359 contractor Bots for messenger - ChatBottle

Total matching bots: 359

New Vision construction  co,. LTD

New Vision construction co,. LTD

Chuyên nhận thiết kế, thi công, dự toán cho các công trình xây dựng Dân dụng và Công Nghiệp: Biệt thự, Nhà Phố, Nhà Cao tầng, Chung cư, Văn phòng...

Accessories, Media/News Company, Commercial & Industrial, Mobile Phone Shop, Construction Company, Contractor



We deliver accountancy, tax advisory and business support services to many types of client from start-ups to established businesses.

Accountant, Contractor, Business Consultant

Allianz Generalvertretung Daniel Steven

Allianz Generalvertretung Daniel Steven

Mein Name ist Daniel Steven und ich bin Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner der Allianz AG in Lohmar, Rösrath und Umgebung. Ich bin gelernter Versicherungskaufmann, langjähriger Mitarbeiter der Allianz AG und wohne zeitlebens in Lohmar. Die Agentur habe ich im November 2009 in Rösrath übernommen. Am 01.01.2011 sind wir nach Lohmar umgezogen . Unser Team - Sandra Pütz (Büroleitung, Schadenservice, Dipl.-Kfr.) - Catharina Streckert (Beratung & Verkauf Privatschutz, spezialgebiet Tierkrankenversicherungen, Vers.-ffr. BWV, Finanz- und Anlageberaterin IHK) - Dominik Strick (Beratung & Verkauf Privat- und Geschäftskunden, Vers.-fm. BWV, Finanz- und Anlageberater IHK) - Daniel Steven (Inhaber, Beratung & Verkauf Privat-, Firmen- und Industriekunden, Vers.-kfm. IHK) ist für Euch da bei allen Fragen zu Sach-Versicherungen wie z.B.: Haftpflchtversicherung, Rechtsschutzversicherung, Hausratversicherung, Gebäudeversichung, Unfallversicherung, Reiseversicherung, Glasversicherung, KFZ-Versicherung, Moped-Schild usw. Vorsorgebedarf wie z.B.: Rentenversicherung, Lebensversicherung, Riester, Rürup, Basisrente, Direktversicherung, Pensionskasse, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung, Körperschutzpolice usw. Private und betriebliche Krankenversicherung sowie Zahnzusatzversicherung, Krankenhaus-Zusatzversicherung usw. Bank- und Kreditgeschäften wie z.B.: Geldanlage, Aktienkauf, Fondanlage, Depotverwaltung, Bausparvertrag, Baufinanzierungen, Kredite usw. Firmenversicherungen wie z.B.: Betriebshaftpflichtverscherung, Inhaltsversicherung, FirmenRechtsschutzversicherung, Handel-Handwerk, Transportversicherung, Maschinenversicherung, KFZ-Flottenversicherung usw. und auch zu allen anderen Produkten aus der Versicherungsbranche. stehen wir Ihnen/Euch sehr gerne zur Verfügung. Gerne können Sie einen Termin zur RUND-UM-Beratung vereinbaren.

Consulting Agency, Accountant, Contractor, Web Designer, Investing Service, Insurance Agent, Financial Service

Astar Heating & Air Conditioning

Astar Heating & Air Conditioning

Astar Heating & A/C Inc. is a customer focused heating and air-conditioning company that was originally started in 1976. Located in Middletown, NY, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Orange County New York.

