Homeschool Global

Homeschool Global (formerly TMA Homeschool) is a Christian organization focused on providing comprehensive homeschool services. Currently on its 17th year, it serves over a thousand students across 21 different countries, from Pre-school through High School.

Homeschool Global clusters its services into three Core Programs: Learn, Connect, and Shine. These services help create the best learning environment for your children.

The Learn Program is the academic program of Homeschool Global. Each family is assigned of an Academic Advisor (AA) or Family Advisor (FA), who will guide them through their school year. Reinforcing the service of an FA is an Academic Advisor who will ensure that their work is academically sound. Together, they assess the child's performance, and train parents on how to be an effective parent-teacher.

The Connect Program helps get families to dynamically interact with one another, through small groups called Learn Groups consisting of families in similar locations or life stages. By connecting these families, homeschoolers can exchange ideas and best practices, encourage and support each other, and even allow friendships to be formed among the children.

The Shine Program consists primarily of events and activities that bring the bigger Homeschool Global community together, allowing the showcase of talents and skills, and the celebration of milestones of the families.

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Homeschool Global