Hong Kong Movie 香港電影

Hong Kong Movie 香港電影是全港首個提供電影資訊的手機應用程式。這個擁有超過 200 萬下載率、 iOS 和 Android生活風格(免費)類別排名前十位的應用程式,不單將您的 iPhone 或 Android 智能手機變成移動電影售票處,同時亦讓您置身於香港其中一個最大的電影社群。每日有過萬用戶透過 Hong Kong Movie 香港電影進行即時購票和瀏覽最全面的電影資訊,包括超過 40 間戲院的資料、最新電影介紹、電影評論、放映時間和各場電影實時銷售情況等。

iPhone, iPod and iPad http://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/hong-kong-movie-xiang-gang/id303206353?mt=8

Android https://market.android.com/details?id=gt.farm.hkmovies&hl=zh_TW&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=page

Hong Kong Movie is the first movie mobile app in Hong Kong. It has reached over 2,000,000 downloads and it ranks top 10 in the lifestyle (free) category of mobile app on both iOS and Android platforms. We not only turn your iPhone or Android smartphone into a mobile box office but also introduce you to one of the largest movie communities in Hong Kong. With over ten thousands of daily users, this award-winning app allows movie goers to buy movie tickets and browse the most comprehensive movie information including details of over 40 cinemas, movie synopsis, movie reviews and sharing, show time schedules as well as real-time seating plan update.

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Hong Kong Movie 香港電影