255 plastic-surgeon Bots for messenger - ChatBottle
Total matching bots: 255

Dra Carmina Cardenas M
Board certified Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, considered one of the top and most sought after Plastic Surgeons in Tijuana, Mexico with patients from all over the United States, Canada and México. Active member of the Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (AMCPER). Dr. Cardenas is Board Certified by the Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (CMCPER). Active member of the Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Baja California (CCPERBC). Member of the Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery (FILACP). Member of the San Diego Plastic Society (SDPSS). Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).”
Real Estate, Manychat, Real Estate, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Skin Care Service, Medical Center, Plastic Surgeon

DMCI Homes Resort Style Living and Amenities
DMCI Homes Prime and Affordable Condo in Makati,Pasig, Paranaque, Taguig, Mandaluyong and Quezon City a combination of 1-3 beroom unit Types. Alluring Resort Style Living Condo all over the Metro.. Through continuing research, DMCI became a pioneer in several advanced construction application technology in the Philippines. Taking this into account, DMCI enjoys the patronage of both new and repeat institutional clients whose businesses have benefited from DMCI’s on-or-ahead-of-schedule completion philosophy. The hundreds of landmark infrastructures constructed by DMCI symbolize the expertise and professionalism of the Filipino engineer. Some of the landmark infrastructures that DMCI built include: Mactan Shangri-La Hotel (Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu) Makati Shangri-la (Makati City) Shangri-la Resorts & Spa Boracay (Malay, Aklan) Manila Hotel (Rizal Park, Manila) The Westin Philippine Plaza/Sofitel (CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila) Cultural Center of the Philippines (Roxas Boulevard, Manila) Ayala Tower One (Makati City) The New Istana Palace (Sultan’s Palace, Brunei, Darussalam) The Asian Hospital (Filinvest Corporate City, Muntinlupa) The Manila Doctor’s Hospital (UN Avenue, Manila) It has successfully completed over 500 projects to date. These landmark infrastructures symbolize the expertise and professionalism of the Filipino engineer.
Plastic Surgeon, Real Estate Investment Firm, Apartment & Condo Building, Real Estate Developer

DjSkye Spiritfm
Hello, mga bestfriends! This is DJ Skye of 99.1 Spirit FM. Samahan nyo ako every Mon to Thu 8PM to 10:30PM for Lite N Easy and every Fri 8PM to 10:30PM with DJ Joseph for Lite Talk. What you can see on this page: - Lite N Easy Topics / Questions - Bet ko Sagot Mo, Bestfriend photos - Song Lyrics and Videos - Pam-pa-good vibes na links - Hugot Lines - My Vlogs - at kung anu-ano pang ka-sentihan ng buhay! Thank you, bestfriend, for making 99.1 Spirit FM the No.1 Radio Station in mega Batangas and beyond!
Plastic Surgeon, DJ, Arts & Entertainment, Radio Station

Välkommen till Imobo! Hos oss möts hela Asien, både öst och väst, i vår matlagning. För att få den optimala smakupplevelsen hos oss har vi mellanrätter som man väljer ifrån och sätter ihop till sin middag. Funkar lika bra för ett par eller större sällskap. Sällskap större än 8 personer har vi settmenyer att erbjuda. Våran pub är uppdelad i två sektioner, en är bokningsbar med bordsservering och den andra är självservering. Vi rekommenderar att ni kommer fast ni inte har bokat då vi har mycket plats just för detta. När det kommer till vårt dryckessortiment ligger focus på öl! Så kort och gott, mycket öl från alle höll och kanter! Vin finns med, ett litet men noga utvalt. Kort och gott beskriver vi oss som Friggagatans Pan-Asiatiska Gastropub - lite bröt, lite stök, lite knö, kom och tjöt!
Plastic Surgeon, Asian Fusion Restaurant, Pub

OneRedesign Manila
WHAT IS REDESIGNMANILA? A creative initiative from Go Motion Productions – the fastest growing production house in the Philippines that dabbles creating meaningful content for the multi-platform video audience. The idea was born more than a decade ago: Paolo Joaquin (the video director), envisioned how he can help make the Philippines better for Filipinos. An artist since he was a kid, he came up with the idea of starting with imagining a redesigned Manila. Fast-track to 2014, he pitched the idea to Creative Director Ringo Mendoza. The latter was sold with the inspirational spark it can trigger to audiences, and the possibility of making a redesigned Metro a possibility. Some months later, a team of young, like-minded Go Motion production-skilled and art-disciplined talents formed the Redesign Manila team. And a few hours after the #RedesignManila video was uploaded on February 14, 2016, OneRDM became the natural progression – with hundreds of thousands liking, sharing and viewing the video; and with the overwhelming support volunteered by audiences in the Philippines and abroad – Filipinos and foreigners alike. WHAT IS ONE REDESIGNMANILA? OneRDM is the movement of volunteers and believers that Manila can be redesigned for the better. Because we deserve it. Because Manila deserves it. OneRDM’s purpose is to gather support of any kind so that the dream becomes a reality in the soonest time possible. The beauty of OneRDM is non-exclusivity: it is of the people as it is of the government. Working as one, every volunteer and believer can belong to a particular group synergized to help realize the OneRDM purpose.
Manychat, Car Dealership, Plastic Surgeon, Automotive Consultant, Community

