
Jonlivia Singapore

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Since the beginning, the JONLIVIA’s mission has been simple… not only do we want to drive style into your fitness journey, we also want to turn it into a lifestyle that everyone can enjoy and feel great at the same time.

How do we do that? We create and design stylish high performance wear to ensure that you always look, feel and perform at your best.

Why do we do that? Innovation is our motivation. It drives us to source and implement cutting edge technologies into our fabrics, while staying true to our credo of being fashionable, trendy & stylish.

Other brands only look at weight loss; but for us, losing the kilos is just part of the experience. In this modern world, we believe that every individual deserves to look fabulously awesome with our JONLIVIA’s stylish active lifestyle wear – whether you are strolling in the park, sweating out in the gym, or out shopping with your buddies!

It’s all about Style.

It’s all about Performance.

It’s all about You.

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