
Jesus Is Your Personal Trainer

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Do you love your body?

Below are ten signs of people who hate their body. Check how many signs you got and discover whether you love or hate your body:

  1. Having thoughts about “feeling fat”
  2. Never feel good enough about your body
  3. Allowing your weight to determine how good you feel about yourself
  4. Attempting to elicit comments from others about how fat you are
  5. Sucking in your stomach in front of a mirror to see what it looks like
  6. Difficulty undressing in front of your spouse or other loved ones
  7. Comparing your own body to people on television, movies, and magazines
  8. Fear of gaining weight
  9. Making negative comments about your body to others
  10. Difficulty taking compliments from others about the way you look

So.. how many signs you got?

  • 1-3 signs: I love my body!

  • 4-6 signs: I'm not really confident with my body.

  • 7-10 signs: I hate my body.

(I got nine out of ten first time I tried…)

The decision to love or hate how your body look plays a big role in your attempt to lose weight. There are two kind of people who want to lose weight:

A) People who want to lose weight because they love their body


B) People who want to lose weight because they hate their body

If people love their body, their weight loss journey is most likely full of joy and free of stress. They able to see themself as a beautiful creation, and they will always be satisfied with the results.

If people hate their body, their weight-loss journey probably feels like carrying heavy burden. They often feel stressed about their weight, they always feel like they lack something, and they feel like the results are never enough.

That’s because loving yourself is the GREATEST KEY to long-term successful weight-loss transformation.

Ferrari vs Old Ugly Car

Imagine… If someone gives you an expensive Ferrari that you really loved. You would automatically treat that Ferrari very well with a joyful heart. Everyday you would wash that car, wipe dust from it, and makes sure it always looks clean and shiny. You would avoid passing through bumpy roads, make sure nothing hits your car, and drive it safely. Even if no law forced you to do so, you would still treat your car very well because you loved the Ferrari. You treat The Ferrari that well, because you LOVE IT!

Now imagine.. If someone gave you an old, ugly car that you hated, you would probably become lazy in how you treated the car. Even if the law mandated you to take care of the car, you would be so unmotivated that you would probably ignore the law. You would still take care of the car, but just for the sake of keeping the law, not because you love the car. Why you treat that old ugly car that bad? Because you HATE IT!

How about you? Do you see your body as The Ferrari or as an old ugly car? The fact is you are more than a Ferrari. You are God’s Masterpiece!

My story:

I used to hate how my body looks like, had terrible negative body image, fear of getting fat, try to please everyone, strive for acceptance, jealous of others, never feel good enough, have unrealistic expectation, and zero self-esteem. It’s very difficult for me to move forward toward my weight-loss goal if my spirit is weary and burdened. It’s like running and carrying a five-hundred-pound weight on my back! How can I possibly run quickly if I’m carrying five hundred pounds on my back? Even one step forward would be very difficult.

“let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”

Hebrews 12:1

In Hebrews 12:1, the Bible tell us to lay aside every weight and sin that slows us down so that we can run with endurance the race set out for us. As long as I carried those unimportant weights, I easily became stressed and tired; I had no strength to “run the race,” and weight loss was so much more difficult. No matter how hard I tried, it will end up with failure and dissatisfaction.

Everything start to change when I invite Jesus to be my PERSONAL TRAINER.

“Wait… Can Jesus be my personal trainer?”

“Are you serious?”

I used to think that Jesus doesn’t care about my weight and that he is not interested to help me because it isn’t a “religious” thing. Yet, this is a lie. The truth is, If we have not workout together with Jesus, we just missed the greatest training session with the best personal trainer in this world! Here’s why:

Reason 1: Jesus is the master of all things.

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.” (Emphasis mine)

Romans 11:36 (NIV)

Jesus is the master of all things. All things means all things – that’s include how to lose weight!

Reason 2: Jesus wants to be your personal trainer.

“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Emphasis mine)

Romans 8:32

If Jesus is willing to die for us, what makes us think that he is not willing to be our personal trainer?

Reason 3: You cannot do it alone!

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (Emphasis mine)

John 15:5

Sometimes, the will alone is not enough. We need the power of God!

Reason 4: You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!

“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”

1 Corinthians 15:10

YOU (0 percent) + GOD (100 percent) = VICTORY

You will be able to conquer your weight-loss journey—yet not you, but the grace of God that is with you.

Reason 5: Jesus loves you unconditionally.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16

If you are perfect and you never sin, then Jesus did not need to come to the earth and be crucified to wash away our sins.

Those are the 5 reasons why Jesus is our best personal trainer ever!

In training with Jesus, I realized out that..

Losing weight by following God’s way is much better option than following World’s Way.

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