Santo Auto Vidros e Chaveiro
Santo Chaveiro é uma empresa que conta com profissional com mais de 20 anos de experiência na área. Especializada em cópias de chaves em geral, chaves canivetes, chaves codificadas, telecomando, abertura de auto e residência, alarmes, bloqueadores, vidros e travas elétricas, recondicionamento de maquinas e fechaduras, troca e reparos de vidros automotivos.
Shopping & Retail, Sports & Fitness Instruction, Professional Service, Plastic Surgeon, Automotive Parts Store, Automotive Glass Service, Locksmith

Juca Auto Vidros e Chaveiro LTDA
Juca Chaveiro é uma loja especializada em chaves automotivas inclusive chaves codificadas e chaves canivetes originais e paralelas Trabalhamos com vidros automotivos , fechaduras elétricas recuperação de maquinas de vidros e fechaduras elétricas , instalação de acessórios como travas e vidros elétricos , alarmes , bloqueadores , xenon , faróis de milha e sensores de ré. Sempre consulte-nos assim você terá certeza de estar fazendo o melhor negocio .
Shopping & Retail, Sports & Fitness Instruction, Professional Service, Plastic Surgeon, Automotive Repair Shop, Locksmith

Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ Hàn Quốc 3D
Trung tâm phẫu thuật thẫm mỹ hàn quốc 3D ứng dụng nhiều khoa học kỹ thuật hiện đại trong ngành thẩm mỹ với đội ngũ bs giỏi đặc biệt được phụ trách bởi Ts. Bs Trí, tân Phó khoa Phẫu thuật hàm mặt BV RHM TP HCM Và Ts. Bs Nguyễn Quang Tiến chuyên niềng răng, cấy ghép implant tiêu chuẩn quốc tế. Địa chỉ : 536-540 Trần Hưng Đạo phường 2 - Quận 5, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Điện thoại : 08 6659 0246 - 0938 363 840 - 09 8136 3838
Education, Manychat, Bags/Luggage, Community, Plastic Surgeon, Beauty Salon
Dr. Alejandro Urrutia Orozco
Cirujano Plástico Certificado Fellowship en Cirugía Estética Facial en Ghent, Bélgica Fellowship en Cirugía Plástica Pediátrica en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, Ciudad de México Fellowship en CIrugía Craneofacial AO en Hyderabad, India Faculty Nacional AO CMF
Religious Center, Religious Organization, Christian Church, Baptist Church, Health/Beauty, Plastic Surgeon

Phòng khám mắt kĩ thuật cao Ánh Sáng Việt
-Chuyên nhấn mí hàn quốc, cắt tạo mí đôi ,lấy mỡ mi dưới,nâng mũi sline,nâng mũi sline bọc sụn -Chuyên cắt kính ,khám mắt ,xử lý các vết thương ở mắt Với độ ngũ y bác sĩ trình độ chuyên môn cao -nhân viên y tế phục vụ tận tình các thẩm mỹ viện ở vinh thẩm mỹ viện hoài anh ở vinh thẩm mỹ viện mailisa ở vinh thẩm mỹ viện tại thành phố vinh thẩm mỹ viện tại tp vinh thẩm mỹ viện uy tín ở vinh thẩm mỹ viện ở thành phố vinh thẩm mỹ viện ở tp vinh thẩm mỹ viện ở vinh thẩm mỹ viện ở vinh nghệ an
Education, Hair Salon, Barber Shop, Makeup Artist, Medical Service, Beauty Salon, Plastic Surgeon

Eterna Cosmetic Surgery
Dr. Hernandez at Eterna Cosmetic Surgery provides the most innovative cosmetic services to sculpt the body, enhance the breasts, and refine the face—including cosmetic surgery, facial injectables and fillers, as well as non-surgical body contouring.
Plastic Surgeon, Medical Center, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care

