684 cafe Bots for messenger - ChatBottle
Total matching bots: 684

Sakura Cuties
How do you understand the quality of life? Make your life to be happy.
Cafe, Broadcasting & Media Production Company, Accessories

Pexiga Vietvape
Pexiga ra đời nhằm tạo ra nền công nghiệp lớn về thuốc lá điện tử, Vape đến với những người có ý định thay thế cho thuốc lá truyền thống, tốt hơn cho sức khỏe. Không chỉ đơn thuần thế, Vape còn là đam mê, một sở thích riêng của mọi người, Thuốc lá sẽ làm bạn chết dần,Vape là tương lai. Vietvape là tên cộng đồng, độc quyền cho Pexiga nhằm tạo ra sân chơi lớn mạnh hơn cho các Vaper Việt Nam.
Accessories, Manychat, Mobile Phone Shop, Hookah Lounge, Wholesale & Supply Store, Cafe, Grocery Store
Federation University Australia HK Programs
Federation University Australia is the culmination of the former University of Ballarat and the Gippsland Campus of Monash University. Headquartered in Ballarat, Victoria, it has a history of providing tertiary education for over 144 years and is funded by the Australian Government. FedUni has around 23,000 international and domestic students. Via a range of partner institutes across Australia and the world, FedUni currently offers a range of its professional degree programs in Australia (Adelaide, Ballarat, Melbourne and Sydney), P.R. China, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong.
Accessories, Nonprofit Organization, Telecommunication Company, Cafe, College & University

Bonne Pioche
Bonne Pioche est l'agence de communication des PME et commerces de proximité en Belgique. Parce qu'aujourd'hui être visible sur Internet est un enjeu pour tous, le métier de Bonne Pioche est d'aider les petites structures à bien gérer leur présence en ligne. Bonne Pioche développe des sites web à votre image et anime vos réseaux sociaux, optimise votre référencement SEO pour gérer du trafic et le convertir en business.
Diner, Shopping Mall, Cafe, Web Designer, Marketing Agency, Advertising Agency

We Are Unicorns
We operate in a space and a world that seemed unfathomable to most a mere decade ago, but yet here we are living in the cloud with all eyes on newsfeeds, algorithms, memes, likes, comments and paid advertising dollars... all of which is driven by photo & video content. We exist not only to help you understand all of the ridiculousness, but to help produce intentional and beautiful content to ensure that you area able to tell the story that you need to in order to excite your customers about your brand, as well stay in front of your customer in the channels where they are most active. That my friends is why we are unicorns. Not only is the idea behind our company incredibly intangible and hard to grasp, but everything that we do and love that we can make a living doing did not exist years ago and there was even a time where we were probably called crazy for thinking that we could make a living in the cloud... but here we are.
Restaurant, Arts & Entertainment, Cafe, Community, Social Media Agency, Advertising Agency, Digital/Online Marketing Agency

Pousada Kumaki
Pousada Kumaki jest restauracją brazylijską, która znajduje się 12km od centrum Gdańska. Otaczają nas lasy oraz łąki, które nadają miejscu wiejską sielskość. Nietypowy widok z okien na maneż Szkółki Jazdy Konnej Kumaki pozwala rodzinom oraz znajomym na obserwowaniu bliskich podczas ich zajęć. W naszym gospodarstwie całe rodziny mogą znaleźć coś dla siebie: dorośli mogą zrelaksować się miłej atmosferze w naszej restauracji natomiast dzieci mogą skorzystać z placu zabaw, odwiedzić nasze zwierzęta gospodarskie lub skorzystać z oprowadzek na kucykach w Kumakach (www.kumaki.pl). Co nas wyróżnia od innych restauracji? Dania z karty, pizza, ciasta jak i kawa są naszej produkcji. Wykorzystujemy produkty najwyższej jakości, część z nich jest naszej hodowli. Stawiamy duży nacisk na kontrolę jakości oraz idealny serwis, aby państwa wizyta za każdym razem kończyła się zachwytem. Andre Vieira Barboza - właściciel, szef kuchni, barista- pilnuje, aby każde z dań, które opuszcza naszą kuchnie dorównywało smakom brazylijskim. Ponadto osobiście wypala kawę Vieira Café 100% Arabica Santos ( https://www.facebook.com/vieiracafe ), która jest dostępna w sprzedaży oraz w karcie menu Pousady. Ciasta - od tego zaczęła się cała historia naszego miejsca. Główny cukiernik Anna Vieira-Kowiel posługuje się starymi przepisami rodzinnymi swojej rodziny jak i męża Andre. Doświadczenie, które zdobyła pracując w różnych krańcach globu, pozwala na to, aby co tydzień zaskakiwać państwa nowym ciastem/deserem. Oczywiście nie zapominając o takich klasykach naszego miejsca jak: Tarta Limonkowa, Beza Pavlova, Creme Brulee Lukrecjowe oraz ciasta kruche z malinami i ciastka owsiane. Gospodarstwo Agroturystyczne Kumaki, w której znajduje się Restauracja Pousada oraz Szkółka Jazdy konnej Kumaki, jest firmą rodzinną. Rodzice Olga oraz Wojciech Kowiel oraz córki Nina, Marta oraz Anna wraz z mężami Grzegorzem i Andre starają się stworzyć dla Państwa miejsce, w którym każdy będzie się czuł jak u siebie, nieskrępowanie oraz by każdy chciał do nas wrócić.
Manychat, Advertising Agency, Sports Club, Just For Fun, Family Style Restaurant, Brazilian Restaurant, Cafe

