- Earn your precious items based on the level's difficulty and question type
- Sometimes too many wrong answers could cost you your precious items
- While playing, if you say 'ask questions from level ten only': You will get questions from level 10 only but without actually changing your level(difficulty). You can use this to explore different questions without increasing the difficulty
- Play and find more...
Enjoy while learning!!
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