65 schools Bots for messenger - ChatBottle
Total matching bots: 65
Isaac Asimov Bot
Write with sci-fi author Isaac Asimov
Education, Ai, Celebrity, Artificial Intelligence, Schools

IIT Bombay Racing
IIT Bombay Racing is a student organization built with a vision to pioneer development and deployment of innovative technologies in the Indian Automobile Sector. 60+ students with a formal 3-tier team structure spread across various disciplines are united by a common ambition of being at the forefront of global student motorsports. We design, engineer and race our vehicles at SAE Collegiate Design Competitions like the Formula Student. Innovation and experimentation are the key drivers in our quest for excellence. Our achievements over the past ten years stand testament to our engineering prowess. The team has always operated independently, transferring the knowledge obtained from year to year.
Education, Students, Schools, Manychat, Nonprofit Organization, Automotive Manufacturer, Cars
Ask My Buddy
Ask My Buddy Personal Alert ⨁ Network All of us are alone sometimes and we can't always reach our phones or press a button to get assistance. This is why everyone needs Ask My Buddy because you can't predict when you'll need help.
Delivery & Takeout, Friends & Family, Fun, Game, Schools
Student Bot
Hello! I’m a Student Bot designed to help students to cope with their college writing. Fast and accurate, I’ll find the paper you are looking for. All you need to do is to type your topic in and get the links to the most relevant samples on StudentShare.net. Get encouraged with the best students works and write you own shining paper!
Education, Students, Schools
Student Bot
Hello! I’m a Student Bot designed to help students to cope with their college writing. Fast and accurate, I’ll find the paper you are looking for. All you need to do is to type your topic in and get the links to the most relevant samples on StudentShare.net. Get encouraged with the best students works and write you own shining paper!
Education, Schools, Students
Chatbot CNH
*Only for vietnamese users* A simple chatbot to connect people in Nguyen Hue high school for gifted students. Just try it and you can talk with strangers!
Social, Education, Schools

Expedice Bukvice
Kdo jsme? David Nguyen - Vůdce expedice, workoholik, hlavní organizátor, nejkrásnější z týmu, hodně brutálně vysoký asiat, letošní maturant z Gymnázia Ostrov, pracuje pro Social Visage, je Amebassadorem Rock for People a Šéfredaktor webu Rock&Pop. PS: Jsem přítulný Roman Kroupa - První přihlášený člověk na naši expedici, další letošní maturant - jediný negymplák ve Vietnamu, dle fotek má rád vietnamský kluky a dává Facebook like v reálu, strašný kurevník, který si nedokázal sehnat žádnou asiatku... Vítek Jurica - Sponzoruje ho firma Jurica Staveniny, nejméně vlasů na hlavě, píchá si steroidy, má bílý zadek, miluje asiatky na všechny způsoby, letošní maturant z Gymnázia Ostrov, přijat na ČVUT, oblíbené jídlo - sushi. Egon Kunzmann - Též přezdívaný Kübl von Ostrov, v žilách mu koluje německá krev pro předcích z Wehrmachtu, plavčík, má rád holky malé až velké, hubené až po baculaté, s Justinem nebo bez, s pindíkem i bez, budoucí autor knížek Jak přežít vietnamskou džungli první část, Jak přežít vietnamskou džungli druhá část, Jak přežít vietnamskou džungli poslední část, Jak přežít vietnamskou džungli došly mi peníze, tak ještě jednu část, Jak přežít vietnamskou džungli slibuji, tohle bude poslední část. Martin Filipec - Náš doktor, student UK, nejrozumnější člověk z expedice, bude nás vysekávat z problémů, ex-student Gymnázia Ostrov, v případě nouze i pilot našeho letadla nebo unesené lodi na moři. Vladimír Palivec - Zdravotní sestřička, student VŠCHT, nadějný v chemii, nemá Facebook, takže v případě nouze ho prodáme jako prvního na orgány. Velký chemik, flegmatik, jemu ta práce v Saigonských bordelech bude stejnak putna.
Education, Students, Schools, Manychat

