Artbox - Nigerian Marketplace

#8,353 Facebook Messenger Global Rank

Our Free App

  • We bring buyers and sellers together with a large variety of options;

  • We have more than 600 000 ads for you to choose from;

  • We make your shopping personal and safe;

  • We give an opportunity for everyone to get what they want and need;

And what else? Oh, there is so much more!

As our buyer you can:

  • Buy anything you ever wanted for a decent price;

  • Search anything in a snap of fingers. We improve our search engine day to day, so you will find exactly what you need;

  • Give your seller a call right from the app - just press that «Show Contact» button and dial up!

  • Our app is lighter than air - only 3 MB at a light fast efficiency;

  • Photo scrolling in ads is now with a top notch quality!

And just like before, as our seller you can: Post a free ad and leave your number for people to call you;

  • Get max out of your sell: place it into the top or update it daily;

  • Manage your posted ads both in app and from desktop;

Get free calls from real people! Each user is registered, so no bots allowed! And as we mentioned above - we are highly obsessed with security - so let us know if you found anything wrong.

We will take care of anything that makes you unhappy.

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