437 tutor-teacher Bots for messenger - ChatBottle

Total matching bots: 437

Delta Specialist Education

Delta Specialist Education

We specialise in Preliminary and HSC tuition for English Advanced and also offer a headstart program for Year 10. Our services represent the premium standard for HSC English tuition. In addition to lessons, the student receives ongoing support, mentorship and essay marking from those who’ve achieved the very highest marks in the state. Our teachers are selected to ensure that they’re capable of providing the best English tuition in NSW. They’re not only academically the most qualified in the state (a state rank in English and a 99.90+ ATAR generally being a requirement), but are highly experienced, with proven teaching skill and dedication in helping students achieve the highest marks.

Education, Tutor/Teacher, Education Company, Academic Camp, School, Professional Service

Il-Cubo, Corsi e Lezioni

Il-Cubo, Corsi e Lezioni

Il-Cubo propone un metodo unico in grado di poter essere plasmato sulle abilità, sulle attitudini e sulle qualità dello studente! Spesso sembra che alcuni studenti non abbiano una minima qualità. Il-Cubo cerca di sfatare questo mito, trovando il buono che c’è in ogni studente e organizzando le sue abilità insegnandogli come poterle sfruttare al meglio. Uno dei concetti base che il-Cubo usa per trovare un metodo personalizzato per gli studenti è la forte motivazione allo studio. Questo concetto oggi viene spesso trascurato, ma in realtà è importantissimo per poter realizzare se stessi nel mondo della scuola e, in futuro, nel mondo del lavoro.

Local Service, Party Entertainment Service, Radio Station, Caterer, Tutor/Teacher, School, Academic Camp



www.webmom.eu - We adopt your company, small or large...Vi adopterer din virksomhed og vejleder på nettet. Tek í fóstur samskipti og samskiptalausnir. Lifandi miðlun á netinu. Stefnumörkun, starfsmannaþjálfun, kennsla. Markaðssetning á samfélagsmiðlum. My CV.is online here: http://bit.ly/LlDCr6 Find me here: http://www.twitter.com/mariannafridjon https://plus.google.com/105741397677507393958/posts http://vimeo.com/mariannafridjons https://www.youtube.com/user/blomalfurinn http://www.flickr.com/photos/mariannafridjonsdottir http://pinterest.com/mariannafridjon/

Accessories, Gift Shop, Tutor/Teacher, Web Designer, Marketing Consultant

Asala Belly Dance

Asala Belly Dance

Asala specializes in Egyptian bellydance, various Arab and Persian folk dances, and Bollywood dance. A seasoned artist in the DC area since 2007, she regularly entertains weddings, corporate events, festivals, fundraisers, and birthday celebrations. Her effortless musicality and seamless improvisation are the foundation to.her dynamic, interactive performances. Asala has performed alongside British pop star Thomas Dolby, Moroccan pop star Mohamed Reda, and Iranian pop stars The Black Cats, Andy Madadian, and Mansour. Throughout her youth, Asala played team sports, participated in 4-H equestrian competitions, select choir (acapella) and musicals, and played the flute and saxophone. While attending Alfred University, she discovered her passion for dance. She trained in bellydance, swing dance, salsa, modern, and butoh. Asala moved to DC following graduation and continued to train in bellydance with Nazira, a master bellydance teacher with 25+ years of performance experience in classical Egyptian style. Nazira and her husband, Shawkat Sayyad, a master of classical Arabic music--oud, vocals, violin, mentored Asala in classical stylizations, rhythms and dance history. She joined Silk Road Dance Company (SRDC) in the Fall of 2008, to perform classical and folkloric dance styles from Central Asia, the Middle East, and South Asia. Asala has performed with SRDC in numerous festivals, stage productions, museum performances and has traveled nationally and internationally.