Manychat, Health/Beauty, Advertising Agency, Professional Service, Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Service, Contractor

SJ Contractor Services, LLC

SJ Contractor Services, LLC

SJ Contractor Services, LLC is a company that offers a multitude of residential home services which include, but are not limited to: gutter cleaning/brightening, interior/exterior painting, power washing, shutter installation, and window cleaning. We strive to always treat our clients and their homes with the dignity, respect, and utmost care that they deserve. We provide free estimates for all of our services and provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We do not have any call backs on record unless it is for another opportunity to allow us to serve our returning clients! Our professionally trained personnel currently handle your interior and exterior painting needs with over 25 years of combined experience. The team can also remove wallpaper and properly prepare the surfaces to get your home ready for a new coat of paint! Our staff has the knowledge and ability to remove most organic growth on your home's siding, fence, surrounding sidewalk, deck, patio, pool, walkway, driveway, and/or stairs without causing any damage. We also have the ability to clean and brighten your gutters with our equipment as well. We normally service within a 20 mile radius of Manassas, VA but we are constantly expanding our service area. Call us or send us an email today to have your home’s appearance looking fresh and outstanding! *Contact Information* Call/Text - (703)789-7395 Email - sjcontractorservices@gmail.com Website - https://www.sjcontractorservices.com Please leave us a message if we are unavailable and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible!

Manychat, Business Service, Business Supply Service, Advertising Agency, Contractor, Cleaning Service

Builders Showcase

Builders Showcase

Builders Showcase is a vital and trusted tool for those consumers looking to build a brand new home or remodel their existing home. If you are looking for skilled, trusted builders or home improvement companies, no other source can compare! We bring you the buying tools that will help you along the way. The latest information for home builders and remodeling companies is all here. We showcase a wide range of homes, lots, floor plans and renovation ideas to meet all budgets.

Social, Contractor, Technology Company, Construction Company, Advertising Agency, Home Improvement

SkyPlex Trucking, LLC

SkyPlex Trucking, LLC

SkyPlex Trucking, LLC built its reputation over 35 years based upon our deep commitment to providing high quality products and services. Previously know as Van Rachal Trucking and most recently as DRS Haulers; we are an approved Minority Business Enterprise and we always have your needs as our top priority. We operate a fleet of modern trucks, trailers and associated equipment so that together with our top quality drivers, we handle your needs in a safe, efficient and reliable manner. We also operate multiple dirt and sand pits and have access to a full range of rock and other aggregates to meet your specific material requirements. In addition to our trucking services, we also conduct light dozer work and offer excavating and other earth moving services. SkyPlex Trucking hauls in central Louisiana and we conduct longer hauls to Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and surrounding states. We haul everything from dirt, rock, sand, grain, ash, fertilizer, heavy equipment, etc. Our services include securing all necessary permits to legally transport your cargo to the desired destination. Thank you for the courtesies you have shown us in the past; we look forward to serving your future trucking needs. Contact us for all your hauling needs. Give us a call--we haul it all!

Business Service, Shopping & Retail, Advertising Agency, Arts & Entertainment, Transportation Service, Cargo & Freight Company, Contractor

BLACK AND WHITE DIVERSIFIED - remodelación y construcción

BLACK AND WHITE DIVERSIFIED - remodelación y construcción

Somos un equipo completo cuando de remodelaciones y construcciones se habla. No requerimos depósito para comenzar los proyectos, estos se van pagando a medida que se van realizando las tareas. De hecho, nuestras cotizaciones se realizan con el desglose por área, para que el cliente tenga el detalle del valor de cada una y así hacer ajustes a su presupuesto de ser necesario. Sea para proyectos residenciales o comerciales, contamos con el personal y la experiencia necesaria para ofrecer un buen servicio desde la primera reunión con nuestros clientes, para que al final del camino queden satisfechos con la labor realizada. El trabajo de nuestro equipo -capitaneado por el Ing. Carlos Carrión, el Ing. Victor Moya- y que incluye carpinteros, instaladores, plomeros, electricistas y ebanistas, entre otros, no termina hasta que el cliente quede satisfecho del todo. Nos especializamos en fachadas, terrazas, baños, cocinas, fascias iluminadas, muros, todo tipo de ampliaciones y diseño 3D, lo que permite ver cómo quedará el proyecto de acuerdo a las necesidades y el presupuesto del cliente. Certificados en DACO-SJ14415CN Ing. Carlos Carrion Ing. Victor Moya 787-234-3777

