61 politics Bots for messenger - ChatBottle

Total matching bots: 61

Sluga Narodu

Sluga Narodu

See incomes and properties of government officials, fill a complaint or analyze data by the category

Analytics, Politics

DU30 For a Better World

DU30 For a Better World

Supporting our Dear Philippine President 100%. How about you?! Do you support our President? We support HIM 100%. Our Mission is to Defend our president from Bias Medias and Fake News about him.

Social, News, Politics, US Election, Political Organization, Media/News Company, App Page

The People's Eagle

The People's Eagle

Learning about politics, the voting process, and who to pick for President can be a very tedious and intimidating process. 'Who should I vote for?' is the #1 search topic if you start typing 'who shou...' into Google. The People’s Eagle was created to inspire educated democracy by making learning about and participating in this year’s election fun and effortless. What would you ask the candidates if you could get them one-on-one?

Assistant, Fun, Politics

Mix & Twist Bartending

Mix & Twist Bartending

Engage and entertain your friends with cocktails and flair. Mix & Twist bartenders bring to your event the art of Mixology and the fun of bartending to produce great cocktails and a spectacular night. You sort the people, we'll sort the cocktails and lets have a great night! No matter what the occasion or where you are there’s always an excuse to enjoy great tasting cocktails.

Social, Real Estate, Politics, Manychat, Real Estate, Bartending Service, Hospitality Service, Cocktail Bar



Uma Loja Online da magazine Luiza para você,loja de varejo, eletroeletrônico,eletroportátil,móveis,telefonia,celular,comprar eletrodoméstico,magazine luiza,magazine,loja,compra na internet,comprar,mococaway,Somente Ofertas.

Music, Politics, Manychat, Clothing Store, Mobile Phone Shop, Electronics Store, Big Box Retailer

World of Business

World of Business

World of Business (print and online) is an international business magazine owned and run by Stimulus Research Services. In the world where brevity and variety rule the publishing sector, World of Business impeccably caters to both. The magazine provides its readers with a niche and a knowledge-based outlook towards different sectors of the international business world. The magazine features stories, articles, interviews, guest columns, analyses, reviews, reports and much more, encompassing a wide variety of domains of the mammoth global business world. The people behind World of Business believe that serving a publication of international repute demands extensive research and analysis. Drawing a cue from the same, the content in the magazine has been designed in such a way that the readers would find it unquestionably comprehensible and interesting. Since the magazine puts its readers on a pedestal, it is always open to their valuable feedback to constantly improve its content deliverables.

Music, Politics, Government, Manychat, Publisher, Business Service, Broadcasting & Media Production Company

Myrna Tam Natividad

Myrna Tam Natividad

Myrna Tam-Natividad is a successful and highly respected businesswoman with 40 years of experience growing small-medium businesses. Her business acumen stems from her studies and extensive experience of running numerous family-owned businesses and companies which include a pension house, computer shops, franchises of STI College and Chowking, and a chain of pawnshops and jewelry stores across Mindanao. She is the prime developer of Grow Your Business, Pinoy! Roadmap (GYBP!© Roadmap). The first of its kind in the Philippines, The GYBP!© Roadmap is a business growth guide designed for Filipino small-medium business owners who want to learn how to grow their businesses to the next level. With her passion for teaching and helping Filipino business owners succeed, she regularly delivers talks and workshops on business growth in events organized by the Department of Trade and Industry where she is a sought-after mentor. She is vice president of STI College-Zamboanga. She obtained her Master of Science in Mathematics from the Ateneo de Manila Univer-sity and is currently pursuing her dissertation in Development Studies from the Ateneo de Zam-boanga University. She is the founding president of the Asosacion delas Mujeres de Zamboanga and the former president of the Zamboanga Filipino-Chinese Federation of Business and Women Professionals. She is also a member of the Zamboanga Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foundation.

News, Politics, US Election, High School, Business Consultant, Coach

Transcom Hungary

Transcom Hungary

Every day, our 30,000 customer experience specialists handle more than one million interactions with our clients’ customers in more than 33 languages all over the world. Every hour, we rely on knowledgeable, motivated people to deliver great customer experience, in any customer situation and via any channel. Every year we hire thousands of new people on whom our business results depend. In our business we can truly say that people make all the difference! Transcom's vision is to be recognized as a global leader in Customer Experience. Our core values Passion, Excellence and Innovation guide us as a company and guide the behavior of the professionals who make up our workforce. We believe these values make Transcom a great partner and a great employer.

Social, Politics, US Election, Manychat, Business Service, Telecommunication Company



Daily Dose of Viral Awesomeness. Currently the Viral buzzinga is inspired to make a difference in people life by sharing kindness, happiness and joy. We do not cover serious issues, we make it fun to make you life brighter and amazing.