Accessories, Tutor/Teacher, Artist, Dancer, Sports & Recreation, Arts & Entertainment

Vinícius Naron

Vinícius Naron

Um mundo está morrendo. Outro Mundo está nascendo. Se por um lado as diferenças, a intolerância, as guerras se espalham pelo mundo, por outro nunca os seres humanos experimentam uma oportunidade REAL de viverem em Harmonia e Amor. Nas mídias vemos o retrato de um mundo construído com base na intoerância e separação. Internamente uma mudança silenciosa acontece. Se diz que todos vêem o queimar de uma floresta, mas poucos percebem o brotar de uma semente. Para participarmos desta transformação precisamos estar atentos e conscientes. Só assim poderemos colaborar de maneira construtiva e amorosa neste processo. O nosso trabalho é nos reconectarmos a nossa origem. Voltarmos ao nosso centro. Estar em ressonância com o Todo e assim vibrar graus elevados de Amor. O Amor é única salvação deste planeta.

Accessories, Media/News Company, Clothing Store, Specialty Grocery Store, Tutor/Teacher, Artist, Therapist

Nilza Domingues

Nilza Domingues

ATTA (Associação de terapias tradicionais - Acupuntura) - Escola e clínica de terapias tradicionais chinesas. Fone: (11) 5083-6970

Acupuncturist, Health/Beauty, Tutor/Teacher

Raphael Nunez

Raphael Nunez

Olá, eu sou Raphael Nunez, consultor de negócios, especialista em marketing digital e vendas. Seja muito bem vindo a minha página, onde você terá informações sobre minha carreira e fará parte de minha modesta e querida rede de amigos. Aproveite a estada, a casa é sua!

Education, Hospital, Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Addiction Resources Center, Business Consultant, Advertising/Marketing, Tutor/Teacher

Centro de Estudios LACADEMIA

Centro de Estudios LACADEMIA

En LACADEMIA los estudiantes desarrollan sus procesos de aprendizaje, en un ambiente estimulante de colaboración.Los espacios, como el número de estudiantes, se adecuan para mantener cursos de tamaños apropiados para cada programa de aprendizaje, y facilitar que los tutores y profesores presten asesoramiento particularizado e individual a cada estudiante. Tenemos registro de nuestras operaciones y las estadísticas nos resultan muy favorables, queremos ser reconocidos como el centro educativo y de formación de mayor calidad en el país. Nuestro personal docente está altamente cualificado para brindar servicios educativos acreditados, y ayudar a nuestros estudiantes para descubrir su potencial creativo, de investigación y de acción, en cada rama educativa. El profesor actualiza cada semana los ejercicios al temario correspondiente. Buscamos facilitar al estudiante a través de nuestro lenguaje simple y sencillo pero de alto nivel educativo para lograr que juntos alcances tu mejor rendimiento Le invitamos a vivir la experiencia que LACADEMIA te ofrece, abrazando la emoción de aprender y estudiar. No dude en contactarnos para ofrecerle más información. Estaremos complacidos de brindarle asesoramiento sobre nuestros programas.

Education, Clothing Store, Advertising Agency, Community, Tutor/Teacher, College & University



· Diseño y Desarrollo de Tiendas OnLine (Tiendas Virtuales). · Diseño de Páginas Web En Bogotá · Publicidad en Buscadores (Campañas en Google) · Clases Personalizadas de Prestashop En Bogotá · Clases Personalizadas de Joomla En Bogotá · Clases Personalizadas de Google Adwords · Clases Personalizadas de Photoshop · Desarrollo de Apps Brindamos a las Compañías Nacionales y Extranjeras el Fortalecimiento de Imagen a través de herramientas Tecnológicas como el Diseño de Páginas Web, Diseño y Desarrollo de Tiendas OnLine, Capacitaciones: Cursos de Prestashop en Bogotá, Curso de Joomla, Curso de Photoshop y Curso de Google Adwords, Publicidad en Buscadores - Google Adwords y Diseño y Desarrollo de Apps Corporativas.

Internet Marketing Service, Computer Company, Graphic Designer, Advertising Agency, Tutor/Teacher, Web Designer

Ateliê Cris Ramos

Ateliê Cris Ramos

Aqui no Ateliê Cris Ramos você encontra peças artesanais feitas em tecido, como mochilas, estojos, necessaires, bolsas... tudo feito com muito carinho para vc presentear quem vc ama. Se vc é artesã assim como eu tenho aulas virtuais e presenciais, onde ensino toda a minha técnica para vc. E se precisar de material para confeccionar suas peças, eu também tenho para lhe oferecer. Aqui faço tudo com muito amor e carinho...