SCSIT Bulletin
This Fan Page is Managed and maintained by the SCSIT SSG Officers A.Y. 2014-2015 President: Michael Alvin L. Dausin Vice-President: MarK G. Rabadon Secretary: Edmar T. Cavales Treasurer: Gein Collette C. Gonzales Auditor: Jose Arian G. Cuenca M.I.O’s: Internal: Artlor James A Cejas External: Van Lexster Balansag Representatives: Management: Vicente A. Ducay Jr. Computer Studies: Gemma S. Cortella Marine Engineering: Mc Nello P. Gumera Marine Transportation: Christele Jade T. Mier Education: Simon P. Alquirez Engineering: Lyndon Tomaodos Crminology: Gerald T. Fabellar Nursing: Helen Joy V. Caspe SSG Adviser: Mr. Ricardo S. Lagahit This official facebook page of our school's social media bulletin which is vying to become an effective heraldic device for students who seek relevant information and would even want to obtain about our school activities, news, updates etc. Our newly elected SSG Officers are new breed of leaders who always want to innovate and make change for the welfare of the SCSIT student body. VISION Becoming the founder of change for the betterment of the school and the studentry. MISSION Unified and empowered young leaders committed to serve the student body that provide an avenue for the development of students' potentials, improvement of school utilities and systems & pushing for enhanced accessibility and communication through technology that will serve as a gateway for the accomplishment of our visions. Goals - Develop student skills, abilities and knowledge through different school organizations. - Set an accessible communication system using current technological advancements enabling efficient and effective flow of information. - Create innovative fund raising programs for more feasible and tangible projects. - Uplift the name of the school thus, increasing its level of competitiveness. - Maintain an organized and harmonious school environment. - Deliver quality governance by fostering important values, especially equality, unity and diligence. - Promotes holistic formation of the youth to construct a road-map leading to their spiritual development. PLATFORM: #OOTD Usually #OOTD is used by those people to post their outfits of the day especially those people who belong to the fashion circle. But our party back then which is #SELFIE used #OOTD to mean: - ORIENTATION - ORGANIZATION - TRANSPARENCY - DISSEMINATION Within this four pillars of our platform, we can formulate projects that students will benefit and enable them to cultivate their continuous individual development . The newly elected SSG Officers vies nothing but to contribute in the evolution of our beloved school SCSIT towards the achievement of its vision, mission and goals.
Education, Students, Schools, School, Media/News Company

SSG Gallanosa NHS
The page contains the projects and activities conducted by the previous Supreme Student Government SY 2012-2013 with those from the current Supreme Student Government SY 2016-2017. Students are free to post and suggest projects that can be made possible by the Supreme Student Government.
Education, Students, Schools, Medical Center

Student Republic
STUDENT REPUBLIC is the largest events company in the South East, with in excess of 4,000 students attending SR events every single week. Based in the UK's largest student town, STUDENT REPUBLIC dominates the city of Canterbury, running all the major nights for the city's two biggest universities - The University of Kent & Canterbury Christ Church University. This year - we're coming to a city near you.
Education, Students, Schools, Manychat

LivinFrance is a start up based in Lille. Created in 2015, Eden & Alban decided to solve one main problem that most of international student are facing when they come in France : rent an accommodation and do the paperwork. We help International student to settle down easily in France ! Dedicated before, during and after the exchange program, we ensure our students the best quality services and experience as possible! LivinFrance is offering a large range of property around France. Each property is certified by our team. Once the accommodation found, we help each student through administrative procedures to make the exchange programme even smoother in France. Our team is composed by City managers, Flat hunters, Business developer, Marketing analyst, Chief of national development and Welcomers. Our goal is to make internationals students's stay easier and peaceful. A secure place with everything you need to feel home in France.
Education, Students, Schools, Manychat, Real Estate
Roleplay Chat Meet Anime + More
Ready to roleplay? Meet thousands of geeks on Kik that share your same roleplay interests. Thousands of topics including anime, comics, high school, romance, apocalypse, vampire, otaku, minecraft, pokemon, doctor who, my little pony, furry, naruto, one piece, homestuck, creepypasta and so much more. 1) Choose your style - free form, semi-lit, advanced lit. 2) Choose your topic - anime, romance, pokemon, whatever. 3) Get instant matches on kik - meet friends, have fun and geek out. ------- School sucks? Roleplay. Bored? Roleplay Romance? Roleplay Family? Roleplay Horror? Roleplay ------- Get your bio and pic ready, then get lost in a roleplay fantasy adventure. It's awesome and fun.
Entertainment, Local, Schools
This skill connects to the laundry alert API to retrieve current laundry data from all UIUC dorms. Simply ask Alexa for laundry information at a specific dorm and she will respond with the number of washers and dryers available at the specified location.
Home Assistant, Laundry, Local, Schools, Smart Home
Islamic Center of South Florida
Get the latest news from the Islamic Center of South Florida
Local, Schools
Husky Guide
Visiting the UConn Storrs campus and need something to do? Use Husky Guide to find the best attractions on campus and information about the campus. <br><br>*Disclaimer: this is an unofficial student made guide with no affiliation with UConn
Local, Schools
Georgia Tech Traditions
This still will share facts about Georgia Tech traditions. Information included in this skill can be found at http://www.gatech.edu/about/history-and-traditions and http://traditions.gatech.edu/. Mild profanity may be used. Users can ask “What’s the good word?” “How about ‘em dawgs?” or “Tell me a fact.”
Local, Schools
Durham Academy
This skill will pull news and calendar information from the Durham Academy website.
Local, Schools
School Buddy
This skill reads the events from the school calendar, users can search by any day or a time period
Local, Schools