
Next Level Physical Therapy, LLC

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Welcome to BaseCamp!

This is where Private Practice Owners organize in order to gather all the tools they need in order to begin their ascent up the mountain.

Our Program is 3 phases.

Phase 1 is the ascent where you are actively working in the business. This can be treating patients, answering phone calls, setting up staff meetings, and putting out day to day fires. In this Phase, we guide you to implementing the correct day-2-day systems in your clinic.

Phase 2 is the Summit. This is where owners begin the transition from working on all the day-2-day activities to focusing more on growth and scaling of the company. In this Phase, we show you how to transition out of treatment and start focusing more on clinic automation.

Phase 3, although one of the more dangerous, but rewarding phases, is the descent. This is the passive phase where owners can now begin to work on' the business and no longer in it.

The goal is for your business to become one of your greatest assets of passive income in order to create Time Freedom.

Let the journey begin!

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