Education, Clothing Store, Advertising Agency, Community, Tutor/Teacher, Arts & Crafts Store

Joanna Grabska - Inspirator Zmian

Joanna Grabska - Inspirator Zmian

• 19 lat doświadczenia w pracy z firmami i osobami prywatnymi • 25 000 uczestników moich szkoleń i warsztatów w Polsce, Kanadzie, Irlandii, Belgii, Hawajach. • 2000 dni na salach warsztatowych , pracy indywidualnej w zmianie i transformacji. Od 19 Inspiruję do podejmowania decyzji płynących prosto z uczuć i serca, wychodzenia poza „strefę komfortu”, którą nazywam strefą lęku, wygody, złudnego bezpieczeństwa. Pracuję szczególnie z głębi serca z kobietami nad ożywieniem i wzmocnieniem ich kobiecej energii, pełnej radości, ciepła, szczęścia, spełnienia. Tak, abyś wydobyła z siebie co najlepsze, zawsze najpierw dla siebie we wszystkich sferach swojego życia. Pracuję też w sprawie i uporządkowania, pojednania relacji z mężczyznami. Tak , aby były pełne wzajemnego szacunku, dobra, radości, i miłości, szczerości, uczciwości po obu stronach. Posiadam dar tzw. Szerszej intuicji, jasnowidzenia, ( ludzie obawiają się słowa jasnowidzenie, ale to sprawa , która łatwo racjonalnie wytłumaczyć , żadne czary mary). Dzięki temu darowi, mogę pomóc szybciej dotrzeć do przyczyn Twoich spraw , które nazywasz problemami. Dar ten pozwala dostrzec mi ukryte talenty, Twoje siły i moce , ale też blokady , ukryte dynamiki relacji, w których jesteś. Dzięki temu łatwiej jest mi pomóc dotrzeć do ukrytych motywów i intencji, jeżeli chcesz tego w pracy ze mną. To pomaga i zainspirować Cię do podjęcia decyzji zgodnych z Twoją własną, głęboką prawdą, prawdą serca i duszy. Stawiam na konkrety, konfrontowanie się, decyzje i głęboką pracę duchową, popartą decyzjami. Jak pracuję? Łączę metody, dla lepszego efektu : ustawienia systemowe, pola morficzne, ustawienia aspektowe, pracę w przestrzeni serca, Dwupunkt, Poziomy świadomości Hawkinsa, Wglądy intuicyjne, Pracę na poziomie połączenia logiki i intuicji, Metody trenerskie , coachingowe, Coaching Prowokatywny Jestem autorką bloga – serii artykułów Trzymaj się siebie a także autorką felietonów, dla Business Manhattan i Dolce Vita. A prywatnie mama dwójki dorosłych dzieci: syna 21 i córki 20 lat. Z absolutną pasją do Polinezji, i radości oraz autentyczności ludzi tam żyjących. Tańczę hawajski taniec hula. Bo to taniec duszy i ciała, siły , lekkości, radości i potęgi. Jeżeli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o mnie bądź umówić się na sesję nie wahaj się i napisz bądź zadzwoń do mnie, to pierwszy krok do Twojej niesamowitej zmiany. Moja historia. 19 lat doświadczenia jak trener, coach, doradca biznesowy. Z dyplomem MBA, kursami Business Teacher za granicą. Ponad 25 tysięcy uczestników moich szkoleń i Projektów. Szkolenia , coachingi, w zakresie zmian w organizacji, zmian w działach handlowych. Byłam i jestem skuteczna. A teraz bardziej. Bo połączyłam sferę logiki, danych, liczb, ze sferą ducha. I robię to inaczej , lżej, z miłością, radością, w kierunku spełnienia i po kobiecemu. Wiem , że dopiero to połączenie daje pełnię. A praca dla kobiet i z kobietami, kobietami tzw. Biznesu, sukcesu, kobietami , które pracują w domu, kobietami doświadczonymi różnymi sytuacjami. Skąd to nagle. Z mojej osobistej zmiany, którą przeszłam, znam. Wiem jak było przed, jak jest teraz, i co zrobiłam. Dwa lata temu, kiedy już jakiś czas zajmowałam się pracą duchową, technikami kwantowymi, prowadziłam warsztaty z Metody Dwupunktowej i jednocześnie szkolenia i Projekty dla firm. W ciągłym ruchu, pomocy innym, odkrywaniu nowych jasnowidzących umiejętności, nie widziałam siebie. Sprytna ucieczka od siebie w pomaganie i zaangażowanie w służbie innym, sprytna fasada. Mówili na mnie baba z jajami, zaradna, niezależna. Taka, co to pomoże, a jest silna i nie potrzebuje pomocy i wsparcia. Nawet kark mocny, ramiona jak do boju. I dwa lata temu, zaczęła się zmiana. Od uderzenia. Które nokautuje. Kładzie na ziemię. Bo jest z czego wstać. Przyjechała do mnie przyjaciółka, która też zajmuje się ustawieniami systemowymi. Lipcowy wieczór, herbata, kolacja. Ja jej opowiadam o swoich ostatnich warsztatach, jak to ludzie się zmieniali, co się działo, jakie transformacje. Ona tak patrzy na mnie, nic nie mówi, tylko się mi przygląda. Po chwili mówi- wiesz co, a może ustawimy Ciebie z energią męską. Ok, pomyślałam. Ona weszła w tzw. reprezentacje energii męskiej, czyli jej osoba była, nazwijmy to symbolem męskiej energii. I stanęła na przeciw mnie . Ja usiadłam na fotelu, po męsku, ręce za głowę, głowa odchylona do tyłu, noga na nogę w tzw., amerykańskiej czwórce. I pierwsza myśl,„ co za dupek”, boi się. A ona, reprezentując ta energie, uciekła na balkon, tym bardziej potwierdzając moją tezę- dupek. Tak to się pokazało. Tak ja widziałam i tak mnie widziano. Smutno mi się zrobiło. Bardzo nawet. Kurczę, to ja? No niestety tak. Czasem trzeba coś zobaczyć, dostać w pysk, zderzyć się ze ścianą, żeby się obudzić. I zadziało się. Zmieniłam się. Inaczej się czuję, wyglądam, co innego jest dla mnie ważne. I chcę , i czuję się upoważniona , poprzez to co i jak sama przeszłam, pracować dla kobiet i mężczyzn, w kierunku szacunku, radości, bliskości, szczerości , uczciwości i miłości.