XY Skin and Body Specialists
XY are a Cosmetic Medical franchise with locations in WA and QLD. Our services include: IPL Hair Removal IPL for Pigmentation, Facial Veins, Redness and Rejuvenation Microdermabrasion Cosmetic Injectables (Anti-Wrinkle Injections and Dermal Fillers) Dermal Rolling (Collagen Induction Therapy) Fat Cavitation Skin Peels Waxing Permanent Makeup (Cosmetic Tattooing) + More
Manychat, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Medical Center, Plastic Surgeon

Agnaldo Disarz Cirurgia Plástica
Em março de 1996 foi inaugurada a Clínica Ana Rosa que tornou-se referência em Cirurgia Plástica e Dermatologia. Com o crescimento do número de pacientes (hoje mais de 17 mil) tornou-se necessária a ampliação. Em 2011 foi comprado o imóvel na Alameda Dr. Octávio Pinheiro Brisola e o projeto foi sendo definido. As obras foram realizadas e no final de agosto de 2012 a clínica ficou pronta. A nova clínica conta com recepção e sala de espera ampla e moderna. Possui inúmeros consultórios, sala de administração, estúdio fotográfico, elevador, sala de cirurgia, sala de recuperação, salas de esterilização, consultório fisioterapêutico, entre outros. Todos os ambientes tem som ambiente, na sala de procedimento e recuperação tem TV de alta definição para que os pacientes tenham mais conforto. O atendimento foi reformulado e as atendentes fazem treinamento contínuo em qualidade com especialista do setor. Tudo foi muito bem planejado para um atendimento de primeira qualidade, aliando conforto e bem-estar. SOBRE O MÉDICO: DR AGNALDO ELON DISARZ – CRM 69867 SP Cirurgião Plástico pela UNICAMP Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica desde 1994 FORMAÇÃO UNIVERSITÁRIA Concluiu o curso de Medicina em 1990, obtendo a 3ª colocação na avaliação final do curso. Durante o curso procurou sempre complementar as atividades curriculares, tendo realizado: Monitoria na Disciplina de Fisiologia durante 2 anos e 3 meses; Estágios extracurriculares no Pronto-Socorro do Hospital Evangélico de Curitiba (840 horas), no Serviço de Cirurgia Cardiovascular do Hospital Evangélico de Curitiba (01 ano); Organizou 07 eventos científicos entre cursos e jornadas entre 1987 e 1989; Publicou dois trabalhos científicos em revistas medicas conceituadas; Apresentou trabalho científico em dois congressos; Recebeu o Prêmio “Dr. Daniel Egg”, outorgado pela Faculdade Evangélica de Medicina do Paraná, pelo melhor trabalho científico apresentado na categoria Doutorandos e Residentes em 1990, na Cidade de Curitiba – PR; Recebeu o Prêmio “Melhor Tema Livre na Área de Cirurgia Experimental” no 1º Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva, realizado em São Paulo em Julho de 1989; Participou de 72 eventos na área médica, como ouvinte/participante, entre 1985 e 1990; Colaborou na execução da Tese de Mestrado do Prof. Nicolau Gregori Ceczko, defendida em 1989 na UFPR. ESPECIALIZAÇÃO EM CIRURGIA PLÁSTICA Aprovado em janeiro de 1990 para a Residência Médica em Cirurgia Geral e depois para Cirurgia Plástica na UNICAMP, permaneceu quatro anos nesta instituição universitária, obtendo os títulos de Cirurgião Geral e Cirurgião Plástico pela UNICAMP e MEC. No final de 1994 obteve o título de Especialista em Cirurgia Plástica pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, através de prova escrita, oral e análise de currículo. Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica desde o final de 1994. Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Laser em Medicina e Cirurgia desde 1996. Durante os quatro anos na UNICAMP, desenvolveu atividades teórico-práticas em tempo integral em todas as áreas da cirurgia e participou de eventos científicos e desenvolvimento de inúmeros trabalhos científicos: Participou de 23 eventos científicos na área de Cirurgia Plástica; Desenvolveu dezenas de trablhos científicos, que foram apresentados em congressos, jornadas e publicados em revistas científicas do Brasil e do exterior. EXPERIÊNCIA PROFISSIONAL Desde janeiro de 1995 atua na área de Cirurgia Plástica em Bauru e região, tendo atendido até 2012 mais de 17 mil pacientes. É membro do corpo clínico do Hospital de Agudos, do Hospital da Unimed de Bauru e da Beneficência Portuguesa de Bauru. Mantém constante atualização científica, participando de eventos científicos e fazendo cursos continuamente
Family Medicine Practice, Plastic Surgeon, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care

Sakti Clinic
ถูกมาก โบทอกซ์ ฟิลเลอร์ ร้อยไหม IPL สเตมเซล meso สักคิ้ว สักปาก สักนม Like เลยจ้า เปิดบริการ จันทร์-ศุกร์ เวลา 13.00-20.00 น. เสาร์ - อาทิตย์ เวลา 15.00 - 20.00 ***หยุดทุกวัน 16 ของทุกเดือน***
Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Medical Center, Plastic Surgeon

