
Nature's Lead Podcast

#2,537 Amazon Alexa Global Rank

Be uplifted and inspired by the Nature's Lead podcast which examines a certain approach towards life that is based on writers such as Emerson and Thoreau.

The podcast has reached over 30 countries, and is now available as an Alexa skill!

Please provide any feedback to Robert at corpdrone dot com. Robert created the podcast and would love to hear from you.


Simply say Alexa, open Nature's Lead


Simply say Alexa, ask Nature's Lead to play episode 5

Or ask for a specific title you like... Alexa, ask Nature's Lead to play the episode called 'Leaping Heart'

You can also ask for a list of episodes like this:

Alexa, ask Nature's Lead to list all the episodes.

Or, ask... Alexa, ask Nature's Lead what is the name of episode number 3.

There are 35 episodes. Ask for the list if you'd like to hear all the titles -- one might pique your interest.

Here are just a few examples of the 35 episode titles:

Leaping Heart
The Greatest Known Fact
Technology as Destination
The Deception of Progress
Unlocking Our Genius
Everything is Alive
The Nature of Creativity
Reflecting a Raindrop
The Breeze of Happiness


If you enjoy the podcast, please give it a great rating so more people will find it and enjoy it as well.

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