Sports & Recreation, Advertising Agency, Sports Club, Just For Fun, Personal Coach, Tutor/Teacher

Times And Trends Academy

Times And Trends Academy

Times and Trends Academy (TTA) is one of the best premier academies for vocational training in India. Times and Trends Academy offers courses in Fashion Design, Interior Design, Event Management, Jewellery Design, ACCA Training, Animation & Graphic Design and IBPS Training. Times and Trends Academy, with a legacy of 12+ years, and 10000+ passed-out students, is going strong with its industry-relevant courses, state-of-the-art infrastructure and expert faculties from industries. TTA offers the best of the education from the world as it has collaborated with finest education institutes around the world. City of Oxford College, United Kingdom, one of the reputed institutes in the Europe, is Times and Trends Academy’s education partner for vocational courses. YCMOU – one of the leading open universities in India, and ACCA – world’s one of the best accounting bodies, are also education partners of TTA. Times and Trends Academy is also proud to be an authorized training partner for Autodesk. With over 8 franchises, TTA churns out aspirants who become successful industry experts and entrepreneurs, and for the same reason, happens to be the hot pick of aspiring students who wish to shape their early careers.

School, Tutor/Teacher, Education Company, Education, Advertising/Marketing



ทำออนไลน์ รายได้เสริม งานพิเศษ ทำที่บ้าน ว่างงาน

Advertising/Marketing, Tutor/Teacher

My Electronics Lab

My Electronics Lab

My Electronics Lab has been founded to teach some interesting topic in electronics for free and Help individuals to build something cool product in electronics, Embedded and IOT domain.

Product/Service, Public Figure, Advertising/Marketing, Computer Repair Service, Electronics Company, Tutor/Teacher, Education Website

Raphael Nunez

Raphael Nunez

Olá, eu sou Raphael Nunez, consultor de negócios, especialista em marketing digital e vendas. Seja muito bem vindo a minha página, onde você terá informações sobre minha carreira e fará parte de minha modesta e querida rede de amigos. Aproveite a estada, a casa é sua!

