15,842 health-beauty Bots for messenger - ChatBottle

Total matching bots: 15,842

Promedica Mujer

Promedica Mujer

Promédica Mujer es una organización no gubernamental sin ánimo de lucro cuyo propósito es el de de brindar atención integral a las mujeres, parejas y/o familias con respecto a su salud sexual y reproductiva, incluyendo servicios para la prevención y manejo del embarazo no deseado, planificación familiar, revisiones, etc. Caracterizándonos por un servicio cálido, respetuoso y eficaz. En Promédica Mujer defendemos los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las personas, concretamente de las mujeres. Abogando por su derecho a decidir sobre cualquier cuestión que afecte a su vida y su cuerpo. De forma autónoma y libre. En Promedica Mujer entendemos que desde el ámbito de la salud sexual y reproductiva, la mujer es la que debe decidir y los/las profesionales deben acompañarla en la toma de decisiones ofreciendo información útil, veraz y científica.

Manychat, Health/Beauty, Nonprofit Organization, Community, Hospital, Abortion Service, Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OBGYN)



The mission of OHM is to educate the public about the benefits of sustainable, socially impactful and environmentally friendly (green) economic systems, while promoting creativity, socio-technical innovation, and positive action via experimental platforms which recognize and reward individual and collective activities consistent with these values. In support of this mission, OHM manages a global digital currency called OHM, based on the principle that money should serve the public good. Through gradual and subtle effect, OHM seeks to inspire change in the world through incentivized positivity; revolutionizing proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain technology through interactive and experimental utilitarian applications.

Tech News, Chatbot News, About Chatbots, Health/Beauty, Community



Kanio stands for satisfaction and appreciation for the finer things in life. Kanio also demonstrates the ability to influence others, which may change their course of behavior; life is all about finding a perfect balance. Kanio accessories are perfect because every time you purchase a Kanio item, it shows you want to make a difference for not only yourself, but for others as well by finding the finer things in life. Such as friends and family.

Tech News, Chatbot News, About Chatbots, Health/Beauty

Skin Magical

Skin Magical

Skin Magical Pricelist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/163Gg7jGusyJwG1DvUBy7fzjKQk2Nrm3TlH6zzsmITWI/edit?usp=sharing Authentic Only! For Men and Women Skin Magical is one of a beauty products most beloved brands. Skin Magical has products ranging from a skincare and body line to all types of cosmetics. WHY TRUST US? We have a physical store for pick up of orders. We have an email and mobile number you can contact and an actual person will be able to assist you. Our customers are happy based on their feedback. See our Facebook reviews Healthy skin starts with a commitment to a regular skin care regimen, using high quality products everyday. We specialize in providing only the best products that care for skin to ensure your skin stays Healthy and Youthful Anna #SpiceUp! Beauty Shop Team

Tech News, Chatbot News, About Chatbots, Manychat, Health/Beauty, Cosmetics Store



TurtleContacts.com are committed to bringing you quality contact lenses and provide a FUN experience. We strive to uphold a reputation for supplying quality products and looking after our customers. TurtleContacts was formed in January 2009. We believe that Internet businesses should be efficient enough to supply products to consumers at wholesale prices, and that is our goal. Our team will always help you to the best of our ability and ensure that you are always happy and satisfied in dealing with us. And that's a promise!

Sports, Fitness, Girls, Manychat, Accessories, Health/Beauty

Azskin.vn - Phụ Kiện Oppo Cao Cấp

Azskin.vn - Phụ Kiện Oppo Cao Cấp

AzSkin.Vn Oppo Chuyên cung cấp các Sản phẩm về Skin dán Decal, Skin Nhôm, Skin 3M, Skin độ điện thoại, Skin in imei, Skin hình độc đáo. Cảm kết chất lượng và uy tín. Là thành viên chuỗi sản phẩm Skin dán điện thoại : http://www.azskin.vn/ | Cung cấp trên 700 SP skin / ngày Toàn Quốc

