Katie Joy The Global Butterfly
HI, I’m Katie Joy “The Global Butterfly” I’m here on this earth with a mission to remind you that your core essence is Light and Love…
I am an Intuitive Guide, a Self-Love Mentor, A Success Coach, and a Conscious Lifestyle Designer Biz Mentor (especially if you want to create a Location Independent business so you have have the freedom to create what you want, when you want, where you want to be.)
My goal is to help you experience more flow and alignment, more often than not, and to help you transform your life - your health, wealth, prosperity and spirt through love - so you can consciously create the life and biz you truly desire.
To “Design Your Life, Live Your Dreams,” experiencing love, joy and ease every single day.
I help women to uncover hidden limiting beliefs and install empowering beliefs through whole-brain balance, aligning your conscious, subconscious and higher self to be in authentic alignment and access your full potential.
I offer free and paid coaching through LIVE Online Programs, where you get access to me and experience my work and training, to help you get the results you are looking for.
I’ve been down every road you can imagine… I know how to get you from being unstuck - emotionally, mentally, physically, financially and spiritually, to seriously accelerated and manifesting an amazing life for yourself.
Ladies, come join our sacred circle at www.WomenWithWingsUnited.com to join our Facebook community of women on a mission to consciously create the life and biz they want, and who are willing to support you too.