
Hope for Realyn

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Realyn was born on 3/4/15, we shortly found out after birth that her poor little heart had a hole in it and a valve that was to small. her first open heart surgery was on May 26, and we were told that it went well, but she went back to the O.R. around 9 pm the same day to have another surgery on her heart, the first surgery was to put shunts in her pulmonary valve, and the second was to explore originally, but turned into having to close the hole in her heart. One in a half weeks later she was moved to her own room and seem to be doing great she was sucking from her bottle but then on June 10th all of a sudden she went into cardiac arrest and they had to do CPR on her for 1 hour they found out that she was having internal bleeding because the hole in her heart was not closed all the way so they had to re-open her chest to fix it. But when she went into cardiac arrest something went all wrong she had a sever brain bleed that has left her with severe brain damage due to a lack of oxygen to her brain (the doctors said it is because she had an hour of CPR, and that is what caused the brain damage. We do not believe this theory.) She was on a heart lung machine (ecomo machine) for 1 week was removed on June 21st. She has been improving but the doctors also do not expect her to live for very long, she has been off her breathing tube since Saturday, June 27, and they said she could live anywhere from 15 minutes to several days, they could not predict how long it would take. She is slowly moving her head and opens her eyes on her own, she also looks around the room, however she dose not blink but she does look for you. Now, we are talking about feeding tubes, hospice, and going home in the next few days. (The doctors have said that she can go home as early as the end of this week.) We have decided to move her to the hospital floor to see how she does for the next couple of weeks.
Now we are talking about long term things for her: what they expect is very little movement and no reactions from her due to the brain damage. We will post updates as soon as we get a chance. Thank you for your support in this and please donate to our go fund me if you can. The money will go towards our bills/food and travel to see her.

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