
Joyce Fowler, Monat Market Partner

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I started this journey in August 2016, I decided to get involved with this business for 2 reasons really - 1.Because my husband had been struggling with psoriasis on his scalp for over a year and we literally tried everything to cure it and had no luck (anything from medication to scalp treatments you name it) It wasn't until we learned about monat that his scalp cleared up. 2. I run a esthetic salon from home, and was looking for something more to fill up my time but allow for the ability to still be available to my family when they need me. Not only that but I had done the corporate 9 to 5 for quiet some time and never felt like I fit in, I got told so often how much I was worth and was tired of being told I was undeserving. I decided to take matters into my own hands and be my own boss, it was the best decision I have ever made cause it allowed me learn who I am and really allow for myself to grow and be who I feel I deserve to be. Monat has literally changed my life.

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