110 book-magazine-distributor Bots for messenger - ChatBottle

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Das SINNREICH Magazin mischt die Erkenntnis aus uraltem Wissen mit dem Zeitgeist unserer modernen Gesellschaft und spricht damit das neue unternehmerische Bewustsein an. SINNREICH wird gelesen von Menschen mit unternehmerischem Denken und Handeln, Interesse an “Spiritualität mit Bodenhaftung”, neuen Ideen und Produkten sowie Visionären und Abenteurern aus der deutschsprachigen Schweiz. Ihnen bieten wir Portraits, Interviews und Reportagen mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, praxisnahe und wertvolle Impulse zur Existenzgründung, Informationen zu Persönlichkeits- und Geschäftsentwicklung uvm. Neben richtigen Reiseperlen stellen wir auch Produkte und Dienstleistungen im Namen der Nachhaltigkeit vor und setzen uns für eine grüne Zukunft ein.

Book & Magazine Distributor, Academic Camp

Online Filings

Online Filings

We are committed to helping entrepreneurs and small business owners start and grow their business at an affordable price. Our mission is to educate to the entrepreneur and small business owner on the legal and regulatory requirements. We Published Corporate Magazine every week and its available for free on e mail subscription and if you want to get Live Corporate News on Whats App you just need to sent TAB to 9699627700. its simple and 100% FREE. We cover following topics on Corporate Magazine. Corporate News Human Resources News TAX News Start-Up Ideas Digital Marketing

Finance, Accessories, Entrepreneur, Mobile Phone Shop, Magazine, Book & Magazine Distributor

Publicidade Mais Fácil

Publicidade Mais Fácil

A Publicidade Mais fácil atuante no ramo de Web Sites desde 2010. Temos como principal objetivo, atender as necessidades de seus clientes, através da execução de serviços com perfeição, qualidade e pontualidade, com soluções práticas e econômicas para divulgar sua marca na internet.

Advertising Agency, Information Technology Company, Book & Magazine Distributor

Vladimir Jones

Vladimir Jones

It’s Simple. It’s clear. It’s immediately felt. In your heart. In your mind. On your balance sheet. Good or bad, the truth of your brand is the truth of your customers and the culture in which they interact. To identify the truth takes insight, creativity, engagement, guts and metrics. Like all things worth finding, we pursue the truth with ravenous persistence. Once found, it is power. The power to connect. To influence. To inform. To humor. Incite. Engage. Convert. Like your mother always said, tell the truth and good things happen. Founded in 1970 as PRACO, VJ offers more than 40 years of success across advertising, marketing and communications. We exist to bring opportunity to life for our clients. We deliver on this promise through a different approach to the client-agency relationship, one that is focused on insight and strategies that drive results. We don’t rest until we are successful. We work smarter. We work harder. We are VJ!

Manychat, Shopping & Retail, Arts & Entertainment, Book & Magazine Distributor, Advertising Agency

Warsaw Media House

Warsaw Media House

Warsaw Media House - buzz marketing, kampanie wsparcia sprzedaży, employer branding

Advertising Agency, Printing Service, Book & Magazine Distributor

Revista Logisticapy

Revista Logisticapy

El mundo de los negocios y los intercambios comerciales, nos mueven a mostrar las opciones que ofrece este país, ante los ojos de los lectores, con la visión y misión de abrir mercados donde llevar los resultados de la producción y la industria, fruto de las ideas que respondan a las demandas alimentarias de una notable explosión demográfica mundial.

Book & Magazine Distributor, Business Service, Advertising Agency

Evoke Strategy LLC

Evoke Strategy LLC

Evoke Strategy LLC is your marketing department. We'll work as part of your team to develop a marketing strategy that works for your business, and then implement that strategy to achieve your goals. We're a full service marketing firm for local businesses run by a team that understands the challenges and rewards of business ownership. We offer strategic planning, digital marketing, lead generation, content marketing, social media management, messaging, media relations, SEO, PPC and more. Our founders bring together their backgrounds of traditional PR/communications, online marketing and entrepreneurship to create strategic plans that are doable and effective for the local business owner.