Cafe Netto
Во многом Cafe Netto — заведение с энергией, ресторан, который живет в городском ритме. Акцент декора — огромные в кирпичном обрамлении витринные окна, столики у которых пользуются особым спросом: внимательный взгляд на бесконечный поток людей и машин приносит новые идеи, помогает понять, чем и как живет город. Два просторных зала Cafe Netto расположись в здании, которое было построено еще в 50-х годах. И эта приятная особенность не осталась незамеченной: красный кирпич был оголен намеренно, а деревянный пол отлично подчеркнул атмосферу. В свой день рождения каждый гость Cafe Netto получает 30% скидку для всей веселой компании. Для этого необходимо сделать предзаказ у администратора и забронировать столик. Для любителей вин, в Cafe Netto проводятся дегустации с ведущим сомелье страны Алексеем Михальчиком, а для любителей гастрономических новинок - Кулинарное шоу, где шеф-повар готовит для гостей прямо в зале и угощает вкуснейшими блюдами самых активных участников шоу. Для наших маленьких гостей в Cafe Netto проходит Маленький шеф, где дети сами готовят и угощают своих родителей. Для любителей искусства в Cafe Netto проходят каждый месяц выставки и джазовые концерты. Cafe Netto - это место, где всегда вкусно и интересно. Ждем Вас!
Bar, Advertising Agency, Public Figure, Cafe

