Kids Court
Kids: Take your naughty friends, siblings or parents to Kids Court and get a ruling!
When someone's being unfair or nasty, bring them to court and let Lexy judge!
Judge Lexy's verdicts are final and everyone has to obey!
Parents: No more she pushed me/he started it. Send them to Kids Court and let Judge Lexy decide.
While you rest, they will learn some basic facts about the US judicial system. They will learn to present their cases coherently and speak up for themselves. And when they don't listen to you, take them to court and watch THEM execute crazy verdicts!
Go to to:
*File for an appeal!
*Suggest new verdicts!
*Play the judge in other trials!
Thanks for playing! If you enjoyed Kids Court, please a moment to leave a 5 star review and tell your friends <3
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