Company, Bookstore, Computer Company, Book & Magazine Distributor, Advertising Agency, Public Relations Agency, Marketing Consultant

Cuponya allsales

Cuponya allsales

GRATIS premios GRATIS regalos GRATIS cupones solo aqui ECUADOR

Personal Blog, Digital/Online Marketing Agency, Religious Bookstore, Book & Magazine Distributor, Advertising/Marketing, Computer Company

وراء كـــــــل صـــــــورة حكـــايـــــة

وراء كـــــــل صـــــــورة حكـــايـــــة

�نافـــــدتك نحوا عالــــــم مليـــــئ بالعلـــــــــــم و المعـــــــــــرفة�

Book & Magazine Distributor, Art

ماڵیک بۆ تەکنۆلۆژیا

ماڵیک بۆ تەکنۆلۆژیا

بۆ چارەسەری سەرجەم کێشەکانی کۆمپیتەر و مۆبایل و ئینتەرنێت

Artist, Book & Magazine Distributor

মনের কথা

মনের কথা

☞ আপনাদের মনের কথাগুলো লিখে পাঠান পেজের ইনবক্সে। আমরা তা পৌছে দিবো হাজারো মানুষের কাছে ।

Arts & Crafts Store, Book & Magazine Distributor

Sad Truth

Sad Truth

-Join Us We Will Provide U Bext Poetriex.!! <3

Arts & Entertainment, Book & Magazine Distributor, Shopping & Retail

City on a Hill

City on a Hill

WE FIND INSPIRATION IN GOD'S WORD. God tells amazing stories. The Bible is overflowing with heroes, romance, action and comedy. The Bible challenges and transforms. Stories inspired from it should do the same. WE CREATE MODERN STORIES THAT TELL GOD'S TIMELESS TRUTH. By uniting beautiful and moving film with reliable and straightforward biblical teaching, we help today’s media-oriented culture EXPERIENCE TRUTH in the language they best understand. WE SPEAK HIS TRUTH, EVEN WHEN IT'S MESSY. We paint a picture of real life: the beauty, the pain, the falls, and the recovery – we show how God redeems everything. And we want to equip you, so you can too.

Manychat, Shopping & Retail, Arts & Entertainment, Book & Magazine Distributor, Religious Organization, Broadcasting & Media Production Company, Organization

Truth Bearers

Truth Bearers

When I speak of being kept in the truth. That's exactly what this page is about. Often we are led astray by our own way of thinking. We deceive ourselves, but the truth though painful has to be told so that we can heal and then help others....The Truth shall set you free...The truth of God's word, your life, actions, beliefs..Let's change our thinking by renewing it in the word of God!

Manychat, Shopping & Retail, Arts & Entertainment, Book & Magazine Distributor



Official Facebook Page of Sudoku magazine. This is first bangla sudoku magazine. Contact number: 04475059431

Book & Magazine Distributor, Magazine, Arts & Entertainment

City on a Hill

City on a Hill

WE FIND INSPIRATION IN GOD'S WORD. God tells amazing stories. The Bible is overflowing with heroes, romance, action and comedy. The Bible challenges and transforms. Stories inspired from it should do the same. WE CREATE MODERN STORIES THAT TELL GOD'S TIMELESS TRUTH. By uniting beautiful and moving film with reliable and straightforward biblical teaching, we help today’s media-oriented culture EXPERIENCE TRUTH in the language they best understand. WE SPEAK HIS TRUTH, EVEN WHEN IT'S MESSY. We paint a picture of real life: the beauty, the pain, the falls, and the recovery – we show how God redeems everything. And we want to equip you, so you can too.

Manychat, Shopping & Retail, Arts & Entertainment, Book & Magazine Distributor, Broadcasting & Media Production Company, Organization

Maciel Livros Usados e Novos

Maciel Livros Usados e Novos

A Maciel Livros foi desenvolvido por profissionais que trabalham com livros desde 1991 com o objetivo de atender às necessidades do mercado de livros...