Manychat, Real Estate Agent, Tour Agency, City, Business Consultant, Advertising/Marketing, Tutor/Teacher



WateROAM is a water innovation enterprise founded in Singapore in 2014 to develop water filtration solutions that bring about the quickest access to clean drinking water at disaster-hit locations, and help to promote social change in rural development areas. These water filters are designed to be highly simple, portable, durable, and affordable, thereby improving the access to clean drinking water significantly. Till date, WateROAM has deployed its water filtration systems through NGOs to provide more than 15,000 people in Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Vanuatu with access to clean drinking water. WateROAM works with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), companies engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, and government bodies to reach its vision of building a world where no man shall face prolonged thirst.

Tutor/Teacher, Educational Consultant, Commercial & Industrial, Advertising/Marketing, Community, Environmental Consultant, Entrepreneur

Raphael Nunez

Raphael Nunez

Olá, eu sou Raphael Nunez, consultor de negócios, especialista em marketing digital e vendas. Seja muito bem vindo a minha página, onde você terá informações sobre minha carreira e fará parte de minha modesta e querida rede de amigos. Aproveite a estada, a casa é sua!

Education, Real Estate Agent, Hospital, Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Business Consultant, Tutor/Teacher, Advertising/Marketing

ABU - EMP Unlimited Credit Resources Inc.

ABU - EMP Unlimited Credit Resources Inc.

According to the 2010 Financial Access Survey, it is estimated that only 20% of registered small firms have access to loans from formal financial institutions due to hurdles caused by several intrinsic factors in our banking system. More specifically, these are: collateral requirements from banks, high minimum loan amounts, difficulty in restructuring loans, and limited access to information on alternate sources of funding . At ABU-EMP, we aim to bridge this supply-demand gap in SME financing by providing tailor-fit financial programs and consultancy to aid emerging entrepreneurs. By advocating for SME growth, we are helping in the advancement of a sector that can make the Philippine economy a driving force in Southeast Asia.

Tutor/Teacher, Educational Consultant, Commercial & Industrial, Advertising/Marketing, Business Service, Financial Service

Junio Magela Alexandre

Junio Magela Alexandre

Advogado Especialista em Direito Ambiental. Membro da Câmara Técnica do Pacto Federativo do CONAREDD+ Conselheiro do CODEMA do Município de Nova Lima. É Diretor Jurídico da UBCA - União Brasileira de Consultores Ambientais Foi Conselheiro do COPAM em Minas Gerais. Foi membro da Comitiva Brasileira na Conferência da ONU sobre Mudanças do Clima em Paris (COP-21) e em Copenhagen (COP–15). Participou das negociações da Conferência da ONU Rio+20. Fellow LEAD, organização internacional de liderança em sustentabilidade sediada no Reino Unido. Atuou como consultor no processo de construção de várias leis em Minas Gerais, incluindo a Lei Florestal. Especialidades: Licenciamento Ambiental | Lei Florestal | Negociação com Órgãos Ambientais | Resíduos | Direito Urbanístico | Indústria | Mineração | Terceiro Setor | Incêndios Florestais | Área de Preservação Permanente | Reserva Legal | CAR | Autos de Infração | Loteamentos | Incorporação Imobiliária | Efluentes Líquidos | Incêndio | Embargo | Suspensão de Atividades | Alvará de Funcionamento | Mata Atlântica | Emergências Ambientais | Importação e Exportação de Produtos | Produtos Químicos | Regularidade Ambiental

Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Public Figure, Real Estate Company, Lawyer & Law Firm, Environmental Consultant, Tutor/Teacher

Dare To Be Coaching & Healing

Dare To Be Coaching & Healing

Hi All, I'm Nici, a wellbeing coach, healer and mentor. I dare my clients to be the change within, that they want to see in their lives. I can help you identify the steps you can choose to take, towards a fulfilled, joyful and abundant life. Not just when life is good, but when life is challenging too. I'm all about getting down to the grit of who you truly are and partnering you in allowing that authentic you to shine. Do you dare be all that you truly are? If so lets talk!

Social, Utility, Tech News, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Tutor/Teacher