RejuveFace can help you look refreshed, restored and rejuvenated. RejuveFace is a comprehensive facial plastic surgery center specializing in the care of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face, head and neck. A caring and dedicated staff will guide you through many minimally invasive and surgical options to help you achieve the look you desire. Services include laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation, facials, removal of brown spots and redness, botox for wrinkle reduction, injectable fillers for volume loss, surgical lifts for sagging skin, ear lobe repair, scar correction and surgical correction of deviated septum and other breathing obstructions. Mark Checcone, MD, FACS is a dual board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon and Ears/Nose/Throat doctor who specializes in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. His unique training makes him particularly skilled at rhinoplasty (revision and primary), facelifts, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), neck lift, ear pinning surgery (otoplasty), and facial reconstruction after Mohs surgery, skin cancer or other trauma to the face, head or neck.
Manychat, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Medical Center, Plastic Surgeon, Medical Spa, Laser Hair Removal Service

Ethicos Institute Dr David Gillett
Mr David Gillett is a fully accredited Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. Mr Gillett works 2 days per week at the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children where he is Chairman of the Cleft, Lip and Palate and Craniomaxillofacial Unit. Mr Gillett’s private practice is based at the Ethicos Institute. Here he specialises in aesthetic plastic surgery of the face and breast. With Mr Gillett’s craniofacial training and experience he has a particular interest in teenage and adult Rhinoplasty, both for appearance and breathing difficulties. Mr Gillett also has a large referral practice for facial rejuvenation and facial contour surgery. Mr Gillett also has a busy breast augmentation practice. Mr Gillett is committed to the ethical practice of aesthetic plastic surgery. Prior to proceeding with any surgical or non-surgical intervention you will have the opportunity to meet with Mr Gillett to discuss your concerns and exactly what you hope to achieve from surgery. Mr Gillett will assess your suitability for surgery and explain to you exactly what can be achieved. In order to improve this communication between Mr Gillett and yourself we use 3 Dimensional Scanning Technology to simulate the desired result from surgery.
Manychat, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Medical Center, Plastic Surgeon

Kö-Aesthetics Düsseldorf
Herzlich willkommen bei KÖ-AESTHETICS DÜSSELDORF - Ihrer Praxis-Klinik für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie an der Düsseldorfer Königsallee. Lassen Sie sich über unser Behandlungsspektrum und die aktuellsten Methoden informieren, mit denen Sie lange jung und gesund aussehen oder Ihren Wohlfühlkörper zurückgewinnen können. Unser erfahrenes und kompetentes Team bietet ein breites Spektrum an Behandlungen und Operationsverfahren aus der ästhetisch-plastischen Chirurgie an. Dazu gehören klassische Schönheitsoperationen wie die Brustvergrößerung, Bruststraffungen, Brustverkleinerungen, Fettabsaugung oder die Bauchdeckenstraffung, die Brustkorrektur beim Mann sowie Nasen- und Lidkorrekturen. Natürlich bieten wir auch die modernen, nicht-operativen Methoden der erfolgreichen Faltenbehandlung mit Botox und Hyaluronsäure von Premiumanbietern. Nach dieser kurzen Behandlung weichen Ihre Stirn-, Lid- oder Mimikfalten einem jüngeren, gesünderen und erholten Gesichtsausdruck. Terminabsprachen unter 0211.31131963 Bis bald in Düsseldorf ! Ihr Massud Hosseini + Team
Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Plastic Surgeon, Medical Center

Dr.Geyson Sarmento - Cirurgia Plástica
Cirurgia Plástica Estética e Reparadora e procedimentos estéticos pouco invasivos. Atendemos toda região de Campinas, Sumare, Hortolandia e grande Campinas
Plastic Surgeon, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care

Teeraporn Clinic โดย คุณหมอชลธิศ
คลินิคศัลยกรรมตกแต่งใบหน้า - ทำตาสองชั้น / เสริมจมูก / ยกกระชับใบหน้า โดย นายแพทย์ ชลธิศ พร้อมให้คำปรึกษาด้านความงาน และการศัลยกรรม Line Official : @teerapornclinic
Hospital, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Plastic Surgeon

Clinica de cirurgia plastica no rio de Janeiro, especializada em lipoaspiração, hidrolipo e lipoescultura. Ligue 021-2284-1721 ou 3547-8621 e agende sua lipo. Para saber mais, acesse tambem: http://www.cirurgia-plastica.com/lipoaspiracao/ .
Plastic Surgeon, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Hospital