Social, Politics, US Election, Clothing (Brand)

Ouwens Casserly Real Estate

Ouwens Casserly Real Estate

A home can be many things. A new beginning, a place to grow, a reflection of all we've achieved. While each home is as distinct as the people living in it, there's one thing we all have in common. When our needs and wants change, it's time to make a move. Whether you're looking for a lifestyle change, more space or just something new, you don't want to spend your life dreaming about it. At Ouwens Casserly, we'll work with you to make it happen. MAKE IT HAPPEN™

Social, Politics, Manychat, Clothing (Brand), Real Estate Agent, Local Service, Real Estate Service

Bunny Make up - Nyúl Alexandra Professional Make-Up Artist

Bunny Make up - Nyúl Alexandra Professional Make-Up Artist

Bunny make up - Nyúl Alexandra ,, A sminkelés művészet,amely felfedi egy arc előnyös vonásait,és kiemeli annak egyediségét ! Kedves Vendégeim! Ritkán tudok új vendégeket fogadni,de természetesen próba-szerencse.Mindenkinek reagálok itt az oldalon a feltett kérdésekre.Szeretném felhívni a figyelmet arra,hogy bevezettem azt a rendszert(nyilván előzmények miatt),hogy új vendég első alkalommal kizárólag úgy tud időpontot foglalni,ha utalja a kiválasztott szolgáltatás 50%-át.A jóváírás után kerül csak be a naplómba!Ez egy egyszeri alkalom,de sajnos ismeretlenül nem tudom kiszűrni ki mennyire tiszteli a másik idejét.Ha nem jelenik meg a vendég ez minősül bánatpénznek.Köszönöm a megértést!;) Sziasztok! Nyúl Alexandra vagyok,kozmetikus,sminkes és műszempilla stylist.Már egészen kicsi korom óta nagy álmom volt,hogy a szépségiparban dolgozhassak,először rajztudásomban mutatkozott meg a kreativitásom,már általános iskolában is rengeteg országos és nemzetközi rajzversenyen értem el kimagasló eredményeket! Sminkjeim megvalósitásához csak kiváló minőségű,professzionális termékekkel dolgozok mint pl.:MAC Cosmetics,Anastasia Beverly Hills,Urban Decay,Chanel,Kiko make up,Paris Berlin,Flormar,Make up Forever,Karaja,Studio Make-up,Sleek stb.! Nekem ez a szakma többet jelent annál,hogy az állitólagos hibákat eltüntessem,hiszen a fantázia határa a csillagos ég! Szeretném középpontba helyezni az egyéniséged,a kisugárzásod és megmutatni milyen küldönleges vagy! Célom,hogy vendégeim a legnagyobb örömmel és elégedettséggel távozzanak a szalonomból! ;) Szolgáltatásaim : - smink nappali,alkalmi,menyasszonyi,extrém műszempillák - sminkoktatás - 1D-6D-s műszempilla - botox hatású ránctanaitó kezelések - ultrahangos kezelések - arc és dekoltázs kezelések,masszázsok - Csokoládés,Boros,Kigyós-Csigás,Olivás,Ránctalanitó,Sejtregeneráló - gyantázás - tartós szemöldök,szempilla festés

Social, Politics, Manychat, Clothing (Brand), Makeup Artist, Professional Service



Welcome! We’re Tiff and Jack. Do you believe that your life can be ridiculously happy? We do. There’s Romeo and Juliet, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, and then there’s Tiff & Jack, the Dynamic Duo. We've followed our hearts every step of the way. No conventionality here. We walk our talk. We started our business from scratch knowing we have a message to share, and years later the message is only getting louder. We are part love bomb ... life coach ... healer ... teacher ... martini shaker ... business builder ... and last but certainly not least ... FUN-HAVER. Love is our fuel! Whether we're coaching, teaching, recording, or posting, you see is what you get. Authentic, loving, and most of the time, completely irreverent. We have dialed in what it takes to live life on our terms, awake, alive, and filled with passion. We are known to deliver the most unique and all-encompassing life coaching in the industry. That’s because our approach works from the inside-out. No one does it like we do. We are committed to not only get you results, but to make the process irresistibly simple, and bring you the best of the best while keeping it real every step of the way. There may be times you are shocked or a little offended, but hey, sometimes a little TMI is just what the doctor ordered. You are NOT alone! We're all in this together. Peace Out, Tiff & Jack www.tiffandjack.com

Music, Politics, Manychat, Clothing Store, Personal Coach, Region, Local Service

Saga Jack Farrell

Saga Jack Farrell

Série Jack Farrell é um envolvente enredo de mistério e misticismo, repleto de criaturas fantásticas e mitológicas; e como postulante da antiga e lendária Ordem dos Cavaleiros Templários a qual seu pai pertencia como importante cavaleiro e guardião do Cálice Sagrado; Jack Farrell e seus amigos Gwen e Will iniciarão uma emocionante aventura viajando através do tempo e da história das civilizações antigas, mas acima de tudo, ao encontro de suas verdadeiras virtudes, numa viagem de autoconhecimento e evolução interior. Uma viagem que levará Jack a encontrar seu verdadeiro e inevitável destino: o de ser, um dia, o Unificador dos Mundos.