Education, Advertising Agency, Franchising Service, Community, Contractor, Professional Service

Paul Davis Canada

Paul Davis Canada

Our first priority is to complete emergency services to mitigate the damage after the loss. • Homeowners are contacted within 30 minutes and emergency services provided within 2 hours. Our next priority is to take whatever steps are necessary to return your property to its original condition and to make your family comfortable during the repair process. We also offer many other services depending on the extent and type of damage you have experienced. We know you have a special urgency in getting your property restored to its original condition as quickly as possible. Paul Davis is ready to get the required work started immediately. Full-Service Repair Capabilities • Water Damage • Fire/Smoke Damage • Wind/Hail • Mould • Tornadoes & other perils • Damage mitigation • Vandalism • Reconstruction 24 Hour Emergency Services • Water Extraction Repair • Emergency Board-up • Pack-Out Service and Storage • Loss Containment Action • Catastrophe Appraisal Services Project Management • Detailed Estimate • Project timeline • Work orders • Completion sign-off • Written job warranty

Social, Manychat, Business Service, Advertising Agency, Damage Restoration Service, Contractor

What A Useful Guy

What A Useful Guy

Regardless what your need is, What A Useful Guy , can get the job done right! And lets face it , in this economy, you want a useful guy around to help get done what needs to get done that doesn't drain the wallet, we all have more important things to spend money on.

Real Estate Agent, Company, Advertising Agency, Marketing Agency, Contractor

Hoe Construction

Hoe Construction

Syarikat yang menyediakan perkhidmatan kontraktor binaan& pengubahsuaian rumah yang berlesan. Walaupun page bina pada 20 May 2017, tetapi syarikat ini telah wujud selama 30+ tahun dalam bidang binaan ini. Antara kepakaran kami ialah : 1. Bina rumah yang berkualiti ikut bajet anda. 2. Mengubahsuai rumah anda. 3. Menguruskan Pinjaman, Pelan & Perjanjian. Harga yang berpatutan, Kualiti yang gerenti.

Advertising Agency, Photographer, Public Figure, Graphic Designer, Contractor, Construction Company, Real Estate Developer

AYUDA Honorarios

AYUDA Honorarios

Para que exista un vínculo laboral basta que exista DEPENDENCIA Y SUBORDINACION. Por lo que las personas que trabajan para el estado en los distintos Ministerios, Municipalidades, y Servicios Públicos, por lo que es posible demandar a los mismos laboralmente para que se les reconozcan los derechos de indemnización por años de servicios y el pago de las cotizaciones provisionales. Nuestros honorarios son ha resultas, es decir, sólo en el caso de que ganemos cobramos, así pasamos a ser un socio en esta acción para que se les respeten sus derechos.

Education, Clothing Store, Advertising Agency, Community, Labor & Employment Lawyer, Contractor

Lønnsomme Annonser - Henrik Sinding

Lønnsomme Annonser - Henrik Sinding

Få nye kunder og bygg businessen din med Lønnsomme FB Annonser - enklere og raskere

Advertising/Marketing, Contractor, School

omnia concepts

omnia concepts

omnia concepts ist seit 20 Jahren auf mobile Werbung mit Display- und Präsentationssystemen spezialisiert. Und weil wir gern ganze Arbeit leisten, bieten wir Design, Planung, Produktion, Grafik, Druck, Auf- und Abbau, Lagerung und Logistik aus einer Hand. Und das europaweit. Auch wenn es um Promotions, Ihren Messestand oder individuelle POS-Displays geht: wir sind als kreative Projektagentur der richtige Partner. Sogar bei der Buchung von Hostessen oder Promotion-Teams können wir Sie tatkräftig unterstützen.

