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Thanks for stopping by the ultimate fan page for those of you who love Lake George NY and the southern Adirondack Mountains Region of Upstate NY. We encourage you to post questions, share your experiences, interact with other fans, comments, pictures as an enthusiast of the Lake George Region. We love hearing from fans of the area! does not endorse or take responsibility for the accuracy of information, opinions, advice or claims by fans of the Lake George page. We also reserve the right to monitor content and remove posts and/or comments.

By submitting a photo to our Facebook Page, you agree to the following:

You are the sole author of the photograph and control all rights for its use. The photograph is original and you have the rights to grant usage of the photograph. To the best of your knowledge, the photograph's creation, publication and use shall not infringe any copyright, right of privacy or right of publicity, or infringe or violate any right of any third party. If you are a professional photographer, please note this when sharing your photo so we can give you proper credit. We reserve the right to use photos that are shared, uploaded and posted to our wall.

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