
LittleGuardianBot - best group antispam and antiporn bot

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Super fast bot for managing groups. See for more info

Main functions:

  • greeting new members
  • filter invitation links spam
  • filter non-english languages
  • filter out spam with porn images and videos
  • ban other bots from the group and people who invite them
  • delete text messages from voice only groups
  • scan uploaded files for viruses
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/commands	 	List of available commands
/version	 	Version of the bot and link to statistics
/settings	 	Current settings for the group
/set languages	on off	Filter non-English languages
/set otherbots	on off	Ban other bots from entering group
    /set voicetotext	on off	Transcription of voice messages
/set chatbot	on off	Entertainment chat bot feature
/set profanity	on off	Set profanity filter
/set noinvites	on off	Checks for invitation links
/set greetings	on off	Greet new members
/set greeting_text	text	Set greeting for your group to custom one
/set pornfilter	on off	Check images for 18+
/set violencefilter	on off	Check images for violence, gore etc.
/set invitedspammer	on off	Ban people inviting spammers and spambots
/set anonymoususers	on off	Delete message from anonymous users
/set notext	on off	Remove all text messages. Allow voice only
/set stayquiet	on off	Limits messages sent by bot to minimum
/set mutenew	on off	Mutes new members for 24 hours
/set link	group link	Set group link
/set use_language	language	Set bot language for the group
/set limit_*	minutes	Set specific limit value