Netto Polska
Netto Polska to sieć sklepów dyskontowych, w których zrobisz codzienne zakupy dla całej rodziny. Oferujemy szeroki wybór artykułów polskich oraz zagranicznych producentów. W każdym z naszych sklepów kupisz świeży chleb oraz wędliny lokalnych dostawców, którzy dzierżawią u nas stoiska. Na tej stronie znajdziesz informacje o najnowszych promocjach w ofercie Netto, poznasz nowe przepisy kulinarne i dowiesz się ciekawostek na temat naszej firmy. Jest nas ponad 5 tysięcy pracowników, więc stanowimy dużą, barwną i fajną społeczność! Damy się lubić:) Netto Sp. z o.o. Motaniec 30 73-108 Kobylanka Tel. +48 91 4 699 999 Fax: +48 91 4 699 998 E-mail: [email protected] www.netto.pl NIP : 852-10-21-463 REGON : 810766672 KRS : 0000020322
Bar, Advertising Agency, Public Figure, Cafe, Retail Company
Horsham Sports & Community Club
The idea of the Horsham Sports and Community Club was born in 1990 when a very small group of community minded businessmen, led by Mr Laurie Rudolph, approached around 40 others in the town. In their brief to get the members to the meeting, the ethos was that if the pokies were going to come to Horsham then it would be in the communities best interest to control the profits, rather than the faceless institution or business man that may not even be local which would result in the profits leaving the community. The meeting was very well attended and it was resolved that around 40 people from Horsham and District, would provide an unsecured loan of around $5K each giving a starting capital of around $200K to purchase a restaurant in Horsham. The idea was to have a full entertainment complex that provided live shows, meals and of course the option to play poker machines. This commenced in July 1990. The understanding at the time was that we would have about 40 machines by October 1990. However, it was over 18 months before we were able to install poker machines and promote the club as a full entertainment complex. During this 18-month period with all our budgeting done on the expectation of around 40 machines, we indeed had to travel quite leanly and sometimes thought that we may not realise our goal. However we persevered, albeit through a number of different managers, to where we are today. The distribution back to the community totals around $1,300,000 in cash sponsorships and donations, with considerable amounts of in kind donations.
Education, Business Service, Advertising Agency, Marketing Consultant, Restaurant, Sports Club, Cafe
Multimedia Social News
Benvenuto su Multimedia Social News, la prima rivista online di tecnologia degli utenti per gli utenti. Attraverso il nostro sito, nella sezione scelti da voi, potrai inviarci tuoi articoli o recensioni, che verranno pubblicati e referenziati. Aiutaci a far conoscere il mondo di internet a tutti! Multimedia Social News è una rivista online di tecnologie informatiche nata nel 2012 dall’idea di alcuni ingegneri che si occupano di telecomunicazioni e hanno collaborato con diverse multinazionali italiane e straniere negli ultimi 10 anni. Nata dalla necessità di rendere il più possibile fruibile a chiunque il mondo della tecnologia in continua evoluzione nel campo della ricerca multimediale, lo studio dei social network e le recenti innovazioni in materia di comunicazioni e software. L’obiettivo è di far conoscere a chiunque cosa sta accadendo e cosa accadrà nei prossimi anni nella tecnologia informatica, come approcciare al meglio alle novità e a quegli strumenti che entrano a far parte della vita di tutti indipendentemente dai gusti personali, ma solo per via delle continue evoluzioni nel mercato del multimedia e della fruibilità sociale. Contiamo che entro pochi anni tutte le azioni quotidiane che prima svolgevamo senza l’ausilio di un apparecchio elettronico o con l’ausilio di un computer verranno surclassate dai dispositivi mobili, la vera nuova tecnologia in costante evoluzione. Il “multimedia world” è smart & fast, e l’unico modo che abbiamo per capire come ci muoveremo nei prossimi anni è seguirla passo passo e comprenderla fin da ora, nel modo più semplice e pratico possibile.
Advertising Agency, Broadcasting & Media Production Company, Cafe, Web Designer, Magazine

Café Marita / Vida Saudável
Café Marita, assim como a já conhecida qualidade do café Brasileiro, este possui um sabor ainda mais requintado. Melhora funcionamento de seu metabolismo.
Cafe, Advertising/Marketing

Turkish Restaurant
This Is The Only Official Page Of Turkish Restaurant.Kindly make All Booking And Reservation On This Official Page of Turkish Restaurant. And Any further inquiry Call On This Number (042) 35785774.
Company, Business Consultant, Advertising/Marketing, Web Designer, Turkish Restaurant, Cafe

ABC da vida saudável
A página ABC da vida saudável tem o objetivo de trazer e compartilhar com você dicas, recitas e outras informações sobre os segredos da vida saudável, a importância de termos uma vida mais saudável com bons hábitos como: boa alimentação, exercícios físicos, receitas saudáveis. Venha conosco ser mais saudável na nossa página ABC da vida saudável.
Local Service, Health/Beauty, Advertising/Marketing, Cafe, Health & Wellness Website, Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Health Food Restaurant

STAR COFFEE - это кафе в кампусе ДВФУ! #starcoffee8 STAR COFFEE - это уютнейшая атмосфера и великолепная кухня! #starcoffee8 STAR COFFEE - это то место, где Вы можете отвлечься от повседневной суеты и однообразия кампуса! #starcoffee8 STAR COFFEE - делаем Вашу жизнь вкуснее! #starcoffee8
Car Dealership, Advertising/Marketing, Restaurant, Cafe

Bandidos Cafe & Restaurant
Bandidos Café & Restaurant was founded with a desire to revolutionize the food and beverage industry with American fusion cuisine combined with the hospitality culture of American West.
Manychat, Entrepreneur, Internet Marketing Service, Advertising/Marketing, Restaurant, Cafe