Manychat, Health/Beauty, Skin Care Service, Makeup Artist, Phone/Tablet, Accessories

Sfan - Phụ Kiện SamSung Cao Cấp

Sfan - Phụ Kiện SamSung Cao Cấp

Sfan Chuyên cung cấp các Sản phẩm về Skin dán Decal, Skin Nhôm, Skin 3M, Skin độ điện thoại, Skin in imei, Skin hình độc đáo. Cảm kết chất lượng và uy tín. Là thành viên chuỗi sản phẩm Skin dán điện thoại : http://www.azskin.vn/ | Cung cấp trên 700 SP skin / ngày Toàn Quốc

Manychat, Health/Beauty, Skin Care Service, Hospital, Accessories, Phone/Tablet



Where products get naked. Here you will find a variety of videos showcasing the coolest products on the planet and News too. From the newest smartphone to surprising gadgets and technology you never knew existed. It's all here on TechGIndia. You can also visit on our website - www.techgindia.com YouTube: https://goo.gl/dBy19Q Business / professional inquiries ONLY - [email protected] (please don't use YouTube inbox) If you'd like to send products / items to TechGIndia use the address outlined below. SEND STUFF TO: Vaibhav Mishra 40/7 CTO, Near 3EME Center Bairagarh, Bhopal

Manychat, Health/Beauty, Outdoor & Sporting Goods Company, Outdoor Equipment Store, Information Technology Company, Accessories, News & Media Website

Accessori per il benessere negozio.stenal

Accessori per il benessere negozio.stenal

Il negozio on line dei migliori prodotti per sauna e zona benessere e per l'aromaterapia di qualità 100% made in Italy.

Accessories, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Health/Beauty

Bijoux M & Beauty

Bijoux M & Beauty


Health/Beauty, Accessories

Elite Health Store

Elite Health Store

How to Order ? PM us at link below: http://tinyurl.com/eliteHstore http://tinyurl.com/eliteHstore http://tinyurl.com/eliteHstore or Whatapps : 017 - 51 57 570 Whatapps : 017 - 51 57 570 Whatapps : 017 - 51 57 570

Accessories, Gift Shop, Health/Beauty



We are grateful of the Italian family who started handcrafting hair accessories that roots back to 1976, their consistent improvement in handcrafting skills and technology brought to us with many modern designs and variety selections of hair accessories today. Our products not only modern and come with promising quality, but suitable for any occasions. Definitely great reasons to invest in! Kosmart is not just a brand, which suggests full line of hair accessories. We make beautiful products to help every woman set her imagination free and express herself in the way she wants to feel and be seen. Our concept states that beauty is in the details and the brand tries to provide unconventional hand made details to women. Our products are high in quality, which meas the products are made from bio-plastic (100% recycled material) and finest natural materials such as wood and cotton.

Accessories, Automotive Parts Store, Local & Travel Website, Storage Facility, Product/Service, Health/Beauty

Bijoux pour Hommes

Bijoux pour Hommes

Bijoux homme en ligne | Les mauvais garçons boutique en ligne de bijoux exclusivement dédiée aux hommes: montres,chapelets, bracelets, colliers, pendentifs . Spécialiste de la vente de bijoux fantaisies pour Hommes, livraison gratuite (hors colissimo) et paiement sécurisé. Traitement des commandes de nos clients sous 24 heures.

Accessories, Health/Beauty, Shopping & Retail



Calidou est une gamme complète de produits d'hygiène et de toilette conçue spécialement pour protéger la peau sensible des bébés. Nous misons sur la qualité, la douceur, les résultats et la performance de nos produits. Nous avons des principes très rigoureux: -Sélection de matières premières pour leur haute qualité de protection. -Utilisation d'emballages biodégradables comportant des indications claires et précises. -Nos produits sont non colorés pour éviter tout risque d'irritations -Rien n'est testé sur les animaux, afin de préserver l'environnement et la nature. Les produits Calidou sont distribués à de nombreux endroits au Québec, aux États-Unis et en Angleterre. Vous pouvez les retrouver dans les boutiques spécialisées et dans certaines pharmacies.