Contractor, Advertising/Marketing

Luquips Equip Pcs Ltda

Luquips Equip Pcs Ltda

Fundada em janeiro de 1994, tendo como principal objetivo atender o mercado de máquinas e equipamentos, trazendo aos clientes dos Estados, além da larga experiência de mais de 23 anos acumulados pela diretoria da empresa, a parceria com os melhores fabricantes do Brasil no quesito qualidade e preços. Hoje representa e distribui equipamentos como usinas de asfalto, vibroacabadoras, espargidores, rolo compactador, britadores, rebritadores, peneiras vibratórias, correias transportadores, peças de desgaste, perfuratrizes, marteletes, brocas, placas vibratórias, alisadoras de concreto, peças de reposição e desgaste dos mais variados equipamentos de terraplenagem entre outros, apresentando sempre práticas soluções aos problemas e necessidades de seus clientes. Atende todas as regiões de Santa Catarina e Paraná, e busca aprimoramento e atualização constante de seu banco de dados e das reais necessidades do mercado, através de visitas constantes a clientes pelos técnicos-vendedores e um telemarketing ativo. A empresa LUQUIP’S tem baseado seu crescimento numa política de respeito aos seus três parceiros: * clientes * funcionários * fornecedores Oferecer produtos com qualidade, preços acessíveis e um atendimento primordial são as principais metas e o compromisso do dia a dia da LUQUIP’S. Acima de tudo “O CLIENTE EM PRIMEIRO LUGAR”.

Education, Advertising/Marketing, Commercial & Industrial Equipment Supplier, Refrigeration Service, Contractor, Company

Niron Depot

Niron Depot

Coming from the building industry, we were always faced with the challenge of finding high-quality products at affordable prices. We found that the market was saturated with either high-quality and expensive supplies or low-quality and cheap equipment. When we could not find hardware that met our standard, we created Niron Depot.

Business Service, Advertising/Marketing, Car Dealership, Merchandising Service, Kitchen & Bath Contractor, Contractor, Interior Design Studio, Cabinet & Countertop Store, Carpet & Flooring Store

Bravery Group

Bravery Group

cellule de communication, de marketing et de production audiovisuelle.

Record Label, Contractor, Advertising/Marketing

Signature Group

Signature Group

The Signature Group services numerous markets consisting of Industrial, Commercial, Institutional, Maritime, & Residential. Our customers have confidence in our services during every step of their project. We offer a peace of mind by providing an extensive Health & Safety policy as well as an Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan. To provide the best results for our customers, we are always looking for ways to improve our services through safety, quality, and technology. Please see below for a list of our services. For more details on any service listed, please feel free to contact us

Business Service, Advertising/Marketing, Car Dealership, Campus Building, Commercial & Industrial, Construction Company, Contractor

Mettallfleck Ferragens

Mettallfleck Ferragens

A MettallFleck é uma empresa que fabrica ferragens de alumínio e zamac para vidro temperado, atendendo todo o território nacional, com a linha completa de produtos. Adotamos metodologias e ferramentais de última geração que nos permitem ter preços altamente competitivos, rapidez, qualidade e confiança em tudo o que é feito e produzido. Temos uma equipe treinada e preparada para poder atender tecnicamente todas as necessidades, dúvidas e sugestões de instalações. Entre em contato com um de nossos técnicos. Não importa em qual ponto do país sua empresa esteja. A MettallFleck leva a mercadoria até sua empresa. Seja por transporte aéreo, marítimo ou terrestre, conte conosco. Seja um parceiro de negócios da MettallFleck e garanta o seu futuro nas obras.

Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Personal Trainer, Advertising/Marketing, Photography Videography, Contractor, Commercial & Industrial, Professional Service

Alrose Group of Companies

Alrose Group of Companies

Alrose Group of Companies has long been serving quality services to customers. With a total of 10 stores and counting from Jollibee, Greenwich to Red Ribbon, Alrose Group of Companies has been growing and expanding all over the region. Having an endearing brands and one of the biggest fast food chain in the Philippines, Alrose Group is heading to the route of success.

Business Service, Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Advertising/Marketing, Contractor, Food & Beverage Company