Sonder Truro
We are on an adventure bringing international street food and craft beer to Truro. Join us in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with table service over three floors each with a unique feel. Our ground floor welcomes you in with our hand made bar and booths with an extensive range of craft beers and ciders which change regularly. If you are unfamiliar with a name, we are happy for you to test something, and we will guide you through to your new favourite based on your own individual taste. Our middle floor is light and breezy and can accommodate larger groups. If you're after a quieter spot, our third floor offers a unique corner with sofas and comfy chairs with a bespoke colouring in wall. We look forward to seeing you.
Manychat, Entrepreneur, Internet Marketing Service, Advertising/Marketing, Restaurant, Bar, Cafe

Elsa Metallurgica
Nel 1973 veniva fondata ELSA METALLURGICA. Nata come “chioderia” a Colle val d’Elsa, la ditta erigeva nel 1979 il suo capannone a Casole d’Elsa raggiungendo nell’anno 1993 uno spazio operativo di ca 3500 mq. Nel corso degli anni sono stati ammodernati macchinari e impianti con raffinate tecnologie di lavorazione. In tal modo è stato possibile accrescere la produttività mantenendo una posizione di rilievo nel mercato nazionale. Alla produzione originaria si è aggiunta la fabbricazione di reti metalliche da recinzione. ELSA METALLURGICA si è così specializzata nella rete griglia a maglia sciolta che può essere realizzata in tutte le altezze e diametri, e offre una vasta gamma di altre reti sia per l’edilizia che per l’allevamento. Ultimamente ha presentato alla clientela le recinzioni provvisorie da cantiere riscontrando numerosi consensi. La gamma dei prodotti è completata da pali in ferro per le tradizionali recinzioni, di castagno per vigneto e tutti i fili metallici o plastificati nei vari diametri, che si adattano sia alle grandi forniture come appalti, ma anche a piccoli interventi di bricolage. Per l’edilizia notevole interesse hanno riscontrato le matassine e i distanziatori, oltre a tutta la serie di chiodi in ferro o acciaio, che sono prodotti in qualsiasi diametro e lunghezza. Tutti i prodotti vengono venduti a magazzini edili, consorzi agrari e ferramenta dell’Italia centrale. La disponibilità di automezzi propri, permette di seguire la clientela offrendo un servizio ottimale e di sicuro affidamento.
Website, Pizza Place, Cafe, Italian Restaurant, Agricultural Service

Uni Space
+UniSpace Workshop Coffee là một quán cafe với nhiều không gian nhỏ xinh phù hợp cho bạn như Phòng cá nhân, phòng Group, phòng họp, không gian bệt và không gian chung tại tầng trệt nơi diễn ra các sự kiện văn nghệ nho nhỏ cho các bạn sinh viên <3 �FREEESHIP KHUÔN VIÊN KHU PHẦN MỀM QUANG TRUNG� Hoặc đến ngay UNI SPACE để tận hưởng không gian ấm áp như tại nhà.
Manychat, Women's Health Clinic, Local Business, Aircraft Dealership, Cafe, Event, Arts & Entertainment

Todos los productos Realizados (dulces en frascos hasta alfajores, pasteles, bombones) provienen de nuestras exquisitas recetas argentinas. Contamos con dulces artesanales argentinos como el típico Dulce de leche (no cajeta) alfajores, pasteles, bombones, mesas de dulce, empanadas, tartas, pascualinas, chimichurri.... eventos y mesas dulces. Tienes un Restaurante, Local, o Negocio y quieres ofrecer nuestros productos ? No dudes en ponerte en contacto ! Tenemos una propuesta que hacerte !! Para ampliar tu oferta y tentar a los amantes de los postres argentinos, panes y salados, tenemos una línea de productos especialmente recomendados para tu negocio. Postres, empanadas y panes pre cocidos que se conservan en el refri, y que puedes mantener en en el mismo hasta una semana, con una gran variedad de estilos y sabores, para ofrecerles a tus clientes una experiencia distinta (y deliciosa) cada vez que te visitan. No dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros. !!! [email protected] Whats App: 55.2656.1371 Ofrecemos servicios para eventos ! No olvides darle like a nuestra web y enterarte de nuestras promociones y descuentos !!! www.facebook.com/RinconDulceArgentino síguenos en twitter en @RinconDulceArg Deposito en: Calle 2 num 23, Col 8 de Agosto. México DF. (agendar cita para retirar producto)
Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Optometrist, Ophthalmologist, Restaurant, Cafe, Candy Store