Music, Politics, Manychat, Clothing Store

Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey

Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey

Toto je oficiální facebooková stránka značky Jack Daniel's Česká republika. Její obsah je určen výhradně osobám starším 18 let. Prosíme, nesdílejte a nepřeposílejte jej nezletilým osobám. Tennessee Whiskey, 40% Alc. by Vol. (80 proof.) Distilled and bottled by Jack Daniel Distillery, Lynchburg, Tennessee. JACK DANIEL'S and OLD NO. 7 are registered trademarks. ©® 2017 Jack Daniel's. All rights reserved. Oficiální webové stránky: http://www.jackdaniels.cz/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackdaniels_cz/ Pro více informací o odpovědné spotřebě, navštivte http://www.ourthinkingaboutdrinking.com & http://www.pijsrozumem.cz

Music, Politics, Manychat, Clothing Store

Pride St. Louis

Pride St. Louis

Board of Directors: Matthew Harper, President [email protected] Martin Zuniga, Vice President [email protected] Landon Brownfield, Secretary [email protected] Jason Johnson, Treasurer [email protected] Todd Alan, Director of Corporate Sponsorship [email protected] Leon Braxton Jr., Director of Diversity and Inclusion [email protected] [email protected] Christa Cunningham, Co-Director of Operations [email protected] Jesse Doggendorf, Vendor Director [email protected] Caleb-MIchael Files, Director of Fundraising [email protected] Dennis Gorg, Director of Compliance [email protected] Kevin Hirsch, Director of IT and Marketing [email protected] Adam Ruppert, Co-Director of Operations [email protected] Gavin Schmitz, Director-At-Large [email protected] Wolf Smith, Director of Organizational Development [email protected] Ellen Vanscoy, Parade Director [email protected]

Politics, Manychat, Professional Service, Legal Service, Community Center, Nonprofit Organization, Community Organization

President Donald Trump Fan Club

President Donald Trump Fan Club

President Donald Trump Fan Club. Breaking Trump News and Updates. For Trump Fans by Trump Fans. Together We can Make America Great and Safe Again.

Social, Politics, US Election, Manychat, Community Organization

Gaurav Dubey

Gaurav Dubey

When you think to get success that's moment you'll get 50% success rest of 50% is your responsibility+hard work with SMART attitude to get your success...

Music, Politics, Manychat, Consulting Agency



A chatbot/ intelligent tutoring system that debates your ideas. Philosophy, politics, economics, etc.

Game, Education, Politics, Philosophy, Economics

My Olive Tree

My Olive Tree

Unlike other Israel tree-planting options, our trees are planted for BOTH reforestation and to produce an olive harvest each year. Our trees are irrigated and receive ongoing care to become healthy and mature trees that produce an annual harvest. Our trees are “designed” to produce healthy fruit in specific types of soil (like the Negev desert). The trees you plant through My Olive Tree help families throughout the State of Israel: Your tree benefits farmers, moshavs, kibbutz, nurseries, and irrigation companies! Your tree will have a positive effect on the economy, the environment, and the spirit of the people. Your investment will create jobs, produce oxygen, provide food, and increase rainfall! Your tree will help fulfill Isaiah’s’ prophecy and make the desert blossom and rejoice!

Education, Travel, Politics, US Election, Manychat

Woodhill Firewood

Woodhill Firewood

WOODHILL FIREWOOD In the early 1970’s two families running separate businesses realized their common interest and began a collaboration effort to minimize green waste and help the environment. The Roger’s were running Woodhill Firewood, a firewood business while the Mahoney’s were operating West Coast Arborists, Inc. (WCA, Inc.) a tree maintenance company. And so it was that a new approach to an old idea was born. Together the Roger’s and the Mahoney’s realized that the two could work together. Today trees maintained by WCA, Inc. from over 200 public agencies are being converted by Woodhill Firewood into useable products that are available to some of the very communities that they originated from. Products such as firewood, top soil, mulch, wood slabs, and even palm trees are available for purchase from Woodhill Firewood. This ongoing endeavor to reduce waste from the urban forest has been successful for over 40 years and it continues to thrive. WCA PALMS We are a full service Palm Tree Nursery (in Irvine) and Rehabilitation Center (in Brea). We sell, deliver and install a wide selection of palm trees. Come stop by our new location in Irvine and let us help you find the right palm for you. Our parent company, West Coast Arborists, Inc., contracts tree maintenance and management services with over 200 municipalities throughout the State of California. Oftentimes cities find themselves in need of removing an oversized or distressed palm tree. In an effort to reduce the number of palms that are cut down and sent to landfills, WCA has successfully removed and relocated these palm trees to our Palm Nursery in Irvine, CA. This nursery has acted as our current rescue facility. Palm trees are rehabilitated here and nursed back to health. We have successfully repatriated numerous specimen palms over the last two years; sometimes, returning them to the original City, or offering them to our current customers at discounted prices.

Education, Travel, Politics, Manychat, Home, Fireplace Store