1,650 lifestyle Bots for kik - ChatBottle

Total matching bots: 1,650

Born Smart

Born Smart

BORN SMART believes that Parenting is not about bringing up children, it is about raising kids. BORN SMART is truly a global parenting initiative that is created by early childhood and parenting experts from New Zealand, USA, UK-Wales and India. BORN SMART is also the world’s first video based parenting website that offers a parent an insight and understanding into how a baby’s brain develops and what can parents do to help nurture and stimulate that growth. BORN SMART gives the advantage of the latest brain research findings for a parent to understand the all round growth needs of the growing child from birth to 36 months. After all the first 1000 days are the most important in shaping the personality, the intelligence and the learning style of children. BORN SMART helps parents spend time with their kids in developmentally appropriate interactions that will have a positive impact on the baby’s social, emotional, language, physical and cognitive development. BORN SMART takes the best from early childhood theories and includes it in small five minute interactions that parents can have with their kids and thus give the right care, nurturing and stimulation for young kids. BORN SMART helps parents understand the needs of brain development and helps them create environments at home that will prove to be enriching experiences for their child to be nurtured in.

Health, Lifestyle, Accessories, Gift Shop

Byun Baekhyun - Chatbot

Byun Baekhyun - Chatbot

This is a chatbot for fun ONLY. You can only pick the choices down below the message. You will only get a default message if you message other than the choices. Have fun with the chatbot! Thank you.

Education, Lifestyle, Fun, Translation, Artist, Actor

Local-Ad Ltd

Local-Ad Ltd

Local-Ad started delivering a printed business guide to residents of Maldon way back in 1998. Since then the Company has grown which now sees the Magazine delivered through doors and into shops throughout Essex. If you wanted to advertise your business, try putting an advert in the magazine and you could target one of our five areas which are: Maldon, Burnham, Witham, Tiptree, Chelmsford and all the surrounding villages. Our monthly publications have been finding work for local tradespeople for decades. We also provide an online business guide at http://www.local-ad.co.uk/directory/ where many local people can find a list of reliable tradespeople. Our web developers can also offer a personalised web design service that is responsive for smart phones and handheld devices. Not only can you view your website on your phone, you can also take pictures and change your content yourself (without the need to know any programming skills) from wherever you are so you can keep it up to date with current projects.

Food, Lifestyle, Recipes, Local Business, Advertising Agency, Web Designer



Pepper is your personal wellness friend that helps you understand the little things in life that make you happiest. Track how you feel, see what makes you happy, and understand how your feelings are affected by your sleep, habits, and wellness. Tell Pepper how you feel and get insights on what makes you happiest and how to improve wellness and happiness.

Ai, Lifestyle, Personal Assistant

Pepper bot

Pepper bot

Our platform promotes restaurants, bars, events and celebrities. Are you a business? Reach more customers Pepper bot guides users to bars, restaurants and events. Pepper uses artificial intelligence to recommend relevant places based on user location, time of day, user preferences and social media profile. Pepper focuses on brick and mortar restaurants and venues that need to have a digital presence to promote their business. Pepper distributes coupons, events and connects friends to go out. Learn more: Are you a celebrity? Reach your fans Pepper will promote your upcoming concerts, venues and will talk 1-1 with your fans. Fans can ask direct questions to your personal chatbot, he will know your upcoming tours all relevant information for your brand. http://joinpepper.com/

Lifestyle, Ai, Personal Assistant, Event

The Pepper Lounge

The Pepper Lounge

Built in 2002 and getting ready to celebrate their 15 YEAR Anniversary, The Pepper Lounge offers an experience like no other in downtown St. Louis. The only true retro lounge in St. Louis, The Pepper Lounge stays true to the lounge tradition of the 1950's, when lounges were warm, inviting, and full of life. The surroundings are warm and cozy with rich woods and warm color palate. As well, the outside patio at The Pepper Lounge is a fitting addition to the unique atmosphere created throughout the venue. Our nightlife entertainment is provided by some of the most talented DJ's in the world: Friday DJ Greasy (a local standout), Saturday nights DJ BIG D (a mid-west legend for the past 25 years), and Sunday nights or Sunday Skool hosted by DJ Deception - 2x ITF World Team Champion and Top 3 Redbull Thre3syle USA Finals We look forward to entertaining each and every customer that walks through our doors!