Arts & Entertainment, Community, Book Series, Entertainment Website, Bookstore, Book & Magazine Distributor



I transform people to become even more unstoppable while I am teaching them how to write a Book in 3 days!

Author, Writer, Book & Magazine Distributor

Les Nouvelles Esthétiques Spa - Congrès d'Esthétique & Spa

Les Nouvelles Esthétiques Spa - Congrès d'Esthétique & Spa

1/ Le plus beau des magazines Les Nouvelles Esthétiques est le magazine de référence des secteurs de la beauté et du spa. Depuis plus de 60 ans, tous les mois, Les Nouvelles Esthétiques informe, défend et fait avancer l'ensemble des professionnels de l'esthétique et du bien-être. Et le magazine ne cesse de se renouveler ! En 2015, une nouvelle maquette et le supplément 'Spa de Beauté', déjà incontournable tant pour les spa managers que pour les instituts souhaitant évoluer vers le spa, venaient encore embellir et compléter le magazine. Les Nouvelles Esthétiques, ce sont chaque mois 200 pages sur : - Les techniques de massage - Le maquillage - La peau - Le bio - La vente - La gestion - Les ongles - La vie professionnelle - La vie des spas - Les brèves - Les meilleurs soins institut - Les nouveautés - Les actualités parfumerie - Les conseils juridiques et marketing - Les appareils - Les grands dossiers - Le congrès Sans oublier les petites annonces, la bibliothèque, la vidéothèque... Leader incontesté de la presse professionnelle en France, Les Nouvelles Esthétiques Spa sont également publiées dans près de 20 pays : Afrique du Sud, Baltique, Brésil, Canada, Chine, Espagne, Etats-Unis, Grèce, Honk-Kong, Israël, Italie, Japon, Pologne, République Tchèque, Roumanie, Russie, Slovaquie, Taïwan, Ukraine... Site Internet : www.nouvelles-esthetiques.com 2/ Le plus grand des congrès Les Nouvelles Esthétiques Spa organisent depuis presque un demi-siècle le Congrès International d'Esthétique Appliquée. Rassemblant chaque année à Paris plus de 25 000 participants et 250 exposants, le Congrès est le plus important événement dédié aux secteurs de l’esthétique, du bien-être et du spa. L’ensemble des professionnels du spa, de la beauté, des cosmétiques, du maquillage et des ongles s’y retrouve dans une ambiance à la fois studieuse et conviviale pour s’informer, échanger, saisir les tendances, les évolutions du marché, créer ou renouveler ses relations commerciales. La 47ème édition du Congrès International d’Esthétique & Spa se tiendra du 1er au 3 avril 2017 à Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Hall 5. Les inscriptions Visiteurs seront ouvertes à partir du mois de décembre. Le programme des conférences, ateliers et concours, ainsi que la liste des Exposants seront publiés sur le site Internet du Congrès à partir de la fin d'année, et feront l'objet de mises à jour hebdomadaires jusqu'au mois de mars. Site Internet : www.congres-esthetique-spa.com

Cosmetics Store, Magazine, Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Book & Magazine Distributor



Empresa Atuando no mercado de comunicação desde 1994, a RAP Panfletagem Promocional acumula experiência e conhecimento na logística de distribuição de impressos porta-a-porta, sempre de acordo com as legislações vigentes. Conheça alguns diferenciais da RAP • Delimitação de setores de distribuição para controle de rotas, fiscalização e apresentação de resultados, garantindo que o material promocional chegue às mãos do consumidor com qualidade e eficiência. • Execução da distribuição por profissionais registrados, qualificados e uniformizados • Equipes treinadas e supervisionadas, idealmente munidas de equipamento de controle de rota, que facilitam a exatidão da entrega na área demarcada pelo cliente • Assessoria de logística com estatísticas quantitativas por bairro, para lhe auxiliar a decidir a quantidade de folhetos para a área demarcada e sugerir locais de entrega • Abordagem seletiva, de acordo com o perfil de público-alvo definido.

Beauty/Cosmetics Company, Foodservice Distributor, Beauty Supplier, Food Wholesaler, Local Service, Book & Magazine Distributor