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What is MealFit? MealFit is monthly meal-planning that includes menus that are built upon paleo, primal and southern-style cooking. A basic principle of these recipes is that when you limit your high glycemic carbohydrates and use low-glycemic carbohydrates and fat as your energy sources, you will perform, look and feel better. MealFit is also for people who are busy, which seems to be everyone in our society today.

We plan the menu for breakfast, snacks and dinner. Lunches are also included because you are using your leftovers from the previous night’s dinner, therefore saving money. We give you an entire grocery list with quantities for everything you will need for the upcoming week’s recipes, which gives you healthy recipes while also saving you precious time. You will receive five dinner meals/recipes per week. We include some crockpot meals that you start in the morning and are ready when you get home. Also included are breakfast and snack ideas for the week, with one easy recipe per week of each. We have also recently added ZONE diet measurements to all meal plans to better assist our customers in achieving their fitness goals.

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