Lifestyle, Ai, Personal Assistant, Manychat, Dance & Night Club, Lounge, Bar & Grill

Get Your Fix Physical Therapy

Get Your Fix Physical Therapy

Certifications; CIMT (Certified Integrated Manual Therapist) FMT certified (Fascial Movement Therapy through RockTape) IMT/Dry Needling certified Graston trained SFMA certified (Selective Functional Movement Assessment) CrossFit Level 1 Coach

Lifestyle, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, College & University, Physical Therapist, Region

Redwood Family Therapy

Redwood Family Therapy

Redwood Family Therapy began with people in mind. The people who are in need of help, and the people that do the helping. And when it came to choosing the helpers – the therapists – only those who were quality people - healers - were chosen. Anyone can get a degree, many can get a license, but not everyone can be a true healer. Everyone who works at Redwood Family Therapy are healers. The person of the therapist is the most important. Their heart, their smile, their unique personal flavor. Add to that some experience, knowledge, and wisdom and you have someone who can walk with you side-by-side on your journey and can help you heal, grow, and thrive. This is who we are at Redwood Family Therapy. Redwood Family Therapy offers a variety of professional services for people of all ages. When you come to Redwood Family Therapy, you are not only working with a qualified and caring professional, you also get the collective experience of all our therapists. While you will work with your personal therapist, we all meet frequently as a team to discuss the needs of our clients and help with specific cases. This is part of what makes us unique and will ensure you get the best help for your specific needs.

Lifestyle, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, College & University, Mental Health Service



Jeges Tímea vagyok, reflexológus, természetgyógyász, 2 eleven kisfiú anyukája. A Belső Út és a jóga már akkor is foglalkoztatott,amikor média/marketing területen dolgoztam, de igazán a gyerekeim születése után ébredtem rá az egészséges életmód és a gyógyszermentes, természetes gyógymódok szükségességére és erejére. Hiszek a test intelligenciájában, abban, hogy megfelelő és szakértő külső impulzusokkal, segítséggel bárki képes beindítani magában az öngyógyító folyamatokat. Hiszek a megelőzésben, a helyes táplálkozásban, a mozgásban és a jókedvben. A talpmasszázs kezelések mellett craniosacralis terápiával, pránanadival, Schüssler arcdiagnosztikával foglalkozom. Várok mindenkit, aki szeretne újra harmóniába kerülni Önmagával, energikus és kiegyensúlyozott lenni vagy egyszerűen csak egy kis lazításra vágyik. A reflexológiáról bővebben: A reflexológia egy több ezer éves, holisztikus, természetes gyógymód, amely a test, leggyakrabban a talp reflexpontjainak kezelésén, nyomásán vagy masszírozásán alapul. A reflexterápia célja a szervezet öngyógyító képességének aktiválása, a szervezet természetes egyensúlyának helyreállítása, az energiapályák blokkjainak oldása. A reflexes kezelés harmonizálja a test működését, erősíti a szervezet immunválaszait, serkenti a vér- és nyirokkeringést, stimulálja a méregtelenítő, salaktalanító folyamatokat, szabályozza a belső elválasztású mirigyek működését, a hormonháztartást. Különösen ajánlott prevenció, rehabilitáció céljából, stresszes életmód és krónikus fáradság esetén vagy bármikor, amikor egy kis lazításra, kényeztetésre, testi-lelki felfrissülésre vágyunk. A reflexzóna terápia kiegészítő kezelésként javasolt: allergia, ekcéma, arthritis, asztma, krónikus nátha, fülfájás, mozgásszervi problémák, hátfájás, alacsony illetve magas vérnyomás, emésztőszervi és nőgyógyászati rendellenességek, álmatlanság, hormonális problémák ( PMS, pajzsmirigy, diabetes) esetén.

Social, Lifestyle, Manychat, Local Business, Alternative & Holistic Health Service

Hugo Hamel - Growth Marketer

Hugo Hamel - Growth Marketer

Intervention level: Acquisition - Onboarding (Retention) Specialities: • Tracking (Visitors Data) • Analytics & metrics oriented (Certified: Google Analytics) • Ads (Certified: Google Adwords) • Lead generation & landing page development (Certified: Inbound) • Marketing Automatisation & Customer Relationship Management (CRM) • Conversion Optimization & Experimentations (A/B Testing)

Lifestyle, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, College & University

Luxe Queen PH

Luxe Queen PH

Effective & Safe! Your health is our priority FDA Certified HALAL Certified ISO Certified Organic Products Free shipping w/in Philippines We ship worldwide