Accessories, Shopping & Retail, Health/Beauty, Company, Local Business

Sam & Louloute

Sam & Louloute

Sam & Louloute est spécialisée dans la décoration intérieure scandinave pour bébé ainsi que les accessoires de fête pour célébrer les anniversaires, les baby shower... Pour toutes questions, nous vous remercions de nous contacter directement par mail à [email protected]

Accessories, Shopping & Retail, Health/Beauty, Company, Website

Thổ Cẩm Booma

Thổ Cẩm Booma

Thổ cẩm Booma chuyên cung cấp sỉ và lẻ các sản phẩm: Balo thổ cẩm, túi nải, balo dây rút thổ cẩm, ví cứng thổ cẩm, ví chuông thổ cẩm & nhiều sản phẩm khác từ chất liệu thổ cẩm Chất lượng cao, không sợ lỗi mốt, đẹp & cá tính Các sản phẩm đảm bảo như miêu tả, nguyên đai nguyên kiện, bảo hành một đổi một với tất cả hàng hóa bị lỗi. Hoàn tiền 200% với các sản phẩm giả mao, hoặc sai lệch so với miêu tả trên website hoặc fanpage Đặt hàng nhanh chóng, thanh toán dễ dàng, thời gian giao hàng tối đa với một đơn hàng là 36h kể từ khi đơn hàng được xác nhận.

Manychat, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Health/Beauty, Cosmetics Store, Accessories, Fashion Designer, Producer

Chronic Pain Film - On a Scale of 1 to 10

Chronic Pain Film - On a Scale of 1 to 10

Frustration with our medical system, new opioid guideline, and researching the latest products and services for pain has compelled us to create documentary on the complex subject of pain. Family and friends caring for loved ones with Chronic Pain are rallying together. Be a part of our community. Connect, learn, and share with experts and others like you.. There is lots of complex issues surrounding this health crisis. We will also share personal stories of over coming pain. This is our third feature length film.

Accessories, Health/Beauty, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Gift Shop

Self Made Chic

Self Made Chic

To Inspire HardWorking Women through Fashion and Style.

Health/Beauty, Accessories



On ne peut pas vous parler de Klapps sans vous parler de Winups, son petit frère … L’aventure a commencé en septembre 2016 lorsque David souhaite développer une application mobile à destination des étudiants (lui même étudiant à l’époque) pour les inciter à se déconnecter en cours et favoriser leur concentration. En tant qu’application paloise, Winups récompense ses étudiants en leur offrant des bons de réduction dans les commerces de la ville. L’application est lancée à Pau en mai 2017 et compte plus de 3500 téléchargements en quelques mois et près de 3500 offres utilisées. Depuis son lancement, Winups est sollicitée par les adultes, les entreprises, les salariés … tout le monde veut se déconnecter ! L’idée de Klapps émerge… et pourquoi on ne créerait pas une application pour tout le monde pour favoriser la déconnexion en journée sans contrainte ? Mais hors de question de rester uniquement sur de la déconnexion numérique, Klapps se projette déjà sur des fonctionnalités pour rassembler, unir, grouper sa communauté vers un projet commun : se déconnecter pour mieux se reconnecter aux autres. Klapps, c’est une équipe plurielle de 6 membres aux compétences complémentaires, motivés par un objectif unique : faire de la déconnexion une réflexion commune. Au quotidien, l’équipe Klapps travaille, teste, échange et partage idées, projets et réflexions dans la pépinière numérique de la Technopole Hélioparc de Pau.

Accessories, Health/Beauty, Company, Household Supplies



En plus d'être un outil pratique, simplifiant la vie des étudiants, StudnBox dispose d'un espace La Pose sur lequel sont fréquemment ajouté des Conseils, des Tops 10, des vidéos ou encore des Playlists. Un espace conçu pour se détendre et/ou pour trouver encore plus d'informations utiles pour la vie étudiante comme des CV !

Accessories, Health/Beauty, Company, Household Supplies