Lifestyle, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, College & University, Health/Beauty

Pyay Khaing

Pyay Khaing

Master Trainer for NLP Based Personal Mastery Program - Breakthrough to Success (B2S), Every Child is Special, Wealth Mastery, FOREX & Gold Trading, Certified John C Maxwell Trainer, Speaker & Coach Certified Hypnosis Trainer Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Trainer & Coach by American Board of NLP (ABNLP)

Lifestyle, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, College & University

Woodstock Massage Therapy

Woodstock Massage Therapy

Welcome to Woodstock Massage Therapy. We understand how pain can affect your life. We can help. In our modern society, chronic pain is more prevalent than ever. We believe that massage therapy is not simply an escape, it is a tool that can treat and prevent many conditions. We also believe that you, the patient, is an integral part of the treatment. We want to know why you chose to come to see us, and how you want to feel when you leave. Whether you are seeking massage therapy due to pain, to rehab an old injury, to alleviate the symptoms of chronic stress, or even just to escape for an hour, your therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that best suits your goals. Come in. Exhale. Leave better.

Lifestyle, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, College & University, Massage Therapist

Coach A

Coach A

Coach A is a certified LIFE COACH by Life Coach Training Institute based in San Diego, accredited by International Association of Certified Coaches (IACC) and also a member organization of International Coach Federation (ICF) & Certified Coaches Alliance.

Education, Lifestyle, Manychat, Record Label, Coach, Mental Health Service, Alternative & Holistic Health Service



There’s a healthcare epidemic in America. And it’s touched every person who’s ever gasped at a hospital surgery bill or winced at the pharmacy check-out. Treatment for musculoskeletal disorders (i.e., conditions of the joints and muscles) costs Americans $950 billion a year. Yes, that’s billion—with a B. We spend too much money treating what ails us—but why? Is it a product of the skyrocketing costs that plague the entire medical services industry? Is it because our doctors tell us we need expensive surgeries and prescription medications? Or is it because we simply don’t know there could be a better—and much less costly—solution to our pain problems? Nowadays, when you throw out your back, tweak your knee, twist your ankle, hurt your shoulder, or strain your neck, you turn to your primary care physician, get a prescription for pain pills, and maybe get better—or maybe not. If you’re really unlucky, you find yourself on an operating table. And no matter the outcome of your treatment, you’re socked with a lot of outrageous bills. This is the sad—but real—truth. And it needs to change. We must transform the way we seek health care, manage pain, and ultimately, get better. At GetPT, we believe physical therapy is the antidote to the spending epidemic that exists in the market for musculoskeletal pain treatment. Countless studies in recent years have highlighted the benefits and cost-effectiveness of physical therapy. Unfortunately, most of that research has failed to make the nightly news. It’s time that changed. Through GetPT, folks can learn about their own health and how physical therapy can help improve their lives.

Lifestyle, Manychat, Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Physical Therapist, Product/Service



Through the chatbot, car owners can quickly and easily secure a car repair estimate for 500+ services and book an appointment with a top-rated mechanic who will come to their home or office equipped with all parts and tools to complete all work. All appointments include a free 50-point inspection and service report. Services are backed by YourMechanic's 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty. Car owners can also access expert advice through the chatbot from experienced mechanics on more than 25,000 automotive topics, including illustrated do-it-yourself guides.

Appointments, Lifestyle

Try Out Glasses

Try Out Glasses

Find your perfect pair of frames Get personalized recommendations from hundreds of frames to get the glasses perfectly suited for you, quickly and conveniently.

Photo, Lifestyle, Fashion, Fashion & Style, AR

Try Out Glasses

Try Out Glasses

Find your perfect pair of frames Get personalized recommendations from hundreds of frames to get the glasses perfectly suited for you, quickly and conveniently.

Photo, Lifestyle, Fashion, Fashion & Style, AR

Try Out Glasses

Try Out Glasses

Find your perfect pair of frames Get personalized recommendations from hundreds of frames to get the glasses perfectly suited for you, quickly and conveniently.

Photo, Lifestyle, Fashion, Fashion & Style, AR

Try Out Glasses

Try Out Glasses

Find your perfect pair of frames Get personalized recommendations from hundreds of frames to get the glasses perfectly suited for you, quickly and conveniently.

Photo, Lifestyle, Fashion, Fashion & Style, AR